400 research outputs found

    Shelf life extension of minimally processed vegetables using combinations of bacterial bioprotection and modified atmosphere packaging

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    The objective of the work: to study the effect of combination of bacterial bioprotective cultures and modified atmosphere packaging for prolonging the refrigerated storage period of minimally processed vegetables. Sweet pepper, zucchini, eggplant, celery stalks were used for preparation of minimally processed vegetables. SafePro® bio-products from Chr. Hansen (Denmark) containing strains of Lactobacillus sakei, Pediococcus acidilactici, Lactobacillus сurvatus, Leuconostoc carnosum were used as bioconservatives. For packaging minimally processed vegetables, the bags made of flat multilayer PA/adhesive/PE films and composite PET/A1/PE film material were used. The bags were filled with gas mixtures including nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Storage of packaged minimally processed vegetables was carried out in a refrigerator at a temperature of (4 ± 2) °C for 16 days. The viability of cultures Lactobacillus sakei, Pediococcus acidilactici, Lactobacillus curvatus, Leuconostoc carnosum in modified atmosphere packaging was studied. It was revealed that the gas mixture of 60% nitrogen and 40% carbon dioxide and the culture of Lactobacillus sakei contribute to the preservation of the quality of fresh-cutsweet pepper, eggplant and zucchini, and Leuconostoc carnosum is the more effective for celery storing. In the process of refrigerated storage for 14 days, the solids content in the experimental samples increased 1.3–2.1 times, the loss of organic substances was 26–50%, depending on the type of vegetables. The developed technology for the refrigeration preservation of minimally processed vegetables using bio-products treatment and in modified atmosphere packaging made it possible to increase the shelf life of fresh-cut vegetables by 2 times

    Statistics of Neutron Stars at the Stage of Supersonic Propeller

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    We analyze the statistical distribution of neutron stars at the stage of a supersonic propeller. An important point of our analysis is allowance for the evolution of the angle of inclination of the magnetic axis to the spin axis of the neutron star for the boundary of the transition to the supersonic propeller stage for two models: the model with hindered particle escape from the stellar surface and the model with free particle escape. As a result, we have shown that a consistent allowance for the evolution of the inclination angle in the region of extinct radio pulsars for the two models leads to an increase in the total number of neutron stars at the supersonic propeller stage. This increase stems from he fact that when allowing for the evolution of the inclination angle χ\chi for neutron stars in the region of extinct radio pulsars and, hence, for the boundary of the transition to the propeller stage, this transition is possible at shorter spin periods (P~5-10 s) than assumed in the standard model.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures; scale corrected for figures 3-

    Ways to increase patient compliance in the drugs preferential provision

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    Compliance of patients in the drugs preferential provision is considered as the most important component of effectiveness and safety pharmacotherapy.Aim. Based on the study of patient compliance in the drugs preferential provision program to develop recommendations and proposals to improve adherence to treatment.Materials and methods. A sociological survey was conducted at 115 patients suffering from chronic diseases in four polyclinics in Vladivostok in 2019. All patients were treated under the «Program of Providing Certain Categories of Citizens with Necessary Drugs». The study used descriptive statistics methods using the Microsoft Office program.Results. The highest level of adherence was noted in the indicators «compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician for taking medicines» — 78.3 % and «absence of a pass in taking medicines» — 76.5 %. The greatest compliance to drugs treatment (< 50 %) on the majority of indicators of questioning is registered at patients with diagnoses: «diabetes mellitus», «bronchial asthma» and «malignant neoplasms», and also at co-morbid patients. The lowest adherence to pharmacotherapy (> 50 %) was in groups of patients with hypertension and chronic renal failure. Compliance in the field of non-drugs treatment is not sufficient.Conclusion. The sociological survey showed that adherence to medication and non-medication treatment is insufficient. To improve the compliance it is recommended the introduction of programs of patient education with use of modern interactive educational technologies

    Modification of the transmission spectrum of the ”semiconductor-dielectric” photonic crystal in an external magnetic field

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    In this paper, some features of electromagnetic transmission of the waves of ”semiconductor dielectric” periodic Bragg structure with a finite number of periods have been investigated. In the absence of absorption, for a structure with p-type semiconductor layers, we have analyzed the dependences on the external magnetic field of photon spectrum and transmission coefficient spectrum. It has been shown that with an increasing magnetic field, there is a significant narrowing of bandwidth and broadening of band gaps, as well as formation of new band gaps in the resonance region. The boundaries of all forbidden and allowed bands are shifted to higher frequencies with the increase of the angle of radiation incidence

