23 research outputs found

    The Collapse of Atomically-Cooled Primordial Haloes. I. High Lyman-Werner Backgrounds

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    Pristine, atomically-cooled haloes are leading contenders for the sites of primordial quasar formation because atomic cooling triggers rapid baryon collapse that can create 104^4 - 105^5 M⊙_{\odot} black hole seeds. However, until now no numerical simulations with a wide range of halo spins and assembly histories have followed the collapse for the times required to form a black hole. We have now performed cosmological simulations of baryon collapse in atomically-cooled haloes for times that are sufficient for supermassive stars to form and die as direct-collapse black holes (DCBHs). Our simulations reveal that fragmentation of the accretion disk at the center of the halo after ∼\sim 500 kyr is nearly ubiquitous and in most cases leads to the formation of binary or multiple supermassive stellar systems. They also confirm that rapid baryon collapse proceeds for the times required for these stars to form DCBHs. Our discovery raises the exciting possibility of detecting gravitational waves from DCBH mergers with LISA and tidal disruption events in the near infrared with the James Webb Space Telescope and ground-based telescopes in the coming decade.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRA

    WISDOM Project - XVI. The link between circumnuclear molecular gas reservoirs and active galactic nucleus fuelling

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    We use high-resolution data from the millimetre-Wave Interferometric Survey of Dark Object Masses (WISDOM) project to investigate the connection between circumnuclear gas reservoirs and nuclear activity in a sample of nearby galaxies. Our sample spans a wide range of nuclear activity types including radio galaxies, Seyfert galaxies, low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGN) and inactive galaxies. We use measurements of nuclear millimetre continuum emission along with other archival tracers of AGN accretion/activity to investigate previous claims that at, circumnuclear scales (<100 pc), these should correlate with the mass of the cold molecular gas. We find that the molecular gas mass does not correlate with any tracer of nuclear activity. This suggests the level of nuclear activity cannot solely be regulated by the amount of cold gas around the supermassive black hole (SMBH). This indicates that AGN fuelling, that drives gas from the large-scale galaxy to the nuclear regions, is not a ubiquitous process and may vary between AGN type, with time-scale variations likely to be very important. By studying the structure of the central molecular gas reservoirs, we find our galaxies have a range of nuclear molecular gas concentrations. This could indicate that some of our galaxies may have had their circumnuclear regions impacted by AGN feedback, even though they currently have low nuclear activity. Alternatively, the nuclear molecular gas concentrations in our galaxies could instead be set by secular processes

    WISDOM Project – XIX. Figures of merit for supermassive black hole mass measurements using molecular gas and/or megamaser kinematics

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    The mass (MBH) of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) can be measured using spatially-resolved kinematics of the region where the SMBH dominates gravitationally. The most reliable measurements are those that resolve the smallest physical scales around the SMBHs. We consider here three metrics to compare the physical scales probed by kinematic tracers dominated by rotation: the radius of the innermost detected kinematic tracer Rmin normalised by respectively the SMBH’s Schwarzschild radius (RSchw ≡ 2GMBH/c2, where G is the gravitational constant and c the speed of light), sphere-of-influence (SOI) radius (RSOI≡GMBH/σe2R_\mathrm{SOI}\equiv GM_\mathrm{BH}/\sigma _\mathrm{e}^2, where σe is the stellar velocity dispersion within the galaxy’s effective radius) and equality radius (the radius Req at which the SMBH mass equals the enclosed stellar mass, MBH = M*(Req), where M*(R) is the stellar mass enclosed within the radius R). All metrics lead to analogous simple relations between Rmin and the highest circular velocity probed Vc. Adopting these metrics to compare the SMBH mass measurements using molecular gas kinematics to those using megamaser kinematics, we demonstrate that the best molecular gas measurements resolve material that is physically closer to the SMBHs in terms of RSchw but is slightly farther in terms of RSOI and Req. However, molecular gas observations of nearby galaxies using the most extended configurations of the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array can resolve the SOI comparably well and thus enable SMBH mass measurements as precise as the best megamaser measurements

    WISDOM project -- XVI. SMBH mass in the early-type galaxies NGC0612, NGC1574, and NGC4261 from CO dynamical modelling

