80 research outputs found

    Livet som Gaijin- En studie om hur utlandssvenska kvinnor ser pÄ sitt liv i Japan

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    The aim of this study was to examine how Swedish women who are living in Japan as expatriates experience their life by studying their social networks and the relationships they formed. By interviewing six Swedish women, using semi-structured interviews, it was possible to identify three major themes that seemed to have a major role in how the women viewed themselves and how they described their times as expatriates in Japan. First, none of the women felt that they had become part of the Japanese society, but rather highlighted how they now viewed themselves as part of an international community with a world-wide network. Second, the women all emphasized the importance that the different networks had played in their lives. Finally, two ways of viewing their lives as expatriate spouses emerged. For some women, it was a welcomed break that made it possible to spend more time with their family, do whatever they felt like doing, and a possibility to get to know themselves. For others, it felt like a loss of their professional identity, their sense of belonging to a group, and the differences between Japanese and Swedish cultures sometimes made life in Japan challenging

    Hinder och förutsÀttningar : Perspektiv pÄ vÄldsutsatta kvinnors skyddsbehov

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    Obstacles and prerequisites. A study about abused women’s need for protection The aim of this study is to explore discrepancies and dissonances in the protection for abused women. The study is conducted through analysis of six regulatory documents, four autobiographies and four group interviews with professionals within public sector and women’s shelters. By using a system based theory, the study shows that there are several obstacles and prerequisites that influence the protection for abused women. For example, how the professional treat the abused woman shows importance for her perception of the help perceived. Also, a “security thinking” for both staff and women is a prerequisite for giving protection as this might hinder the abuser from finding the woman. At the same time, the study highlight certain obstacles in society’s protection for abused women, for example the legal system which rather focus on physical violence than the effects of psychological violence

    Konfidensskattningar och informationstyp: redskap för att bedöma korrekthet i vittnesutsagor

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    Enligt tidigare forskning inom vittnespsykologi minns mÀnniskor handlingsrelaterad respektive deskriptiv information olika. De skattar ocksÄ olika grad av konfidens beroende pÄ informationstyp. Vidare visar forskning att konfidensskattningar hos ett vittne kan vara en viktig informationskÀlla vid korrekthetsbedömningar av de rapporterade minnena. Studier visar Àven att individer skiljer sig Ät gÀllande hur de vÀrderar och uttrycker grad av konfidens. Denna studie avser visa att det Àr möjligt att anvÀnda individuella konfidensskattningar för att avgöra om den tillhandahÄllna informationen Àr korrekt eller inte. Detta kan göras genom uppdelning av varje individs information i handlingsrelaterad respektive deskriptiv information. Sedan rÀknas ett medelvÀrde ut för konfidensen gÀllande respektive informationstyp. Individens medelvÀrde för varje informationstyp kan anvÀndas som en cut off-grÀns vid korrekthetsbedömningar. I föreliggande studie antas att information med konfidens skattad lika med eller högre Àn cut off-grÀnsen, sannolikt Àr korrekt. I studien inkluderades en kontrollgrupp (N=20) som förhördes av tvÄ polisstudenter samt en experimentgrupp (N=20) som förhördes av uppsatsförfattarna. Kontrollutredarna bedömde korrekthet pÄ gÀngse sÀtt medan experimentutredarna tillÀmpade nÀmnda metod. Resultatet visar att experimentutredarna uppmÀtte signifikant fler korrekta bedömningar Àn kontrollutredarna. Det visade ocksÄ att deltagarna mindes handlingsrelaterad information bÀttre Àn deskriptiv men att kontrollutredarna bedömde bÄda informationstyperna pÄ liknande sÀtt.According to previous research, people remember action details and descriptive details differently. They also express different level of confidence for different kinds of memory details. Moreover, research shows that confidence expressed by an eyewitness can be important information when evaluating the accuracy of memory reports. Research also shows that individuals differ in terms of how they evaluate and express their confidence. This thesis aims to demonstrate that it is possible to use individual confidence judgments to decide if the provided information is correct or incorrect. This can be achieved by dividing shared information into action details and descriptive details, along with calculating mean confidence for each type of information. This means confidence can be used as a base line of certainty for each individual. In this thesis it is assumed that the items with a confidence equal or higher than this base level of confidence are likely to be true. The thesis includes a control group (N = 20), which was interrogated by two police students, and an experimental group (N=20), which was questioned by the authors. The police students assessed the correctness in their usual manner and the thesis authors used the method mentioned above. The result shows that the experimental group measured significantly more accurate judgments than the control group. It also shows that participants recalled action details better than descriptive, although the police students judged the information types equally

    Survey regarding compost bedding systems for dairy cows in Sweden : how the management and ventilation affect the udder health

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    KompostbÀddar Àr ett inhysningssystem dÀr en stor yta med ströbÀdd kultiveras tvÄ gÄnger per dag. Genom att tillföra syre ner i bÀdden startar en vÀrmeavgivande, aerob komposteringsprocess dÀr organiskt material bryts ner av mikroorganismer. BÀdden strös vanligtvis med spÄn, vilket blandas med avföring och urin frÄn korna. Inhysningssystemet ger en hög djurvÀlfÀrd med god kokomfort dÀr korna har möjlighet att utföra sina naturliga beteenden. Syftet med studien Àr att fÄ ökad förstÄelse för hur kompostbÀddar fungerar och vad som krÀvs för att fÄ bÀdden att fungera i svenska förhÄllanden. Tre mjölkgÄrdar i Sverige med inhysningssystemet ingick i studien. Tidigare studier visar att E. coli, Klebsiella, Pyogenes och Streptokocker Àr vanliga bakterier i dessa system, vilket Àven denna studie bekrÀftar. Det gÄr inte generellt att sÀga att juverhÀlsan Àr bÀttre i kompostbÀddar jÀmfört med andra system, men det finns goda möjligheter till en bra juverhÀlsa om man sköter bÀdden vÀl. Studiens ventilationsberÀkningar samt analyser av bÀdden visar att tvÄ av stallen har en för lÄg ventilationskapacitet för att kunna ventilera bort den fukt som avges frÄn bÀdden. Rekommendationen Àr att dessa stall installerar flÀktar. Lyckas inte fukt föras bort frÄn bÀdden sÄ mÄste onödigt mycket strömaterial tillsÀttas för att fÄ upp ts-halten i bÀdden.Compost bedded pack barn are a housing system where the lying area is cultivated twice a day. By adding oxygen to the bed, a heat-releasing, aerobic composting process is initiated where organic material is broken down by microorganisms. The bed is usually distributed with wood shavings, which are mixed with feces and urine from the cows. The housing system provides a high level of animal welfare with good cow comfort, where the cows have the opportunity to perform their natural behaviors. The purpose of this study was to gain an increased understanding of how compost beds work and what is required to make it work in Swedish conditions. Three dairy farms in Sweden with the housing system were included in the study. Previous studies show that E. coli, Klebsiella, Pyogenes and Streptococci are common bacteria in these systems, which this study also confirms. You cannot in general say that the udder health in compost beds is better compared to other systems, but there are good opportunities for good udder health if you take good care of the bed. The study's ventilation calculations and analyzes of the bed show that two of the cow houses have a low ventilation capacity to be able to remove the moisture emitted from the compost bed. The recommendation is that these cow houses install fans. If moisture is not removed from the bed, an unnecessary amount of wood shavings must be added to increase the dry matter content in the bed

    Att övervinna det oövervinnerliga - en salutogen innehÄllsanalys av maskrosbarns uppvÀxtförhÄllanden

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    Authors: Elin Nordin and Ida Gustavsson Title: To defeat the invincible – a salutogenic content analysis of superkids’ upbringing Supervisor: Torbjörn Hjort Assessor: Elizabeth Martinell Barfoed The purpose of this paper is to examine and analyze three so called superkids’ upbringing with the assistance from a salutogenesis perspective. We intend to research what factors the children express as positive and important during their childhood, in order to reach the emotional aspects in their descriptions. We have been using a qualitative method; a case study in the shape of a content analysis of three autobiographies, to reach the personal experiences which the authors describe. We have used an inductive approach, in which we have focused on the manifest content of the text. We have primarily attempted to identify structures and developing themes, concepts and categories. We decided to limit our selection to autobiographies written by authors borned and raised in Sweden, to avoid societal differences in welfare systems. All three books are written by non-famous women. The factors which was found to be particularly important for the authors during their childhood, is social and emotional support from adults (including their own parents), breathing space, own constitutional strength and hopefulness, and the affection they have experienced with friends and other relatives. We have also noticed a theme around ambivalence toward the parent-/parents. It has been shown that these superkids strongly are fighting to hide the wounds inside them. Even though many of them are craving for attention and affirmation because the lack of encouragement and well-apprehended care, they have been schooled to never put their own needs in first place. Our result shows that the authors as children have had an awareness of their family’s real problems, and that they also have had the ability to understand the injustice of their situation. These factors have seemed to be really important for these children’s development of resilience

    Seasonal variations in acidogenic fermentation of filter primary sludge

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    Primary treatment of municipal wastewater by rotating belt filtration followed by hydrolysis and acidogenic fermentation of the filter primary sludge (FPS) at ambient temperature was studied at pilot-scale during one year. The seasonal variations of volatile fatty acids (VFAs), nutrient release and soluble COD production as well as microbial community assembly were assessed, leading to novel findings for fermentation at ambient temperature. The reproducibility of VFA production performance was first established by operating the two fermentation reactors under the same conditions, showing similar results regarding VFA production and microbial community structure. One year of operation at 5 d retention time (RT) and 16–29 \ub0C resulted in an average VFA yield of 180\ub135 mg COD/g VSin and soluble COD yield of 242\ub140 mg COD/g VSin. The VFA formation was temperature-dependent, with ÏŽ=1.033\ub10.005 (r=r20\ub7Θ(T−20∘C)). The seasonal variations of the acetic and propionic acid productions were pronounced, whereas the productions of VFAs with longer chains were more stable regardless of temperature. The community structure of the reactor microbiomes was also clearly affected by season and temperature and linked with the production spectrum of VFAs. The ammonium and phosphate releases were stable during the year, leading to a decrease in ratios of soluble COD to NH4+-N and PO43−-P during winter. The soluble COD yield was 11% and 27% higher at 5 d RT compared to 3 and 2 d RT respectively, but the corresponding volumetric productivities were lower. The dissimilarities between microbiomes in influent FPS and fermenters were significant even at a short RT of 2 d, and increased with longer RT of 3 and 5 d, primarily caused by selection of bacteria within Bacteroidota in the fermentation reactors

    SOX11 expression correlates to promoter methylation and regulates tumor growth in hematopoietic malignancies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The transcription factor SOX11 plays an important role in embryonic development of the central nervous system (CNS) and is expressed in the adult immature neuron but is normally not expressed in any other adult tissue. It has recently been reported to be implicated in various malignant neoplasms, including several lymphoproliferative diseases, by its specific expression and in some cases correlation to prognosis. SOX11 has been shown to prevent gliomagenesis <it>in vivo </it>but the causes and consequences of aberrant expression of <it>SOX11 </it>outside the CNS remain unexplained.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We now show the first function of <it>SOX11 </it>in lymphoproliferative diseases, by demonstrating <it>in vitro </it>its direct involvement in growth regulation, as assessed by siRNA-mediated silencing and ectopic overexpression in hematopoietic malignancies. Gene Chip analysis identified cell cycle regulatory pathways, including Rb-E2F, to be associated with SOX11-induced growth reduction. Furthermore, promoter analysis revealed that <it>SOX11 </it>is silenced through DNA methylation in B cell lymphomas, suggesting that its regulation is epigenetically controlled.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The data show that SOX11 is not a bystander but an active and central regulator of cellular growth, as both siRNA-mediated knock-down and ectopic overexpression of <it>SOX11 </it>resulted in altered proliferation. Thus, these data demonstrate a tumor suppressor function for <it>SOX11 </it>in hematopoietic malignancies and revealed a potential epigenetic regulation of this developmentally involved gene.</p