    The Integrative Scale as an innovative method to increase the effectiveness of the Program for Providing Certain Categories of Citizens with Necessary Medicines

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    Evaluation of the effectiveness of Preferential Medicinal Providing is due to the need for rational pharmacotherapy for patients from certain categories of citizens. There are not enough technologies for such an assessment, which requires their creation and implementation.The purpose of the study. To develop the Integrative Scale for Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Program for Providing Certain Categories of Citizens with the Necessary Medicines on the model of the Far Eastern Federal District as an informative way to establish the effectiveness of the preferential segment of medicinal providing, to show the advantages of this Scale compared to other methods and to propose a set of measures to improve the effectiveness of the Program.Materials and methods. The results of the patient survey, compliance of the structure of purchased medicines with the regulatory framework and clinical recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation regulating Preferential Medicinal Providing were analyzed. The structure of the incidence of patients who were initially and repeatedly recognized as disabled.Results. Based on the analysis of compliance with the most important principles of medicinal providing, a technology for evaluating the effectiveness of the Program has been created that allows the participants of the Preferential Medicinal Providing, doctors, Health care organizers, specialists in the field of medicinal procurement, to carry out rational prescribing and purchase of medicines and it is advisable to allocate financial resources taking into account the priority of vital medicines.Conclusion. The Integrative Scale will contribute to improving the clinical and economic efficiency of the Program and will make a significant contribution to improving and maintenance the quality of life of patients receiving pharmacotherapy in the preferential segment, both at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation and at the level of the national system of Preferential Medicinal Providing

    The value of information service for the rational use of nootropics in preferential drug provision

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    The rational prescription of medicines with preferential drugs provision, including nootropics, which are widely used in patients receiving pharmacotherapy under the «Program for Providing Certain Categories of Citizens with Necessary Drugs», is possible only if modern evidence is available.Aim. Conduct information content of the «Database of Clinical Trials of Medicines» for relevant in preferential drugs provision: cerebrolysin there is no international non-proprietary name; piracetam; livestock cortex polypeptides; citicoline and create recommendations on the use of nootropics.Materials and methods. Search and analysis of the results of clinical trials, systematic Reviews and meta-analysis was carried out in the international databases PubMed, EMBASE, Cochrane Collaboration, followed by entering into the electronic resource «Database of Clinical Trials of Medicines» for nootropics.Results. Nootropics have a positive effect mainly on the studied «surrogate» outcomes (improving the clinical condition of patients), without significantly affecting clinical outcomes (reducing the number of adverse outcomes and mortality) in severe neurological pathology.Conclusion. Service «Database of Clinical Trials of Drugs» for use by healthcare professionals and recommendations on the use of nootropics can apply for rational drugs prescription in preferential drugs provision

    Efficacy and safety of various brimonidine formulations in the treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension

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    Purpose. To present data on the mechanism of action, efficacy, and side effects of various brimonidine dosage forms in the treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension.Material and methods. To perform the review, literature sources were searched through the PubMed and Scopus databases up to and including 2021, using the keywords «brimonidine», «efficacy», «safety», «glaucoma medication». A total of 36 articles related to the topic of the review were selected. The beginning of publications on this topic dates back to 1995.Results. Brimonidine, an alpha2-adrenoceptor agonist, effectively reduces intraocular pressure and can be used as monotherapy, adjuvant and replacement therapy. The effectiveness of brimonidine is similar to that of timolol and prevails over betaxolol but inferior to prostaglandin analogues. The new drug formulation brimonidine-purite 0.15% has a more favorable safety and tolerability profile than the original brimonidine 0.2% while maintaining similar efficacy. However, most patients require two or more hypotensive medications to maintain target IOP. In this context, brimonidine is one of the most appropriate drugs because of its pr oven efficacy when combined with other classes of hypotensive drugs.Conclusion. Brimonidine can be used as monotherapy for glaucoma and ophthalmic hypertension. Experimental and clinical studies have shown a potential neuroprotective effect of brimonidine, which is associated with a direct effect on retinal cells, regardless of the effect of the drug on intraocular pressure