27 research outputs found

    Effects of Different Forms and Doses of Sulphur Application on Wheat

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    Deficiency of sulphur (S) is an important limiting factor of plant growth for sustainable agricultural production. The decline in sulphur dioxide emission, decrease in S-containing fertilizer consumption due to the high cost of S-fertilizers, breeding of new high yielding species are the well known causes of S-deficiency. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of several doses of K2SO4-S, CaSO4-S and elemental-S applied on growth, shoot dry matter yield, S and N concentrations of wheat cultivar. The experiments were conducted in three soils differed from available S concentrations. Effects of different S-treatments (0, 25, 50 and 100 mg S kg-1) and S-forms had significant effects on shoot dry matter yields of plants. Sulphur from different S-sources did not increase shoot S-concentrations in Eskisehir and Konya soils, but increase was significant obtained in the Harran soil. Shoot S-concentration in Harran soil for zero K2SO4 treatment was 0.09%, the values were 0.22, 0.26 and 0.27% respectively for 25, 50 and 100 mg kg-1 treatments. The results indicated significant effects of S-treatments on plant growth and yield mostly based on soil properties, especially the available S-level

    Regional Input-Output Analysis of A Mega-Event: Possible Impact of EXPO on Izmir Economy

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    Izmir has lost the bid for EXPO 2020. Izmir’s expectations were high, but to the best information of the authors, these expectations were never systematically quantified. This article quantifies the expected expenditures related to a mega event in Izmir due to i) additional hotel constructions, and, ii) arrival of foreign visitors. Then, the effects of these additional expenditures on regional economy are examined through a closed regional I-O model, where closure is due to endogenized consumption expenditures. The calculations are based on a regional I-O table of İzmir, available from İzmir Regional Development Agency IZKA. It is observed that constructions related to a mega event require considerable recycling imports, due to scrap metal dependency of metal production

    Regional Input-Output Analysis of A Mega-Event: Possible Impact of EXPO on Izmir Economy

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    Izmir has lost the bid for EXPO 2020. Izmir’s expectations were high, but to the best information of the authors, these expectations were never systematically quantified. This article quantifies the expected expenditures related to a mega event in Izmir due to i) additional hotel constructions, and, ii) arrival of foreign visitors. Then, the effects of these additional expenditures on regional economy are examined through a closed regional I-O model, where closure is due to endogenized consumption expenditures. The calculations are based on a regional I-O table of İzmir, available from İzmir Regional Development Agency IZKA. It is observed that constructions related to a mega event require considerable recycling imports, due to scrap metal dependency of metal production

    İlköğretim 4. ve 5. sınfı öğrencilerinin günlük yaşamlarındaki problemlerini çözmeye ilişkin karar verme becerilerinin ölçmeye yönelik bir ölçek geliştirme çalışması

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    TEZ3435Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1999.Kaynakça (s. 59-62) var.xii, 64 s. ; 30 cm.

    Axolotl cells and tissues enhances cutaneous wound healing in mice

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    Adult mammalian skin wound repair is defective due to loss of the regulation in balancing the complete epithelial regeneration and excessive connective tissue production, and this repair process commonly results in scar tissue formation. However, unlike mammals, adult salamanders repair the wounds by regeneration compared to scarring. To elucidate the healing capability of a salamander, Axolotl, in a different species, here we addressed this question by treating the wounds in mice with Axolotl cells or tissues. Excisional lesions were created on each mouse, and animals in different groups treated by; a-) Axolotl blastema tissue, b-) Axolotl tail tissue, c-) Axolotl blastema cells, d-) Axolotl tail cells, e-) Serum physiologic, e-) Madecassol; respectively. 10 days after the treatments, wound healing success was compared by considering the wound closure rate, histopathological analysis, vascularization and gene expression profiling of cytokines. The results reveal that Axolotl cells or tissues delivered animals demonstrate an improved wound repair capacity. A better reepithelization, granule tissue formation, vascularization and even presence of hair follicles are observed in animals treated with Axolotl samples. Gene expression profiling data discloses the lower levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in these animals which may indicate the immune-modulating role of Axolotl samples in wound healing