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    We present a CO dynamical estimate of the mass of the super-massive black hole (SMBH) in three nearby early-type galaxies: NGC0612, NGC1574 and NGC4261. Our analysis is based on Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Cycle 3-6 observations of the 12^{12}CO(2-1) emission line with spatial resolutions of 14−5814-58 pc (0.01′′−0.26′′0.01''-0.26''). We detect disc-like CO distributions on scales from ≲200\lesssim200 pc (NGC1574 and NGC4261) to ≈10\approx10 kpc (NGC0612). In NGC0612 and NGC1574 the bulk of the gas is regularly rotating. The data also provide evidence for the presence of a massive dark object at the centre of NGC1574, allowing us to obtain the first measure of its mass, MBH=(1.0±0.2)×108M_{\rm BH}=(1.0\pm0.2)\times10^{8} M⊙_{\odot} (1σ\sigma uncertainty). In NGC4261, the CO kinematics is clearly dominated by the SMBH gravitational influence, allowing us to determine an accurate black hole mass of (1.62±0.04)×109(1.62{\pm 0.04})\times10^{9} M⊙_{\odot} (1σ1\sigma uncertainty). This is fully consistent with a previous CO dynamical estimate obtained using a different modelling technique. Signs of non-circular gas motions (likely outflow) are also identified in the inner regions of NGC4261. In NGC0612, we are only able to obtain a (conservative) upper limit of MBH≲3.2×109M_{\rm BH}\lesssim3.2\times10^{9} M⊙_{\odot}. This has likely to be ascribed to the presence of a central CO hole (with a radius much larger than that of the SMBH sphere of influence), combined with the inability of obtaining a robust prediction for the CO velocity curve. The three SMBH mass estimates are overall in agreement with predictions from the MBH−σ⋆M_{\rm BH}-\sigma_{\star} relation.Comment: Main text: 20 pages, 14 Figures; Appendix: 7 pages, 6 Figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS on 2023 March 2

    A fundamental plane of black hole accretion at millimetre wavelengths

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    We report the discovery of the ‘mm fundamental plane of black hole accretion’, which is a tight correlation between the nuclear 1 mm luminosity (Lν, mm), the intrinsic 2–10 keV X-ray luminosity (LX, 2–10) and the supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass (MBH) with an intrinsic scatter (σint) of 0.40 dex. The plane is found for a sample of 48 nearby galaxies, most of which are low-luminosity active galactic nuclei. Combining these sources with a sample of high-luminosity (quasar-like) nearby AGN, we show that the plane still holds. We also find that MBH correlates with Lν, mm at a highly significant level, although such correlation is less tight than the mm fundamental plane (σint = 0.51 dex). Crucially, we show that spectral energy distribution (SED) models for both advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs) and compact jets can explain the existence of these relations, which are not reproduced by the standard torus-thin accretion disc models usually associated to quasar-like AGN. The ADAF models reproduces the observed relations somewhat better than those for compact jets, although neither provides a perfect fit. Our findings thus suggest that radiatively inefficient accretion processes such as those in ADAFs or compact (and thus possibly young) jets may play a key role in both low- and high-luminosity AGN. This mm fundamental plane also offers a new, rapid method to (indirectly) estimate SMBH masses

    WISDOM project – XVIII. Molecular gas distributions and kinematics of three megamaser galaxies

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    The co-evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes (SMBHs) underpins our understanding of galaxy evolution, but different methods to measure SMBH masses have only infrequently been cross-checked. We attempt to identify targets to cross-check two of the most accurate methods, megamaser, and cold molecular gas dynamics. Three promising galaxies are selected from all those with existing megamaser SMBH mass measurements. We present Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) 12CO (2–1) and 230-GHz continuum observations with angular resolutions of ≈0"5. Every galaxy has an extended rotating molecular gas disc and 230-GHz continuum source(s), but all also have irregularities and/or non-axisymmetric features: NGC 1194 is highly inclined and has disturbed and lopsided central 12CO (2–1) emission; NGC 3393 has a nuclear disc with fairly regular but patchy 12CO (2–1) emission with little gas near the kinematic major axis, faint emission in the very centre, and two brighter structures reminiscent of a nuclear ring and/or spiral; NGC 5765B has a strong bar and very bright 12CO (2–1) emission concentrated along two bisymmetric offset dust lanes and two bisymmetric nuclear spiral arms. 12CO (2–1) and 12CO (3–2) observations with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope are compared with the ALMA observations. Because of the disturbed gas kinematics and the impractically long integration times required for higher angular resolution observations, none of the three galaxies is suitable for a future SMBH mass measurement. None the less, increasing the number of molecular gas observations of megamaser galaxies is valuable, and the ubiquitous disturbances suggest a link between large-scale gas properties and the existence of megamasers

    WISDOM Project – XXIII. Figures of merit for supermassive black hole mass measurements using molecular gas and/or megamaser kinematics

