289 research outputs found

    A note on the switching adiabatic theorem

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    We derive a nearly optimal upper bound on the running time in the adiabatic theorem for a switching family of Hamiltonians. We assume the switching Hamiltonian is in the Gevrey class GαG^\alpha as a function of time, and we show that the error in adiabatic approximation remains small for running times of order g2lng6αg^{-2}\,|\ln\,g\,|^{6\alpha}. Here gg denotes the minimal spectral gap between the eigenvalue(s) of interest and the rest of the spectrum of the instantaneous Hamiltonian.Comment: 20 pages, no figures, to appear in JM

    Transport and Dissipation in Quantum Pumps

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    This paper is about adiabatic transport in quantum pumps. The notion of ``energy shift'', a self-adjoint operator dual to the Wigner time delay, plays a role in our approach: It determines the current, the dissipation, the noise and the entropy currents in quantum pumps. We discuss the geometric and topological content of adiabatic transport and show that the mechanism of Thouless and Niu for quantized transport via Chern numbers cannot be realized in quantum pumps where Chern numbers necessarily vanish.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure

    Dynamics of a classical Hall system driven by a time-dependent Aharonov--Bohm flux

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    We study the dynamics of a classical particle moving in a punctured plane under the influence of a strong homogeneous magnetic field, an electrical background, and driven by a time-dependent singular flux tube through the hole. We exhibit a striking classical (de)localization effect: in the far past the trajectories are spirals around a bound center; the particle moves inward towards the flux tube loosing kinetic energy. After hitting the puncture it becomes ``conducting'': the motion is a cycloid around a center whose drift is outgoing, orthogonal to the electric field, diffusive, and without energy loss

    On the efficiency of Hamiltonian-based quantum computation for low-rank matrices

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    We present an extension of Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC) algorithm for the unstructured search to the case when the number of marked items is unknown. The algorithm maintains the optimal Grover speedup and includes a small counting subroutine. Our other results include a lower bound on the amount of time needed to perform a general Hamiltonian-based quantum search, a lower bound on the evolution time needed to perform a search that is valid in the presence of control error and a generic upper bound on the minimum eigenvalue gap for evolutions. In particular, we demonstrate that quantum speedup for the unstructured search using AQC type algorithms may only be achieved under very rigid control precision requirements.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, to appear in JM

    Extinction Rates for Fluctuation-Induced Metastabilities : A Real-Space WKB Approach

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    The extinction of a single species due to demographic stochasticity is analyzed. The discrete nature of the individual agents and the Poissonian noise related to the birth-death processes result in local extinction of a metastable population, as the system hits the absorbing state. The Fokker-Planck formulation of that problem fails to capture the statistics of large deviations from the metastable state, while approximations appropriate close to the absorbing state become, in general, invalid as the population becomes large. To connect these two regimes, a master equation based on a real space WKB method is presented, and is shown to yield an excellent approximation for the decay rate and the extreme events statistics all the way down to the absorbing state. The details of the underlying microscopic process, smeared out in a mean field treatment, are shown to be crucial for an exact determination of the extinction exponent. This general scheme is shown to reproduce the known results in the field, to yield new corollaries and to fit quite precisely the numerical solutions. Moreover it allows for systematic improvement via a series expansion where the small parameter is the inverse of the number of individuals in the metastable state

    The weak localization for the alloy-type Anderson model on a cubic lattice

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    We consider alloy type random Schr\"odinger operators on a cubic lattice whose randomness is generated by the sign-indefinite single-site potential. We derive Anderson localization for this class of models in the Lifshitz tails regime, i.e. when the coupling parameter λ\lambda is small, for the energies ECλ2E \le -C \lambda^2.Comment: 45 pages, 2 figures. To appear in J. Stat. Phy

    Anderson localization for a class of models with a sign-indefinite single-site potential via fractional moment method

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    A technically convenient signature of Anderson localization is exponential decay of the fractional moments of the Green function within appropriate energy ranges. We consider a random Hamiltonian on a lattice whose randomness is generated by the sign-indefinite single-site potential, which is however sign-definite at the boundary of its support. For this class of Anderson operators we establish a finite-volume criterion which implies that above mentioned the fractional moment decay property holds. This constructive criterion is satisfied at typical perturbative regimes, e. g. at spectral boundaries which satisfy 'Lifshitz tail estimates' on the density of states and for sufficiently strong disorder. We also show how the fractional moment method facilitates the proof of exponential (spectral) localization for such random potentials.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure, to appear in AH

    Anomalous decay of a prepared state due to non-Ohmic coupling to the continuum

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    We study the decay of a prepared state E0E_0 into a continuum {E_k} in the case of non-Ohmic models. This means that the coupling is Vk,0EkE0s1|V_{k,0}| \propto |E_k-E_0|^{s-1} with s1s \ne 1. We find that irrespective of model details there is a universal generalized Wigner time t0t_0 that characterizes the evolution of the survival probability P0(t)P_0(t). The generic decay behavior which is implied by rate equation phenomenology is a slowing down stretched exponential, reflecting the gradual resolution of the bandprofile. But depending on non-universal features of the model a power-law decay might take over: it is only for an Ohmic coupling to the continuum that we get a robust exponential decay that is insensitive to the nature of the intra-continuum couplings. The analysis highlights the co-existence of perturbative and non-perturbative features in the dynamics. It turns out that there are special circumstances in which t0t_0 is reflected in the spreading process and not only in the survival probability, contrary to the naive linear response theory expectation.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure