7 research outputs found

    Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Team Achievement Division (Stad) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas III SD Negeri 25 Bagan Melibur

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    This research was based on the mathematics learning outcomes of students at class III SDN 25 Bagan Melibur. There were only 13 of 24 students (54,17%) who achieve the Mastery Minimum Criteria on topic about using the measuring tool in problem solving and the learning process is still teacher centered. This research is action research which aims to increase the mathematics learning outcomes of students at class III SDN 25 Bagan Melibur through the implentation of cooperative learning in type student team achievement division (STAD). The subject is 24 students at class III SDN 25 Bagan Melibur which consist of 10 boys and 14 girls with the heterogenous ability level. The instruments of data collection were observation sheets and test of mathematic learning outcomes. The observation sheets were analyzed in qualitative desciptive, while the test of mathematic learning outcomes was analyzed in quantitative descriptive. The qualitative descriptive showed that there is an improvement of the previous learning process to the first and second cycle. The result showed an increasing number of students who achieve the Mastery Minimum Criteria from the basic score with the percentage 54,17% to 75% on the first daily test and 83,33% on the second daily test. Based on that result, it can be concluded that the implentation of Cooperative Learning in type student team achievement division (STAD) can improve the mathematics learning outcomes of students at class III SDN 25 Bagan Melibur on second semester academic year 2014/2015

    Early expansion of CD38+ICOS+ GC Tfh in draining lymph nodes during influenza vaccination immune response

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    T follicular helper (Tfh) cells provide critical help to B cells during the germinal center (GC) reaction to facilitate generation of protective humoral immunity. Accessing the human lymph node (LN) to study the commitment of CD4 T cells to GC Tfh cell differentiation during in vivo vaccine responses is difficult. We used ultrasound guided fine needle biopsy to monitor recall responses in axillary LNs to seasonal influenza vaccination in healthy volunteers. Specific expansion of GC cell subsets occurred exclusively within draining LNs five days postvaccination. Draining LN GC Tfh and precursor-Tfh cells express higher levels of CD38, ICOS, and Ki67, indicating they were significantly more activated, motile, and proliferating, compared to contralateral LN cells. These observations provide insight into the early expansion phase of the human Tfh lineage within LNs during a vaccine induced memory response and highlights early LN immune responses may not be reflected in the periphery

    Peran Kelompok Tani terhadap Pendapatan Petani Padi Sawah di Daerah Irigasi Teknis Kecamatan Kambera Kabupaten Sumba Timur

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    This studi aims to determine the role of farmer groups on the income of rice farmers in the technical irigation area Kambera District East Sumba Regency. This research was conducted for 2 months from may to july 2021. The data used in this study are primary data and secondari data. The result of this study indicate the role of farmer groups as a learning class to get a score of 312 with a role category. The role of farmer groups as a forum for cooperation received a score of 286 in the category of quite role and the role of farmer groups as a production unit scored 257 in the category of playing a sufficient role.based on the results of the recapitulation of the role of farmer groups, it obtained a score of 287 which indicates that the farmer groups have quite a role as a learning class, a forum for cooperation and production unit. While the incomes of rice farmers can be seen by using income analysis. The resultsof this study indicate that the average cost incurred by farmers is Rp.10.256.325,00/ Ha and ravenue of Rp.20185.818,00/ Ha so that the income of rice farmers in the technical irrigation area of the Kambera sub-district is Rp.10.525.493,00/Ha. To determinate the role of farmer groups on income, the spearman rank correlation test was used using SPSS.16 which showed that the role of farmer groups had a significant effect on the income of lowland rice farmers. The more the role of farmer groups is increased, it will increased the income of rice farmers in the technical irrigation area of the Kambera Sub-district

    Pemanfaatan Daun Kelor sebagai Bahan Dasar Produk Olahan Makanan di Kelurahan Kambaniru

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    Kelor menjadi salah satu tanaman yang mempunyai kandungan gizi yang tinggi dan daunnya dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai salah satu bahan dasar pengolahan makanan ataupun minuman. Program pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan pada kelompok tani Ie Hari 1 di Kelurahan Kambaniru Kecamatan Kambera Kabupaten Sumba Timur. Metode yang digunakan pada pengabdian ini yaitu metode penyuluhan dengan memberikan materi terkait pengenalan produk kelor dan nilai gizinya, serta memberikan pelatihan langsung pembuatan pudding dan ice cream kelor. Anggota kelompok tani Ie hari 1 didominasi oleh wanita yang mempunyai potensi dalam pengolahan produk makanan dari daun kelor, karena tersedia pohon kelor di sekitaran rumah para anggota kelompok. Hasil dari Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah kelompok tani mempunyai ketertarikan dalam mengenal produk olahan kelor yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis yang baik