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    The mass (MBH) of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) can be measured using spatially-resolved kinematics of the region where the SMBH dominates gravitationally. The most reliable measurements are those that resolve the smallest physical scales around the SMBHs. We consider here three metrics to compare the physical scales probed by kinematic tracers dominated by rotation: the radius of the innermost detected kinematic tracer Rmin normalised by respectively the SMBH’s Schwarzschild radius (RSchw ≡ 2GMBH/c2, where G is the gravitational constant and c the speed of light), sphere-of-influence (SOI) radius (RSOI≡GMBH/σe2R_\mathrm{SOI}\equiv GM_\mathrm{BH}/\sigma _\mathrm{e}^2, where σe is the stellar velocity dispersion within the galaxy’s effective radius) and equality radius (the radius Req at which the SMBH mass equals the enclosed stellar mass, MBH = M*(Req), where M*(R) is the stellar mass enclosed within the radius R). All metrics lead to analogous simple relations between Rmin and the highest circular velocity probed Vc. Adopting these metrics to compare the SMBH mass measurements using molecular gas kinematics to those using megamaser kinematics, we demonstrate that the best molecular gas measurements resolve material that is physically closer to the SMBHs in terms of RSchw but is slightly farther in terms of RSOI and Req. However, molecular gas observations of nearby galaxies using the most extended configurations of the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array can resolve the SOI comparably well and thus enable SMBH mass measurements as precise as the best megamaser measurements

    WISDOM project - XVIII. Molecular gas distributions and kinematics of three megamaser galaxies

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    The co-evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes (SMBHs) underpins our understanding of galaxy evolution, but different methods to measure SMBH masses have only infrequently been cross-checked. We attempt to identify targets to cross-check two of the most accurate methods, megamaser, and cold molecular gas dynamics. Three promising galaxies are selected from all those with existing megamaser SMBH mass measurements. We present Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) 12CO (2–1) and 230-GHz continuum observations with angular resolutions of ≈0 5. Every galaxy has an extended rotating molecular gas disc and 230-GHz continuum source(s), but all also have irregularities and/or non-axisymmetric features: NGC 1194 is highly inclined and has disturbed and lopsided central 12CO (2–1) emission; NGC 3393 has a nuclear disc with fairly regular but patchy 12CO (2–1) emission with little gas near the kinematic major axis, faint emission in the very centre, and two brighter structures reminiscent of a nuclear ring and/or spiral; NGC 5765B has a strong bar and very bright 12CO (2–1) emission concentrated along two bisymmetric offset dust lanes and two bisymmetric nuclear spiral arms. 12CO (2–1) and 12CO (3–2) observations with the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope are compared with the ALMA observations. Because of the disturbed gas kinematics and the impractically long integration times required for higher angular resolution observations, none of the three galaxies is suitable for a future SMBH mass measurement. None the less, increasing the number of molecular gas observations of megamaser galaxies is valuable, and the ubiquitous disturbances suggest a link between large-scale gas properties and the existence of megamasers

    WISDOM Project - X. The morphology of the molecular ISM in galaxy centres and its dependence on galaxy structure

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    We use high-resolution maps of the molecular interstellar medium (ISM) in the centres of 86 nearby galaxies from the millimetre-Wave Interferometric Survey of Dark Object Masses (WISDOM) and Physics at High Angular Resolution in Nearby GalaxieS (PHANGS) surveys to investigate the physical mechanisms setting the morphology of the ISM at molecular cloud scales. We show that early-type galaxies tend to have smooth, regular molecular gas morphologies, while the ISM in spiral galaxy bulges is much more asymmetric and clumpy when observed at the same spatial scales. We quantify these differences using non-parametric morphology measures (Asymmetry, Smoothness, and Gini), and compare these measurements with those extracted from idealized galaxy simulations. We show that the morphology of the molecular ISM changes systematically as a function of various large-scale galaxy parameters, including galaxy morphological type, stellar mass, stellar velocity dispersion, effective stellar mass surface density, molecular gas surface density, star formation efficiency, and the presence of a bar. We perform a statistical analysis to determine which of these correlated parameters best predicts the morphology of the ISM. We find the effective stellar mass surface (or volume) density to be the strongest predictor of the morphology of the molecular gas, while star formation and bars maybe be important secondary drivers. We find that gas self-gravity is not the dominant process shaping the morphology of the molecular gas in galaxy centres. Instead effects caused by the depth of the potential well, such as shear, suppression of stellar spiral density waves, and/or inflow, affect the ability of the gas to fragment