92 research outputs found

    Vascular Function Tests in Women With no Obstructive CAD

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    Speckle tracking strain imaging: Practical approach for application

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    Reactions of anthocyanin rich in maize genotypes to low temperature treatments according to photosynthesis, gas exchange properties, and bio-active compounds

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    Low temperatures during the early growing stages limit the productivity of maize considerably. Investigating responses of different coloured corns (Zea mays L.) to chilling may reveal alternative genotypes which can be preferred under early sowing conditions of water-shortage farming areas. The aim of this study is determining whether the color factor affects the tolerance to chilling in maize and which properties are effective on the low temperature tolerance. We exposed corns with different colours (white, yellow, red, purple) to different temperatures [8°C, 12°C, 16°C, 25°C (control)] and analysed the effects of temperature on morphological, physiological, bio-active properties and stress indicators. Using 14-day old seedlings, we noted that purple corn had the highest seedling length, seedling weight, chlorophyll content, stomatal conductance, chlorophyll B and total phenolic content in the 8°C and followed by white (photosynthesis rate, chlorophyll fluorescence, chlorophyll A and carotenoids), yellow (transpiration rate, sub stomatal CO2, and total antioxidant activity) and red corns (water use efficiency, total anthocyanin content and proline). On the other hand, white corn maintained its superiority in other treatments, receiving the highest values in 9 of 17 characteristics at 12°C, in 8 of 17 at 16°C and in 10 of 17 in the control. Performance of purple corn in the 8°C was the most remarkable one in all genotypes and treatments. Based on our results, it has been concluded that white and purple corns are more chilling tolerant genotypes and may be alternative for early sowing conditions in drought farming areas

    Line × Tester Analysis of Stomatal Conductance, Chlorophyll Content, Photosynthetic Efficiency, and Transpiration Rate Traits in Maize

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    This study evaluated seven inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.), three testers and 21 hybrids produced by line ×tester mating design. Stomatal conductance, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic efficiency, and transpirationrate traits of parents and progenies were observed. The study was conducted in Konya, in the mid-Anatolianregion of Turkey. The mean values of the stomatal conductance, chlorophyll content, photosynthetic efficiency,and transpiration rate measurements were evaluated using Duncan’s multiple range test for grouping parent andoffspring groups. The variance for general combining ability, the variance for specific combining ability, the relativevariance, additive variance, dominance variance, √D / A, narrow-sense heritability and broad-sense heritabilityparameters of the population, along with the heterosis rates of the progenies, were calculated for each trait.The parental general combining abilities and specific combining abilities of the progenies were determined. Weobserved parents with significant and positive general combining abilities [3.4 (stomatal conductance, transpirationrate); 14.20 (photosynthetic efficiency, transpiration rate)] and their progenies with significant and positivespecific combining abilities [3.4 × FRMo 17 (stomatal conductance, transpiration rate); 3.4 × ADK 451 (transpirationrate); 14.20 × FRMo 17 (transpiration rate)]. Results of the study showed the possibility of using physiologicalproperties as selection criteria

    Vascular imaging findings with high-pitch low-dose dual-source CT in atypical Kawasaki disease

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    PURPOSE:Determining the presence of aneurysms, thrombosis, and stenosis is very important for the diagnosis of atypical Kawasaki disease (AKD) and in the follow-up of AKD patients with aneurysms. We aimed to demonstrate high-pitch low-dose dual-source computed tomography (CT) angiography findings in pediatric patients with AKD.METHODS:Over a 5-year period, high-pitch low-dose CT angiography was performed to determine vascular aneurysms or occlusions in 17 patients who had suspected AKD. The patients ranged from 2 months of age to 11.3 years, with a mean age of 3 years. The American Heart Association’s criteria were used to diagnose AKD.RESULTS:We did not detect any vascular problems in 6 of the patients, and they were not included in our study. Arterial aneurysms were present in 11 patients (aged 2 months to 11.3 years; mean age, 4.2 years; 7 males). In one patient, there was also a thrombus at an arterial aneurysm. Coronary artery aneurysms were detected in 7 patients and systemic artery aneurysms were detected in 7 patients. Three patients had both systemic and coronary aneurysms.CONCLUSION:Our results suggest that high-pitch low-dose dual-source CT can detect all types of aneurysms, stenosis and occlusions of vessels in patients with AKD who were not previously diagnosed. This useful, easy, robust and fast technique may be preferred to diagnose AKD

