2 research outputs found

    Data_Sheet_1_Brain cell-specific origin of circulating microRNA biomarkers in experimental temporal lobe epilepsy.PDF

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    The diagnosis of epilepsy is complex and challenging and would benefit from the availability of molecular biomarkers, ideally measurable in a biofluid such as blood. Experimental and human epilepsy are associated with altered brain and blood levels of various microRNAs (miRNAs). Evidence is lacking, however, as to whether any of the circulating pool of miRNAs originates from the brain. To explore the link between circulating miRNAs and the pathophysiology of epilepsy, we first sequenced argonaute 2 (Ago2)-bound miRNAs in plasma samples collected from mice subject to status epilepticus induced by intraamygdala microinjection of kainic acid. This identified time-dependent changes in plasma levels of miRNAs with known neuronal and microglial-cell origins. To explore whether the circulating miRNAs had originated from the brain, we generated mice expressing FLAG-Ago2 in neurons or microglia using tamoxifen-inducible Thy1 or Cx3cr1 promoters, respectively. FLAG immunoprecipitates from the plasma of these mice after seizures contained miRNAs, including let-7i-5p and miR-19b-3p. Taken together, these studies confirm that a portion of the circulating pool of miRNAs in experimental epilepsy originates from the brain, increasing support for miRNAs as mechanistic biomarkers of epilepsy.</p

    Genome-wide microRNA profiling of plasma from three different animal models identifies biomarkers of temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Epilepsy diagnosis is complex, requires a team of specialists and relies on in-depth patient and family history, MRI-imaging and EEG monitoring. There is therefore an unmet clinical need for a non-invasive, molecular-based, biomarker to either predict the development of epilepsy or diagnose a patient with epilepsy who may not have had a witnessed seizure. Recent studies have demonstrated a role for microRNAs in the pathogenesis of epilepsy. MicroRNAs are short non-coding RNA molecules which negatively regulate gene expression, exerting profound influence on target pathways and cellular processes. The presence of microRNAs in biofluids, ease of detection, resistance to degradation and functional role in epilepsy render them excellent candidate biomarkers. Here we performed the first multi-model, genome-wide profiling of plasma microRNAs during epileptogenesis and in chronic temporal lobe epilepsy animals. From video-EEG monitored rats and mice we serially sampled blood samples and identified a set of dysregulated microRNAs comprising increased miR-93-5p, miR-142-5p, miR-182-5p, miR-199a-3p and decreased miR-574-3p during one or both phases. Validation studies found miR-93-5p, miR-199a-3p and miR-574-3p were also dysregulated in plasma from patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy. Treatment of mice with common anti-epileptic drugs did not alter the expression levels of any of the five miRNAs identified, however administration of an anti-epileptogenic microRNA treatment prevented dysregulation of several of these miRNAs. The miRNAs were detected within the Argonuate2-RISC complex from both neurons and microglia indicating these miRNA biomarker candidates can likely be traced back to specific brain cell types. The current studies identify additional circulating microRNA biomarkers of experimental and human epilepsy which may support diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy via a quick, cost-effective rapid molecular-based test