20 research outputs found

    Жанр-обещание: послание в поэзии росского зарубежья 1920-1930-х годов

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    Статья посвящена судьбе лирического послания в поэзии росского зарубежья 1920-х - 1930-х годов. Предложена концепция послания как обобщающего жанра, жанра-обещания, выразившего чаяния росской эмиграции "первой волны". В статье анализируются послания В. Набокова, К. Бальмонта, В. Ходасевича, Дон-Аминадо, М. Цветаевой.Стаття присвячена долі ліричного послання в поезії російського зарубіжжя 1920-х - 1930-х рр. Запропоновано концепцію послання як узагальнюючого жанру, жанру-обіцянки, що втілював сподівання російської еміграції "першої хвилі". У статті аналізуються посилання В. Набокова, К. Бальмонта, В. Ходасевича, Дон-Амінадо, М. Цветаєвой

    Hidden Signposts: The Normative Framework of the EU E-Customs Initiative

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    Inuit and Subjects in EU law

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    Vortrag auf der ICON Konferenz 2017 in Kopenhagen zur Konstruktion des EU Rechtssubjekts anhand der Inuit Rechtsprechung des EuG

    How to be popular when no-one cares? Administrative Rule-Making as crisis response

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    Managing Choice: a close look at the differentiation of delegated and implementing acts

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    E-Government in the EU’s Multilayered System

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    Vortrag gehalten auf der CES Konferenz 2017 in Glasgow zum e-government in der europäischen Zollunion

    Searching for Order. Exploring the use of delegated and implementing acts in the EU customs code

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    Artikel über Unterschiede in der gesetzgeberischen Ermächtigung der Kommission unter Art. 290 AEUV gegenüber Art. 291 AEUV anhand des EU Zollkode. Der Artikel findet empirische Unterschiede insofern als Art. 290 AEUV für die Ermächtigung der Festsetzung von 'Bedingungen' verwendet wird, und Art. 291 AEUV für die Ermächtigung zur Festsetzung von Verfahrensregeln

    The Legislative Choice between Delegated and Implementing Acts in EU Law

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    Loyalty in EU Law

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    EU administrative law scholarship and practice remain confused about the reach and interrelation of arts 290 and 291 TFEU, which created the categories of delegated and implementing Commission acts. The introduction of these two different instruments of executive rule-making by the Lisbon Treaty has prompted attempts in delineating them, based on constitutional theories of separation of powers or functional differentiation. These attempts have failed to a large extent, all the more since the CJEU’s relevant case law has not been helpful in constructing a proper distinction. Today, recourse to arts 290 and 291 TFEU by the legislator takes place in the tension created between the fact that the Treaties, informed by an abstract constitutional distinction between legislation and execution, appear to have created categorically different acts, and the fact that delegated and implementing rule-making procedures in practice have become increasingly similar to each other. In simplified terms, the problem is that delegated and implementing acts appear – in terms of their foundation in primary law – as fundamentally different acts that are, however, adopted in practice through similar procedures, at the same time as their content and legal effects are indistinguishable in many or even in most cases. Yet, if we accept that the creation of two forms of Commission acts was prompted by some form of legal necessity or legitimate political will, then understanding the difference between delegating and implementing acts remains paramount