    Przepływ w gałęzi przedniej zstępującej lewej tętnicy wieńcowej u pacjentów z marskością wątroby

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    Introduction. Although cardiac function appears normal in patients with cirrhosis at rest, cardiac function deteriorates in these patients under stress conditions. Decreased cardiac function against stress may be due to coronary microvascular dysfunction in these patients. In this study, we aimed to evaluate coronary microvascular dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis by measuring coronary flow reserve (CFR) by transthoracic echocardiography. Materials and methods. Thirty-eight patients with cirrhosis and 32 healthy subjects (as control group) were examined. In addition to standard two-dimesional (2D) and Doppler echocardiography, coronary flow velocity was measured by pulsed-wave Doppler from the middle to the distal part of the left anterior descending artery at the beginning and after dipyridamole infusion in the hyperemic state. CFR was measured as the ratio of hyperemic peak diastolic flow rate to basal peak diastolic flow rate. Results. CFR was significantly lower in the cirrhosis group than in the control group (2.01 ± 0.31 and 2.84 ± 0.62; p < 0.0001). Increasing age, increasing myocardial mass, high aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase, low hemoglobin, high C-reactive protein, decreased cholesterol and platelet levels were found to be associated with the reduction in CFR. Among all these factors only, the hemoglobin level and age were independent determinants of impaired CFR. Conclusions. Impaired CFR in patients with cirrhosis promotes coronary microvascular dysfunction. The coronary microvascular dysfunction can potentially contribute to the development of cirrhotic cardiomyopathy.Wstęp. Chociaż czynność serca u pacjentów z marskością wątroby oceniana w spoczynku wydaje się prawidłowa, to w warunkach wysiłku fizycznego lub obciążenia farmakologicznego ulega ona pogorszeniu. Zaburzenie czynności serca podczas obciążenia może być spowodowane dysfunkcją mikrokrążenia wieńcowego u tych chorych. Celem badania była ocena dysfunkcji mikrokrążenia wieńcowego u pacjentów z marskością wątroby przez pomiar rezerwy przepływu wieńcowego (CRF) za pomocą echokardiografii przezklatkowej. Materiał i metody. Do badania włączono 38 chorych z marskością wątroby i 32 osoby zdrowe (grupa kontrolna). Oprócz standardowej echokardiografii dwuwymiarowej (2D) i echokardiografii doplerowskiej prędkość przepływu wieńcowego w odcinkach środkowym i dystalnym gałęzi przedniej lewej tętnicy zstępującej zmierzono za pomocą badania dopplerowskiego metodą fali pulsacyjnej bezpośrednio przed wlewem dipirydamolu i po nim. Rezerwę przepływu wieńcowego mierzono jako stosunek maksymalnego przepływu rozkurczowego w obciążeniu do maksymalnego przepływu rozkurczowego w spoczynku. Wyniki. Rezerwa przepływu wieńcowego była istotnie niższa w grupie z marskością wątroby niż w grupie kontrolnej (2,01 ± 0,31 i 2,84 ± 0,62; p &lt; 0,0001). Stwierdzono, że ze zmniejszeniem CFR wiązały się: wiek, zwiększenie masy mięśnia sercowego, wysoka aktywność aminotransferaz asparaginianowej i alaninowej, niskie stężenie hemoglobiny, wysokie stężenie białka C-reaktywnego, obniżone stężenie cholesterolu i zmniejszona liczba płytek krwi. Jednak tylko stężenie hemoglobiny i wiek były niezależnymi determinantami zmniejszonej CFR. Wnioski. Zmniejszenie CFR u chorych z marskością wątroby sprzyja dysfunkcji mikrokrążenia wieńcowego, która może prowadzić do rozwoju kardiomiopatii wątrobowej (marskiej)