2 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Table ST1. of Unity in defence: honeybee workers exhibit conserved molecular responses to diverse pathogens

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    List of 7,077 genes ordered by their rank product after the rank product analysis looking for up-regulated genes. Genes ordered from higher ranks (up-regulated) to lower ranks (non-regulated). Table ST2. List of 7,077 genes ordered by their rank product after the rank product analysis looking for down-regulated genes. Genes ordered from higher ranks (down-regulated) to lower ranks (non-regulated). Table ST3. List of 7,077 genes ordered by their rank product after the rank product analysis looking for differentially-regulated genes. Genes ordered from higher ranks (differentially-regulated) to lower ranks (non-regulated). Table ST4. List of 7,077 genes ordered by their rank product after the directed rank product analysis looking for up-regulated genes in abdominal tissue, after Nosema infection. Table ST5. List of 7,077 genes ordered by their rank product after the directed rank product analysis looking for down-regulated genes in abdominal tissue, after Nosema infection. Table ST6. Functional analysis (GO slim) based on top up-regulated genes in abdominal tissues (gut, fat body or all abdomen) upon infection by Nosema. Cut-off < 0.01 uncorrected p-value, genes from S4 Table. Table ST7. Functional analysis (GO slim) based on top down-regulated genes in abdominal tissues (gut, fat body or all abdomen) upon infection by Nosema. Cut-off < 0.01 uncorrected p-value, genes from S5 Table. Table ST8. List of 7,077 genes ordered by their rank product after the directed rank product analysis looking for up-regulated genes after RNA virus infection and Varroa infestation. Table ST9. List of 7,077 genes ordered by their rank product after the directed rank product analysis looking for down-regulated genes after RNA virus infection and Varroa infestation. Table ST10. Functional analysis (GO slim) based on top up-regulated genes upon infection by RNA virus and Varroa infestation. Cut-off < 0.01 uncorrected p-value, genes from S8 Table. Table ST11. Functional analysis (GO slim) based on top down-regulated genes upon infection by RNA virus and Varroa infestation. Cut-off < 0.01 uncorrected p-value, genes from S9 Table. Table ST12. List of the 209 highly connected (hub) genes with at least 34 inter-gene connections. Table ST13. List of genes involved in the immune gene network (Fig. 4C). Table ST14. List of immune genes used to construct the immune gene network (Fig. 4C). Table ST15. Experimental procedure and description of datasets. (XLSX 9947 kb

    Additional file 1: Figure S1-S9. of Unity in defence: honeybee workers exhibit conserved molecular responses to diverse pathogens

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    This file includes supplementary figures documenting our multidimensional scaling analysis results, a heat map of the differential expression of the 7,077 genes across the 19 datasets, a Venn diagram of differentially expressed genes, the expression profile of the gene coding for hymenoptaecin, the distribution of genes according to their number of inter-gene connections, the degree of connectivity of differentially expressed genes, the process of gene selection for this study, the distribution of genes’ differential expression across datasets, and a diagram illustrating our new bioinformatics approach. (PDF 683 kb