5 research outputs found
Regression models of schizophrenia impact.
Regression weights for predictors of post-manipulation cortisol, negative mood, and vigor.
<p>MHLC = Multidimensional Health Locus of Control; POMS = Profile of Mood States; SCQ = Stigma Consciousness Questionnaire.</p>a<p>The baseline value of the corresponding outcome variable.</p>*<p><i>p</i><.05.</p>***<p><i>p</i><.001.</p
Subjective and objective measures of distress at baseline and post-manipulation.
a<p>For cortisol, <i>n</i> = 37, 33, 30, and 37, for the four groups, respectively.</p
Impact and accuracy ratings obtained in Study 1.
<p>Left panel. Mean item rating for anticipated adverse impact of news of risk about schizophrenia (Scz), depression (Dep), cancer (Can), and diabetes (Dia). Right panel. Mean ratings of the perceived accuracy of psychological and biological screening for the four disorders. All error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.</p
Regression models of retrospective impact.