2 research outputs found

    Correlation and pthat coefficient analysis of grain yield related chatacters in maize ( Zea mays L. ) under umudike condtitions of south eastern Nigeria

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    The relationships between grain yield and its components of 19 open pollinated (op) maize were studied using linear correlation and path co-efficient analyses. Plants were grown for two years. Grain yield showed positive significant correlations with fresh ear weight, ear diameter, shelling percentage, cob length, 100-seed weight, number of leaves at harvest and plant height at harvest. Days to 50% tasselling and silking were negatively correlated with yield in both years. Path co-efficient analysis revealed that fresh ear weight and shelling percentage were moderately consistent in their direct and indirect contributions to yield in both years. Fresh ear weight had 55% direct effect and 45% indirect effect through ear diameter and shelling percentage in 1998. In 1999, it had 73% direct effect on yield and 27% indirect effect through 100-seed weight and shelling percentage. In 1998, shelling percentage had 66% direct effect on grain yield and 34% indirect effect through ear diameter and fresh ear weight. It had 40% direct effect on yield and 60% of the indirect effect was accounted for mainly through fresh ear weight and 100 seed weight in 1999. These two traits are therefore, very important components of grain yield and should be given high weightage in any selection process aimed at improving grain yield in maize. Keywords: Linear correlation co-efficient, Path co-efficient, Maize genotypes, Agronomic charactersAgro-Science Vol. 4 (1) 2005: pp. 24-28 1-