20 research outputs found

    One Year of Vertical Wind Profiles Measurements at a Mediterranean Coastal Site of South Italy

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    To exploit wind energy both onshore and offshore in coastal area the effect of the coastal discontinuity is important. The shape of the vertical wind profiles and the related c parameter of the Weibull distribution are impacted by the atmospheric internal boundary layers developing from the coast along the wind direction. Here, we present first results: one year of vertical wind speed and direction profiles, monitoring programme at a South Mediterranean coastal site with a wind Lidar ZephIr (ltd). Daily variation of wind speed and direction vertical profiles, vertical Weibull wind distribution c parameter and wind rose are here showed

    Five Years of Dust Episodes at the Southern Italy GAW Regional Coastal Mediterranean Observatory: Multisensors and Modeling Analysis

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    The Mediterranean area is a climate-change hotspot because of the natural and anthropogenic pollution pressure. The presence of natural aerosols, such as dust, influences solar radiation and contributes to the detection, in storm episodes, of significant concentrations of PM10 in Southern Italy, where generally fresh and clean air is due to local circulation, and particulate matter concentrations are very low. We present the results of medium-term observations (2015–2019) at Lamezia Terme GAW (Global Atmospheric Watch) Regional Observatory, with the purpose of identifying the dust incursion events by studying the aerosol properties in the site. To achieve this goal, the experimental data, collected by several instruments, have been also correlated with the large-scale atmospheric patterns derived by the ERA5 reanalysis dataset, in order to study the meteorological conditions that strongly influence dust outbreaks and their spatio-temporal behavior. An intense dust-outbreak episode, which occurred on 23–27 April 2019, was chosen as a case study; a detailed analysis was carried out considering surface and column optical properties, chemical properties, large-scale pattern circulation, air-quality modeling/satellite products, and back-trajectory analysis, to confirm the capability of the modeled large-scale atmospheric fields to correctly simulate the conditions mainly related to the desert dust-outbreak events

    Comparison of Hourly Solar Radiation from a Ground–Based Station, Remote Sensing and Weather Forecast Models at a Coastal Site of South Italy (Lamezia Terme)

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    AbstractThe solar radiation is a critical input parameter when working with solar energy and radiation dependent surface processes. In this study, we present preliminary results from an inter-comparison between hourly values from a pyranometer, MSG-SEVIRI sensor and two meso-scale models, WRF and RAMS, in clear and cloudy sky conditions. Cloudy sky condition is the most important because the attenuation of solar radiation in the atmosphere is strongly dependent on the cloud variability. Bias and RMSE errors are evaluated at a coastal site in the Mediterranean area. These statistics show the tendency of both models to overestimate short-wave radiation

    A Comparative Analysis of Two Mediterranean Tornado Hotspots

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    An updated climatology of EF1+ (Enhanced Fujita category 1 or stronger) tornadoes in Italy (445 events in the period of 1990–2021) confirms that the central Tyrrhenian (CT) and the southeastern (SE) regions of the Italian peninsula represent two of the areas most affected by tornadoes in the Mediterranean. We performed a comparative analysis between these two hotspots, examining the large-scale atmospheric features associated to the tornado occurrences, throughout the analysis of radiosounding observations and reanalysis (ERA5) fields. The conditions in which the tornadoes develop are investigated using metrics regarding atmospheric instability and/or horizontal/vertical wind shear. Common synoptic characteristics are found for both regions, i.e., a prevalent occurrence of tornadoes on the eastern flank of approaching troughs, with moderate shear/CAPE mean values. A large number of events develop in a high-shear/low-CAPE (HSLC) environment, in the presence of positive sea surface and 850 hPa temperature anomalies. Conversely, the upper-level winds suggest different characteristics of the tornado-spawning cells in the two areas, i.e., multi-cells/linear systems for CT and isolated supercells for SE. The maximum values for some typical atmospheric fields/instability parameters in the areas around the tornado hotspots permit the obtention of thresholds that identify the most favorable environments for tornado formation in these Italian areas

