6 research outputs found

    Clinical characteristics of the study group.

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    <p><sup></sup> AITD: autoimmune thyroid disorders. TPOAb: antibodies against thyroperoxidase. The data were obtained from questionnaires filled by the participating women.</p

    MBL levels in pregnant women with and without autoimmune thyroid disorders.

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    <p>Overall, 103 women tested positively in a screening for AITD performed between the 9<sup>th</sup> and 12<sup>th</sup> gestational weeks (grouped together in the left column). They were found to be positive for TPOAb in 86 cases (of these, 12 had TSH elevation, 6 had TSH suppression; the rest was euthyroid). Of the 17 TPOAb-negative ones, 10 had TSH elevation and 7 had TSH suppression. Eighty women were negative for both parameters (right column). Horizontal bars represent median values of serum MBL.</p

    Prevalence of atopy, asthma and allergy with regard to MBL status.

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    <p>–1000 ng/ml; high: >1000 ng/ml. MBL2 genotypes represent the allelic variations associated with low, intermediate or high MBL levels.<sup></sup> Statistical analysis was performed using the Chi-square test. Serum MBL levels are regarded as low if they are <100 ng/ml; intermediate: 100</p

    Serum levels of MBL and thyroid parameters in pregnant women screened for autoimmune thyroid disorders in the 9-12<sup>th</sup> gestational wks.

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    <p><sup>*</sup>(p<0.05), <sup>**</sup>(p<0.01), <sup>***</sup>(p<0.001) (Mann Whitney test). Positivity in screening: TSH<0.06 or >3.67 mIU/l and/or TPOAb>143 kU/l. TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone; FT4: free thyroxine; TPOAb: antibodies against thyroperoxidase.<sup></sup> All 212 women included provided a blood sample for MBL analysis after delivery. In 103women, MBL could also be measured in a sample frozen at screening in pregnancy, which summed up to 96 pairs (pregnancy vs. follow-up). Statistical significances of comparison between values in positively vs. negatively screened women are marked by </p

    Additional file 1: of Prognostic value of anti-CRP antibodies in lupus nephritis in long-term follow-up

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    is a table presenting baseline characteristics and laboratory data of patients with newly diagnosed LN. Data presented as median (5th and 95th percentiles) or number (%), differences compared using the Mann–Whitney test unless otherwise stated. *Fisher Exact test. **Expressed as number (%) of patients with erytrocyturia above normal range. ***χ2, GFR expressed as clearance of creatinine. Anti-CRP-Ab anti-C-reactive protein antibodies, anti-C1q-Ab anti-C1q antibodies, GFR glomerular filtration rate, hsCRP high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, NS not significant, SLEDAI Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index. (XLS 17 kb