    Nyckeln till vÀrdeskapande nÀtverk - En kvalitativ studie om chefsarbete och nÀtverksrelationer

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    Examensarbetets titel: Nyckeln till vĂ€rdeskapande nĂ€tverk - En kvalitativ studie om chefsarbete och nĂ€tverksrelationer Seminariedatum: 2018-01-12 Ämne/Kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete i organisation pĂ„ kandidatnivĂ„, 15 högskolepoĂ€ng Författare: Ulf Gustavsson, Ebba Isacsson & Elin Nordahl Handledare: Stefan Sveningsson Nyckelord: Chefsarbete, chefsaktiviteter, nĂ€tverkande, relationer, vĂ€rdeskapande, Syfte: Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka och nyansera vad en chefs nĂ€tverksrelationer innehĂ„ller som skapar vĂ€rde i chefsarbetet. Metod: För att besvara studiens frĂ„gestĂ€llning har en kvalitativ fallstudie genomförts med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien har tagit en socialkonstruktionistiskt och tolkande utgĂ„ngspunkt och bygger pĂ„ en iterativ induktiv arbetsprocess. Teoretiska perspektiv: Studien utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n tidigare forskning inom omrĂ„det för chefsarbete. Första avsnittet ger en beskrivning om vad chefsarbete innebĂ€r för att sedan gĂ„ vidare in pĂ„ chefsaktiviteten nĂ€tverkande. Empiri: Studiens empiri har samlats in genom intervjuer med tre chefer frĂ„n olika företag och branscher. Resultat: Studien ger bidrag till omrĂ„det chefsarbete genom att identifiera vad en nĂ€tverksrelation kan innehĂ„lla för att bygga vĂ€rdefulla nĂ€tverk. NĂ€tverk bygger pĂ„ relationer och det har identifierats att relationerna bör innehĂ„lla förtroende, tillgĂ€nglighet, Ă€rlighet samt gemensam vĂ€rdegrund för att möjliggöra att en chef fĂ„r vĂ€rde ut frĂ„n sina nĂ€tverk. Genom resultatet ger studien verktyg till cheferna som de kan anvĂ€nda i sitt nĂ€tverkande

    Intensive longitudinal study of newly graduated nurses’ quick returns and self-rated stress

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    OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the relationship between quick returns (QR) – shift combinations that result in inter-shift rest periods <11 hours) and stress. The current study examined whether variations in the frequency of QR, both between and within individuals, were associated with changes in self-rated stress. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent weekly to newly graduated nurses during the first 12 weeks of work. Stress was measured with four items from the Stress-Energy Questionnaire on a scale from 1 “not at all” to 5 “very much” [mean 2.65, standard deviation (SD) 1.08]. Shifts worked in the past week were reported and QR were identified by evening-morning shift combinations (mean 0.98, SD 0.90 per week). In total, 350 persons were included in the analysis (3556 observations). Data were analyzed with a multilevel residual dynamic structural equation model (RDSEM) using Bayesian estimation procedures. RESULTS: There was no between-person effect of QR on stress averaged across measurement occasions (0.181, 95% CI -0.060–0.415). However, there was a small within-person effect of QR (0.031, 95% CI 0.001–0.062), meaning that more QR during a given week, compared to that person’s average, was associated with an increase in their level of stress during that week. CONCLUSIONS: Nurses were likely to report increased stress during weeks in which they worked more QR. Intervention studies are needed to determine whether the relationship is causal
