114 research outputs found

    1/fβ1/f^{\beta} noise for scale-invariant processes: How long you wait matters

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    We study the power spectrum which is estimated from a nonstationary signal. In particular we examine the case when the signal is observed in a measurement time window [tw,tw+tm][t_w,t_w+t_m], namely the observation started after a waiting time twt_w, and tmt_m is the measurement duration. We introduce a generalized aging Wiener-Khinchin theorem which relates between the spectrum and the time- and ensemble-averaged correlation function for arbitrary tmt_m and twt_w. Furthermore we provide a general relation between the non-analytical behavior of the scale-invariant correlation function and the aging 1/fβ1/f^{\beta} noise. We illustrate our general results with two-state renewal models with sojourn times' distributions having a broad tail

    Scale invariant Green-Kubo relation for time averaged diffusivity

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    In recent years it was shown both theoretically and experimentally that in certain systems exhibiting anomalous diffusion the time and ensemble average mean squared displacement are remarkably different. The ensemble average diffusivity is obtained from a scaling Green-Kubo relation, which connects the scale invariant non-stationary velocity correlation function with the transport coefficient. Here we obtain the relation between time averaged diffusivity, usually recorded in single particle tracking experiments, and the underlying scale invariant velocity correlation function. The time averaged mean squared displacement is given by δ2‾∼2DνtβΔν−β\overline{\delta^2} \sim 2 D_\nu t^{\beta}\Delta^{\nu-\beta} where tt is the total measurement time and Δ\Delta the lag time. Here ν>1\nu>1 is the anomalous diffusion exponent obtained from ensemble averaged measurements ⟨x2⟩∼tν\langle x^2 \rangle \sim t^\nu while β≥−1\beta\ge -1 marks the growth or decline of the kinetic energy ⟨v2⟩∼tβ\langle v^2 \rangle \sim t^\beta. Thus we establish a connection between exponents which can be read off the asymptotic properties of the velocity correlation function and similarly for the transport constant DνD_\nu. We demonstrate our results with non-stationary scale invariant stochastic and deterministic models, thereby highlighting that systems with equivalent behavior in the ensemble average can differ strongly in their time average. This is the case, for example, if averaged kinetic energy is finite, i.e. β=0\beta=0, where ⟨δ2‾⟩≠⟨x2⟩\langle \overline{\delta^2}\rangle \neq \langle x^2\rangle
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