19 research outputs found

    Additional file 6: of Drosophila parasitoid wasps bears a distinct DNA transposon profile

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    Species-specific superfamily trees reconstructed by maximum likelihood. The number on branches denote the aLRT branch support. (PDF 4864 kb

    Additional file 7: of Drosophila parasitoid wasps bears a distinct DNA transposon profile

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    Final TE contigs after redundancy removal with cd-hit-est characterized in this study. (FASTA 7362 kb

    Additional file 10: of Drosophila parasitoid wasps bears a distinct DNA transposon profile

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    Amino acid distance between TEs proteins used in the phylogenetic reconstruction. (XLSX 914 kb

    Additional file 8: of Drosophila parasitoid wasps bears a distinct DNA transposon profile

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    Helitron phylogenetic tree with complete coding regions of RepBase elements. (PDF 59 kb

    Additional file 1: of Drosophila parasitoid wasps bears a distinct DNA transposon profile

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    Workflow of softwares used in this study. A) pipelines and softwares used to complementary characterize the mobilome of both wasp species and derivate a final TE dataset. B) Evolutionary analysis performed only with RepeatExplorer contigs per superfamily. (PDF 31 kb

    Additional file 9: of Drosophila parasitoid wasps bears a distinct DNA transposon profile

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    Copia superfamily tree reconstructed by maximum likelihood. Numbers on branches denote the aLRT branch support. (PDF 641 kb