35 research outputs found

    Permutation 2-groups I: structure and splitness

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    By a 2-group we mean a groupoid equipped with a weakened group structure. It is called split when it is equivalent to the semidirect product of a discrete 2-group and a one-object 2-group. By a permutation 2-group we mean the 2-group Sym(G)\mathbb{S}ym(\mathcal{G}) of self-equivalences of a groupoid G\mathcal{G} and natural isomorphisms between them, with the product given by composition of self-equivalences. These generalize the symmetric groups Sn\mathsf{S}_n, n≥1n\geq 1, obtained when G\mathcal{G} is a finite discrete groupoid. After introducing the wreath 2-product Sn≀≀ G\mathsf{S}_n\wr\wr\ \mathbb{G} of the symmetric group Sn\mathsf{S}_n with an arbitrary 2-group G\mathbb{G}, it is shown that for any (finite type) groupoid G\mathcal{G} the permutation 2-group Sym(G)\mathbb{S}ym(\mathcal{G}) is equivalent to a product of wreath 2-products of the form $\mathsf{S}_n\wr\wr\ \mathbb{S}ym(\mathcal{B}\mathsf{G}),where, where \mathcal{B}\mathsf{G}isthedeloopingof is the delooping of \mathsf{G}.Thisisnextusedtocomputethehomotopyinvariantsof. This is next used to compute the homotopy invariants of \mathbb{S}ym(\mathcal{G})whichclassifyituptoequivalence.Inparticular,weprovethat which classify it up to equivalence. In particular, we prove that \mathbb{S}ym(\mathcal{G})canbenon−split,andthatthestepfromthetrivialgroupoid can be non-split, and that the step from the trivial groupoid \mathcal{B}\mathsf{1}toanarbitraryone−objectgroupoid to an arbitrary one-object groupoid \mathcal{B}\mathsf{G}isinfacttheonlysourceofnon−splitness.Variousexamplesofpermutation2−groupsareexplicitlycomputed,inparticularthepermutation2−groupoftheunderlyinggroupoidofa(finitetype)2−group.Italsofollowsfromwellknownresultsaboutthesymmetricgroupsthatthepermutation2−groupofthegroupoidofallfinitesetsandbijectionsbetweenthemisequivalenttothedirectproduct2−group is in fact the only source of non-splitness. Various examples of permutation 2-groups are explicitly computed, in particular the permutation 2-group of the underlying groupoid of a (finite type) 2-group. It also follows from well known results about the symmetric groups that the permutation 2-group of the groupoid of all finite sets and bijections between them is equivalent to the direct product 2-group \mathbb{Z}_2[1]\times\mathbb{Z}_2[0],where, where \mathbb{Z}_2[0]and and \mathbb{Z}_2[1]standforthegroup stand for the group \mathbb{Z}_2$ thought of as a discrete and a one-object 2-group, respectively.Comment: 45 pages; v2, expository and language improvement

    2-cosemisimplicial objects in a 2-category, permutohedra and deformations of pseudofunctors

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    In this paper we take up again the deformation theory for KK-linear pseudofunctors initiated in a previous work (Adv. Math. 182 (2004) 204-277). We start by introducing a notion of a 2-cosemisimplicial object in an arbitrary 2-category and analyzing the corresponding coherence question, where the permutohedra make their appearence. We then describe a general method to obtain cochain complexes of K-modules from (enhanced) 2-cosemisimplicial objects in the 2-category CatK{\bf Cat}_K of small KK-linear categories and prove that the deformation complex introduced in the above mentioned work can be obtained by this method from a 2-cosemisimplicial object that can be associated to the pseudofunctor. Finally, using a generalization to the context of KK-linear categories of the deviation calculus introduced by Markl and Stasheff for KK-modules (J. Algebra 170 (1994) 122), it is shown that the obstructions to the integrability of an nthn^{th}-order deformation of a pseudofunctor indeed correspond to cocycles in the third cohomology group, a question which remained open in our previous work.Comment: 43 pages, 6 figures; this is the revised version as published in the JPA

    On the representations of 2-groups in {Baez-Crans} 2-vector spaces

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    We prove that the theory of representations of a finite 2-group G\mathbb{G} in Baez-Crans 2-vector spaces over a field kk of characteristic zero essentially reduces to the theory of kk-linear representations of the group of isomorphism classes of objects of G\mathbb{G}, the remaining homotopy invariants of G\mathbb{G} playing no role. It is also argued that a similar result is expected to hold for topological representations of compact topological 2-groups in suitable topological Baez-Crans 2-vector spaces.Comment: 9 page

    The 2-group of symmetries of a split chain complex

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    We explicitly compute the 2-group of self-equivalences and (homotopy classes of) chain homotopies between them for any {\it split} chain complex A∙A_{\bullet} in an arbitrary \kb-linear abelian category (\kb any commutative ring with unit). In particular, it is shown that it is a {\it split} 2-group whose equivalence class depends only on the homology of A∙A_{\bullet}, and that it is equivalent to the trivial 2-group when A∙A_\bullet is a split exact sequence. This provides a description of the {\it general linear 2-group} of a Baez and Crans 2-vector space over an arbitrary field F\mathbb{F} and of its generalization to chain complexes of vector spaces of arbitrary length.Preprin