155 research outputs found

    Nearly Optimal Computations with Structured Matrices

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    We estimate the Boolean complexity of multiplication of structured matrices by a vector and the solution of nonsingular linear systems of equations with these matrices. We study four basic most popular classes, that is, Toeplitz, Hankel, Cauchy and Van-der-monde matrices, for which the cited computational problems are equivalent to the task of polynomial multiplication and division and polynomial and rational multipoint evaluation and interpolation. The Boolean cost estimates for the latter problems have been obtained by Kirrinnis in \cite{kirrinnis-joc-1998}, except for rational interpolation, which we supply now. All known Boolean cost estimates for these problems rely on using Kronecker product. This implies the dd-fold precision increase for the dd-th degree output, but we avoid such an increase by relying on distinct techniques based on employing FFT. Furthermore we simplify the analysis and make it more transparent by combining the representation of our tasks and algorithms in terms of both structured matrices and polynomials and rational functions. This also enables further extensions of our estimates to cover Trummer's important problem and computations with the popular classes of structured matrices that generalize the four cited basic matrix classes.Comment: (2014-04-10

    Characterizing and approximating eigenvalue sets of symmetric interval matrices

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    We consider the eigenvalue problem for the case where the input matrix is symmetric and its entries perturb in some given intervals. We present a characterization of some of the exact boundary points, which allows us to introduce an inner approximation algorithm, that in many case estimates exact bounds. To our knowledge, this is the first algorithm that is able to guaran- tee exactness. We illustrate our approach by several examples and numerical experiments

    Lower bounds on the number of realizations of rigid graphs

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    Computing the number of realizations of a minimally rigid graph is a notoriously difficult problem. Towards this goal, for graphs that are minimally rigid in the plane, we take advantage of a recently published algorithm, which is the fastest available method, although its complexity is still exponential. Combining computational results with the theory of constructing new rigid graphs by gluing, we give a new lower bound on the maximal possible number of (complex) realizations for graphs with a given number of vertices. We extend these ideas to rigid graphs in three dimensions and we derive similar lower bounds, by exploiting data from extensive Gr\"obner basis computations

    Symmetric tensor decomposition

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    We present an algorithm for decomposing a symmetric tensor, of dimension n and order d as a sum of rank-1 symmetric tensors, extending the algorithm of Sylvester devised in 1886 for binary forms. We recall the correspondence between the decomposition of a homogeneous polynomial in n variables of total degree d as a sum of powers of linear forms (Waring's problem), incidence properties on secant varieties of the Veronese Variety and the representation of linear forms as a linear combination of evaluations at distinct points. Then we reformulate Sylvester's approach from the dual point of view. Exploiting this duality, we propose necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of such a decomposition of a given rank, using the properties of Hankel (and quasi-Hankel) matrices, derived from multivariate polynomials and normal form computations. This leads to the resolution of polynomial equations of small degree in non-generic cases. We propose a new algorithm for symmetric tensor decomposition, based on this characterization and on linear algebra computations with these Hankel matrices. The impact of this contribution is two-fold. First it permits an efficient computation of the decomposition of any tensor of sub-generic rank, as opposed to widely used iterative algorithms with unproved global convergence (e.g. Alternate Least Squares or gradient descents). Second, it gives tools for understanding uniqueness conditions, and for detecting the rank

    On the maximal number of real embeddings of minimally rigid graphs in R2\mathbb{R}^2, R3\mathbb{R}^3 and S2S^2

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    Rigidity theory studies the properties of graphs that can have rigid embeddings in a euclidean space Rd\mathbb{R}^d or on a sphere and which in addition satisfy certain edge length constraints. One of the major open problems in this field is to determine lower and upper bounds on the number of realizations with respect to a given number of vertices. This problem is closely related to the classification of rigid graphs according to their maximal number of real embeddings. In this paper, we are interested in finding edge lengths that can maximize the number of real embeddings of minimally rigid graphs in the plane, space, and on the sphere. We use algebraic formulations to provide upper bounds. To find values of the parameters that lead to graphs with a large number of real realizations, possibly attaining the (algebraic) upper bounds, we use some standard heuristics and we also develop a new method inspired by coupler curves. We apply this new method to obtain embeddings in R3\mathbb{R}^3. One of its main novelties is that it allows us to sample efficiently from a larger number of parameters by selecting only a subset of them at each iteration. Our results include a full classification of the 7-vertex graphs according to their maximal numbers of real embeddings in the cases of the embeddings in R2\mathbb{R}^2 and R3\mathbb{R}^3, while in the case of S2S^2 we achieve this classification for all 6-vertex graphs. Additionally, by increasing the number of embeddings of selected graphs, we improve the previously known asymptotic lower bound on the maximum number of realizations. The methods and the results concerning the spatial embeddings are part of the proceedings of ISSAC 2018 (Bartzos et al, 2018)