516 research outputs found

    Utilizing Homer Power Optimization Software for A Techno-Economic Feasibility, Study of a Sustainable Grid-Connected Design for Urban Electricity in, Khartoum

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    HOMER (Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Electric Renewable) streamlines the design of distributed generation (DG) systems for a variety of grid-connected and off-grid applications. In Sudan, it is difficult to acquire an effective photovoltaic array for residential use due to a lack of energy consumption in power generation and access to technological, social, and environmental constraints. A model of a low-energy, solar-powered house that is suitable for Sudanese social and economic norms requires a high-quality architectural design. Method Using the HOMER software, the charge advantage analysis of a hybrid system was studied and assessed using the value for each kilowatt of grid-connected systems or utility grid. The simulation results have been presented as the most efficient and cost-effective method for achieving various home counts. At the current price, the hybrid system has a refund term of about fifty-four years. If turbine prices in Khartoum decline, the overall cost of energy will be reduced

    Effect of Conjunctive Use of Water for Paddy Field Irrigation on Groundwater Budget in an Alluvial Fan

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    Rosana G. Moreira, Editor-in-Chief; Texas A&M UniversityThis is a Technical Paper from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission Internationale du Genie Rural) E-Journal Volume 5 (2003): A. Elhassan, A. Goto, and M. Mizutani. Effect of Conjunctive Use of Water for Paddy Field Irrigation on Groundwater Budget in an Alluvial Fan. Vol. V. December 2003


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    Background: Both maternal mortality and poor perinatal outcomes (mainly; low birth weight, stillbirth and perinatal mortality) are health as well as obstetrics indicators. Thus, there is an urgent need to investigate epidemiology of maternal mortality and poor perinatal outcomes in the different regions of Sudan. Objectives: To investigate the epidemiology of maternal mortality and poor perinatal outcomes in the different regions of Sudan. Methods: Various cross- sectional, case -control, and Cohort studies were conducted during the last 7 years. Results:  Maternal mortality was ranged 442 (146/33034)-640 (63/9841) / 100000 birth in the different regions of Sudan, most of these were due to communicable diseases. Low birth weight was reported in 15.3% (80/524), 12.5% (260/2076), 12.6% (97/1224), 14.9% (64/430) 12.6% in New Halfa, Khartoum, Medani and Elfashir, respectively. Anaemia was risk factors for low birth weight in Elfashir and in Medani; it was risk factor for fetal anaemia in New Halfa and risk factor for stillbirth in Kassala. There were 21 (206/9841), 29 (981/34015), 35(46/1293)/ 1000 stillbirths and 33(44/1342)/1000 in Elfashir, Medani, Khartoum respectively and Kassala, respectively. There was 9.2% (46/500) perinatal death in New Halfa. Conclusion: More effort should be paid to reduce the high maternal and perinatal mortality. More care should be toward nutrition, malaria prevention and other communicable disease

    Progress on Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease

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    Introduction: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common life threatening hereditary disease of the kidney. It is a systemic disease characterized by multiple, bilateral renal cysts that result in massive renal enlargement and progressive functional impairment. This review discusses the current understanding of the epidemiology, genetics, clinical manifestations, natural history of the disease, the accuracy and reliability of diagnostic approaches, renal replacement therapy and emerging therapeutic strategies that are being evaluated in ADPKD. Review: ADPKD is a genetically heterogeneous disease with significant inter-familial and intra-familial variability. The responsible genes were localized to separate loci on chromosome 16 (PKD1 gene) accounting for the majority of ADPKD cases, and chromosome 4 (PKD2 gene) accounting for the remainder. Each child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting the mutated gene, which is completely penetrant. Clinical manifestations include renal and cyst enlargement, impaired urine concentration capacity, hematuria, nephrolithiasis, proteinuria, hypertension, polycystic liver disease, abdominal wall hernia and intracranial aneurysms. The diagnosis of ADPKD usually relies on renal imaging. Ongoing research has engendered crucial insight into the disease’s underlying genetic, cellular and pathogenetic mechanisms and made possible the design and implementation of clinical trials testing promising treatments. Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS) blockade, vasopressin antagonists, somatostatin, rapamycin, sirolimus and everolimus are currently being evaluated for a potential therapeutic role in the management of ADPKD. Conclusion: Current clinical trials investigating multiple therapeutic targets bring hope for treatments that may impede the progression of ADPKD. Keywords: ADPKD, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, kidney failur

    Malaria and pre-eclampsia in an area with unstable malaria transmission in Central Sudan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Placental malaria and pre-eclampsia occur frequently in women in tropics and are leading causes of maternal and perinatal morbidities and mortality. Few data exist concerning the interaction between placental malaria and pre-eclampsia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A case control study was conducted in Medani Hospital, which locates in an area of unstable malaria transmission in Central Sudan. Case (N = 143) were women with pre-eclampsia, which was defined as systolic blood presure≥140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mm Hg and proteinuria. Controls were parturient women (N = 143) without any blood pressure values > 139/89 mm Hg or proteinuria. Obstetrical and medical characteristics were gathered from both groups through structured questionnaires. Placental histopathology examinations for malaria were performed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty-eight (19.6%) vs. 16 (11.2%); <it>P </it>= 0.04 of the cases vs. controls, had placental malaria infections. Five (2%), 1 (2%) and 22 (28.0%) vs. 1, 2 and 13 of the placentae showed acute, chronic and past infection on histopathology examination in the two groups respectively, while 115 (80.4%) vs.127 (88.8%) of them showed no infection, <it>P </it>= 0.04. In multivariate analysis, while there were no associations between age, parity, educational level, lack of antenatal care, blood groups and body mass index and pre-eclampsia; family history of hypertension and placental malaria (OR = 2.3, 95% CI = 1.0-5.2; <it>P </it>= 0.04) were significantly associated with pre-eclampsia.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Placental malaria was associated with pre-eclampsia. Further research is needed.</p