    Olive flowering in South Italy

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    Phenological investigations that adopt aerobiological monitoring methodologies are frequently used for species that rely on the wind for pollen grain dispersion, such as the olive in the Mediterranean basin. The present study of olive flowering dates was carried out in the Calabria region (southern Italy). These were calculated on the basis of a phenological study of pollen levels in the atmosphere in three typical olive-growing areas over an 11 year study period (1999–2009). This phenological method provides olive flowering maps that are based on temperatures (as the growing degree days: GDDs), which are highly correlated with the release of the pollen grains. According to the model developed, the average GDDs corresponding to the flowering dates were calculated for the baseline period of 1981–2000. Moreover, with the use of meteorological data derived from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change scenarios, the future olive flowering dates are estimated for the 20 year period from 2081 to 2100. The close relationships between the spring temperature trends and the reproductive phenological phases in the olive are highly sensitive to climatic change, which has implications in terms of potential latitude and altitude shifts in the olive cultivation areas. In some cultivation areas in southern Italy, the present particular combination of microclimate, soil status and level of erosion is considered as limiting to regular vegetative plant development. However, the use of olive cultivars that are specifically adapted to extremely stressful environments, in terms of high temperatures and water deficit, might represent the main solution for the mitigation of the consequences of climatic change

    Exposure Assessment of Ambient PM2.5 Levels during a Sequence of Dust Episodes: A Case Study Coupling the WRF-Chem Model with GIS-Based Postprocessing

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    A sequence of dust intrusions occurred from the Sahara Desert to the central Mediterranean in the second half of June 2021. This event was simulated by means of the Weather Research and Forecasting coupled with chemistry (WRF-Chem) regional chemical transport model (CTM). The population exposure to the dust surface PM2.5 was evaluated with the open-source quantum geographical information system (QGIS) by combining the output of the CTM with the resident population map of Italy. WRF-Chem analyses were compared with spaceborne aerosol observations derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and, for the PM2.5 surface dust concentration, with the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2) reanalysis. Considering the full-period (17–24 June) and area-averaged statistics, the WRF-Chem simulations showed a general underestimation for both the aerosol optical depth (AOD) and the PM2.5 surface dust concentration. The comparison of exposure classes calculated for Italy and its macro-regions showed that the dust sequence exposure varies with the location and entity of the resident population amount. The lowest exposure class (up to 5 µg m−3) had the highest percentage (38%) of the population of Italy and most of the population of north Italy, whereas more than a half of the population of central, south and insular Italy had been exposed to dust PM2.5 in the range of 15–25 µg m−3. The coupling of the WRF-Chem model with QGIS is a promising tool for the management of risks posed by extreme pollution and/or severe meteorological events. Specifically, the present methodology can also be applied for operational dust forecasting purposes, to deliver safety alarm messages to areas with the most exposed population

    Five Years of Dust Episodes at the Southern Italy GAW Regional Coastal Mediterranean Observatory: Multisensors and Modeling Analysis

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    The Mediterranean area is a climate-change hotspot because of the natural and anthropogenic pollution pressure. The presence of natural aerosols, such as dust, influences solar radiation and contributes to the detection, in storm episodes, of significant concentrations of PM10 in Southern Italy, where generally fresh and clean air is due to local circulation, and particulate matter concentrations are very low. We present the results of medium-term observations (2015–2019) at Lamezia Terme GAW (Global Atmospheric Watch) Regional Observatory, with the purpose of identifying the dust incursion events by studying the aerosol properties in the site. To achieve this goal, the experimental data, collected by several instruments, have been also correlated with the large-scale atmospheric patterns derived by the ERA5 reanalysis dataset, in order to study the meteorological conditions that strongly influence dust outbreaks and their spatio-temporal behavior. An intense dust-outbreak episode, which occurred on 23–27 April 2019, was chosen as a case study; a detailed analysis was carried out considering surface and column optical properties, chemical properties, large-scale pattern circulation, air-quality modeling/satellite products, and back-trajectory analysis, to confirm the capability of the modeled large-scale atmospheric fields to correctly simulate the conditions mainly related to the desert dust-outbreak events