    Importance of spatial variability in management of saline and boron toxic soils

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    Dünyanın özellikle kurak ve yarı-kurak bölgelerinde tuzluluk ve yüksek bor içeriği tarımsal üretimi sınırlandıran önemli sorunlardır. Her iki sorunda arazi içerisinde önemli düzeyde yüksek değişkenliğesahip olduğundan, toprakların üretimde kullanımları ve iyileştirilmelerinde bu değişkenliğin dikkatealınması zaman, iş gücü ve maliyet açısından zorunluluktur. Bu çalışma, tuzluluk ve alkalilik sorunlarınınyanında şiddetli bor toksikliği bulunan iki ayrı pivot içerisindeki toprak özelliklerinin mesafeye bağlıdeğişkenliğinin modellenmesi, haritalanması ve tuz ve bor konsantrasyonuna etki eden değişkenlerin belirlenmesi amacı ile yapılmıştır. Orta Anadolu'da her biri 62 ha olan iki ayrı pivot 100 m * 100 m’likkare gridlere ayrılmış ve her pivotta 60 adet ana örnekleme noktası oluşturulmuştur. Ana örneklemenoktaları arasındaki mesafeden daha kısa mesafelerdeki değişkenliklerin modellenebilmesi amacı ile beşadet ara transekt oluşturularak (toplam 150 örnek) 0-20 cm derinlikten toprak örnekleri alınmıştır. Toprak örneklerinin tekstür, pH, elektriksel iletkenlik (EC), organik madde, kireç içeriği ve bitkiye yarayışlı bor konsantrasyonu analiz edilmiştir. Mesafeye bağlı değişkenlikler için semivaryogram modellemesiyapılmış ve krigleme haritaları oluşturulmuştur. Pivot içerisinde 17.35 dS m-1 gibi yüksek değerlere ulaşan EC, pivotlarda ortalama 2.6 ve 3.52 dS m-1 olarak ölçülmüştür. Her iki pivotda da ortalama bor konsantrasyonları bitkiler için toksik sınır kabul edilen 5 mg kg-1 dan oldukça yüksektir. Bor ile pH ve kil arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli (P<0.01) düzeyde pozitif bir korelasyon bulunurken, silt ve organik madde ile negatif korelasyon görülmüştür. Korelasyonda elde edilen bu ilişki, aynı özelliklerin dağılımharitalarında da açık bir şekilde görülebilmektedir. Çalışma alanında, organik madde içeriği ile borkonsantrasyonu arasında görülen negatif korelasyon, yüksek bor konsantrasyonu ile mücadele ederken,toprağın organik madde içeriğinin arttırılmasının nedenli önemli olduğunu vurgulamaktadır

    Spatial variability of some soil properties in an agricultural field of Halabja City of Sulaimani Governorate, Iraq

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    The soils of Sulaimani Governorate have been used to meet the food demand of northern Iraq. Longstanding wars and strict trade restrictions have caused people of region struggling to get more crops out of agricultural lands. Although soils have been subjected to agricultural production practices and are susceptible to degradation, reliable information on soils of the region is not available. This study has been carried out to characterize some physical and chemical soil properties and to determine the spatial structure of soil properties in a 100ha agricultural filed of Halabja at Sulaimani governorate, Iraq. The study area was divided into 100 × 100 m grid squares, 100 soil samples were collected from the corners of each grid representative of the surface (0–20 cm) horizons. In addition, a total of 16 soil samples were taken along four transects with sampling intervals of 5, 10, 40 and 50m. The measured properties were: clay, sand, silt, calcium carbonate and organic matter contents, exchangeable cation (Na, K, Ca, and Mg), micronutrient (Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn) and plant available phosphorus (P) concentrations, pH and electrical conductivity. The data were analyzed using classic statistics and geostatistics by constructing semivariograms and mapping by Ordinary Kriging. Semivariograms were calculated for soil characteristics and their spatial distributions were mapped. Soils were poor in available P and Zn contents. Soil organic matter showed significant positive correlations with the EC, concentrations of P, clay content, extractable Ca and Na concentrations whereas the correlation was negative with sand content and Zn concentration. Nugget/sill ratio for modelled variables indicated high and moderate spatial dependences in study area. The range of spatial dependence varied from 102 m (calcium carbonate) to 1248 m (pH). The distribution maps of soil attributes could be utilized as a guide for site-specific crop management in similar soils.Grant No: BAP-ZF.2016.00.00


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    Heavy metal contamination of agricultural soils resulting from vehicle emissions is a cause of serious concern due to the potential health impacts of transferring to food chain. In this study, heavy metal concentration of roadside soils along three major roads connecting the city of Sulaimani to surrounding cities were determined. Twenty soil samples from each side of three roads were collected at 1 m, 15 m, 25 m and 50 m distances from road edges. The heavy metals of Cr, Co, Pb, Cd and Ni were analyzed by acid digestion. Heavy metal pollution of roadside soils was assessed using three different environmental indices; enrichment factor (EF), contaminant factor (CF) and contamination degree (CD). Heavy metals concentrations of roadside soils were significantly different (P?0.01) among three major roads and usually decreased with increased distance from the roads. The highest concentrations were 268.56, 9.56, 134.16, 3.99 and 179.20 mg kg-1 for Cr, Co, Pb, Cd and Ni, respectively. The results showed that mean concentrations of all heavy metals determined were significantly higher than the global background values of heavy metals. The order of heavy metal contamination based on CF values in Arbat road was Cr?Ni?Pb?Cd?Co, in Kirkuk road Ni?Cr?Cd?Pb?Co, and in Mergapan road Pb?Ni?Cr?Cd?Co. Significant positive correlations between Ni and Co in Arbat (r=089) and Kirkuk (r=0.58) roads, Ni and Pb in Mergapan road (r=0.70), and Cd and Pb in Kirkuk road (r=0.76) revealed their common source in the studied environments. The roadside soils in the region are being extensively used for agricultural production. Therefore, the increased concentration of Cr, Pb, Cd and Ni in roadside soils should be carefully monitored and necessary precautions should be taken to prevent further accumulation in roadside soils