    Response of aerobic rice (Oryza sativa L.) to seed rate and inter-row spacing, Gezira State, Sudan

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Field experiments were conducted for two consecutive seasons (2013/14 and 2014/15) at the Gezira Research Station Farm, Wad Medani, Sudan under irrigation condition. A randomized complete block design with four replicates was used. Treatments were arranged in a factorial combination of four inter-row spacing (15, 20, 25 and 30 cm) and five seed rates (59, 71, 83, 95 and 107 kg/ha). Data collected consisted of growth attributes, grain yield and yield components. Data collected were subjected to standard analysis of variance procedure. The results showed that seed rate, inter-row spacing and their interaction exhibited highly significant differences in grain yield and yield components. The highest grain yield was obtained by the seed rate of 95 kg/ha and 15 cm inter-row spacing in both seasons and the combined analysis. To obtain high grain yield of aerobic rice under Gezira conditions, 95 kg/ha seed rate and inter-row spacing of 15 cm is recommended to be used

    Effect of fallow and non-fallow with sugarbeet on maize (Zea mays L.) performance in Guneid Sugar Scheme

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    يعتبر ترك الأرض بورٵ (بدون زراعة) لفترة محددة من أهم مكونات الدورة الزراعية لتحسين خواص التربة و قد يستعاض عنه بزراعة محصول بقولي حولي لتثبيت النيتروجين. يقترح زراعة بنجر السكر بمشروع سكر الجنيد وبعض مشاريع السكر الأخرى بالسودان للاستفادة من الأرض التي لا تجود فيها زراعة قصب السكر و لخلق نوع من الدورة الزراعية. بنجر السكر محصول حولي يشغل الأرض لفترة محددة و باقي العام يمكن زراعة محصول علفي حولي مثل الذرة الشامية. هدفت هذه الدراسة لمعرفة تأثير البور على إنتاجية علف غلة الذرة الشامية. نفذت التجربة في الفترة ما بين نوفمبر 2014 و مارس 2016 بمعاملتين (1) تركت قطع أرض بورٵ من نوفمبر 2014 حتى نوفمبر 2015 و (2) زرعت قطع أرض أخرى بمحصول بنجر السكر من نوفمبر 2014 و حتى أبريل 2015 ثم تركت بورا حتى نوفمبر 2015. زرعت كل القطع بمحصول الذرة الشامية في نوفمبر 2015 و لم تضاف أي أسمدة للتجربة وحصدت في مارس 2016. أستخدم التصميم العشوائي الكامل لجمع بيانات عن نمو وإنتاجية غلة وعلف الذرة الشامية. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة تفوق كامل للمحصول الذى زرع بالأرض البور على الأرض التي زرعت ببنجر السكر في كل الصفات المقاسة. كانت نسبة الزيادة كالآتي: 68 و 91 و 29 و 84 و 154 و 227% لصفات طول النبات وطول الكوز وعدد الكيزان للفدان و وزن المائة حبة و إنتاجية العلف الأخضر للفدان و إنتاجية الحبوب للفدان على التوالي. كانت إنتاجية الأرض من البور و الغير بور من العلف الأخضر 15.5 و 6.1 طن للفدان على التوالي، أما عن الغلة فكانت 0.72 و 0.22 طن للفدان. التوصية بترك الأرض بورا تقابل بعدة مشاكل منها الناحية الاقتصادية وإقناع المزارع بترك أرضه بورٵ لمدة عام كامل. كما أن الأرض البور تعتبر مرعى للحيوانات مما يسبب مشكل كتصلب التربة و تكوين طبقات غير نافذة. عليه يجب الإجابة على هذه الملاحظات قبل التوصية. إلا أنه في مشاريع السكر الأخرى في السودان و التي تعتمد سياسة زراعة قصب سكر بعد قصب سكر بدون أي بور وليس بها مزارعين، يجب اعتماد فترة بور مناسبة لاستعادة خصوبة التربة كما أنه في حالة زراعة محاصيل شرهة التغذية كقصب السكر و بنجر السكر يجب إتباع معاملة تسميديه واعي

    Renal Replacement Therapy Resources in Africa

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    Background: Africa is the world’s second-largest and most-populous continent. It is also the world’s poorest inhabited continent. Regarding chronic kidney disease (CKD), there are no reliable statistics in most African countries. However, there is a general impression that it is at least three to four times more frequent than in more developed countries Methods: a survey on renal replacement therapy in Africa was conducted in the context of the African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN) Congress 2007. A questionnaire was sent to leading African nephrologists, and data were also collected from the main dialysis supply companies and by personal communication. Data have been obtained from 32 out of 54 countries, representing 89% of the total population. Results: There are no reliable statistics regarding CKD in most African countries. The total number of nephrologists in the continent is 1154 (1-4 pmp). The total number of patients on hemodialysis (HD) is just over 60000 patients