197 research outputs found

    Design of the Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study

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    The Maine-Syracuse Longitudinal Study (MSLS) uses a design that was very popular in life-span aging research in 1960 and for many years after. Starting with baseline the original cohort is followed over many years. Outcome measures are obtained at distinct time intervals, but new cohorts of individuals join the study at each specific period

    Leisure activity for dementia prevention. More work to be done.

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    Dementia prevention is a worldwide priority because of the aging population, devastating consequences for patients and families, and the drain on societal resources. In the absence of disease-modifying therapies, there is interest in lifestyle factors that might prevent or delay the onset of dementia. Chief among these is leisure activity, conceptualized as pursuits undertaken for relaxation or pleasure after completion of essential chores and occupational responsibilities. Leisure activity invokes the cornerstones of cognitive reserve: mental activity, physical activity, and social engagement

    New Evidence for Homocysteine Lowering for Management of Treatment-Resistant Hypertension

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    Treatment-resistant hypertension is a topic of great importance and the subject of editorial comments in the American Journal of Hypertension. Homocysteine is an intermediate compound in the vitamin regulated One Carbon Methylation pathway which affects glutathione, methionine, and nitric oxide metabolism. Elevated homocysteine, triggered by genetic mutations or insufficient body stores of active vitamins B6, B12, folate, riboflavin, indicates oxidative stress and is associated with impaired nitric oxide synthesis causing small vessel vasoconstriction in the central nervous system. High homocysteine (defined later) is also a risk factor for hypertension

    Human Errors in Automated Office Blood Pressure Measurement

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    In this review of the literature and commentary, we examine the literature on automated blood pressure (BP) measurements in the office and clinic. Our purpose is to revisit issues as to the pros and cons of automated BP measurement published in Hypertension in June 2020 and to identify areas needing additional research. Despite initial reservations about automated BP, it is here to stay. A number of experts suggest that human error will be reduced when we move from the more complex skills required by aneroid sphygmomanometer measurement to the fewer skills and steps required by automated BP measurement. Our review indicates there is still need for reduction in errors in automated BP assessment, for example, retraining programs and monitoring of assessment procedures. We need more research on the following questions: (1) which classes of health care providers are least likely to measure BP accurately, usually by ignoring necessary steps; (2) how accurate is BP assessment by affiliated health care providers for example the dental office, the optometrist; and (3) why do some dedicated and well-informed health care professionals fail to follow simple directions for automated BP measurement? We offer additional solutions for improving automated BP assessment in the office and clinic
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