35 research outputs found

    Automatic stance detection on political discourse in Twitter

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    The majority of opinion mining tasks in natural language processing (NLP) have been focused on sentiment analysis of texts about products and services while there is comparatively less research on automatic detection of political opinion. Almost all previous research work has been done for English, while this thesis is focused on the automatic detection of stance (whether he or she is favorable or not towards important political topic) from Twitter posts in Catalan, Spanish and English. The main objective of this work is to build and compare automatic stance detection systems using supervised both classic machine and deep learning techniques. We also study the influence of text normalization and perform experiments with differentt methods for word representations such as TF-IDF measures for unigrams, word embeddings, tweet embeddings, and contextual character-based embeddings. We obtain state-of-the-art results in the stance detection task on the IberEval 2018 dataset. Our research shows that text normalization and feature selection is important for the systems with unigram features, and does not affect the performance when working with word vector representations. Classic methods such as unigrams and SVM classifier still outperform deep learning techniques, but seem to be prone to overfitting. The classifiers trained using word vector representations and the neural network models encoded with contextual character-based vectors show greater robustness

    Changes effectiveness assessment on the basis of sustainable development factor

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    The creation of new management methods that guarantee sustainable economic development in the long-term perspective is impossible without the overall analysis of the existing methods and system elements of enterprise management. Such analysis should take into account the influence of external and internal environment. Most of Russian organizations functioning at the market are characterized by low degree of flexibility and adaptability to the changes at the market and by traditional ways of management which do not correspond to the modern market conditions and it does not allow them to develop perfectly. The article defines the main components of the enterprise sustainable development and offers the matrix model of changes assessment on the basis of sustainable development criterion.Thus, the general aim of the article is to form theoretical and methodical basis for management mechanism aimed at sustainable development of the enterprise, the mechanism that meets the current demands and global trends of economy development. The main methodical instrument used for the enterprise position assessment is the system of matrix coordinates. The choice of the matrix form is due to the fact that matrices are the main tool for strategic positioning of enterprises and the choice of strategic solutions in conditions of multiplicity of parameters through which the expected and actually obtained results are formalized and measured

    Corporate Culture of Organization: Typical and Russian model

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    The new ways of synthesis of the phosphocholin-containing biospecific sorbents have been developed. The new affined sorbents have been obtained for the isolation of the C-reactive protein, differing in concentration of the immoblized ligands and in quantity of the cation charges in a space group, the influence of these factors on the degree of cleanliness of the C-reactive protein to be isolated, has been revealed. The diagram of receiving the C-reactive protein of the high degree of cleanliness has been developed. It has been established, that C-reactive protein possesses the immunoregulating properties. It is able to modify the formation of the humoral and cellular immune response of mice, possesses the mitogenic properties and modulates the proliferative activity of the lymphoid cells in the response to the T- and B-mitogenes. The offered diagram of receiving the C-reactive protein of high degree of cleanliness can be used under the production conditions. The field of application: the bioorganic chemistry and the medicineAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    The Use of MOOCS in Online Engineering Education

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    The study demonstrates the possibilities of using massive open online courses in engineering education. In order to study the impact of digital learning formats on the acquisition of key engineering competencies by students, an educational experiment was carried out; it was performed as part of the study of the Fire Safety discipline on the basis of the online educational platform Khan Academy. Conceptually, the educational process was aimed at studying the capabilities of software in the field of fire safety, namely: PyroSim, Pathfinder, FireRisk, FIM, FireCategories, PromRisk, FireDistance, as well as gaining professional competencies in the process of performing practical tasks. The educational experiment involved third-year intramural and extramural students of the Faculty of Engineering (The Saint-Petersburg University of the State Fire Service of the EMERCOM of Russia) and Moscow City Pedagogical University. The online educational course was conducted with an emphasis on consolidation and acquisition of professional engineering knowledge and skills in the development of fire safety projects under simulated risk conditions using modern software and an innovative educational platform. The participants demonstrated a high level of involvement, initiative and professional aspirations in the learning process. In the context of the educational experiment, the key competencies required for 21st century engineers have been identified. The students confirmed the positive impact of digital pedagogical tools on the acquisition and development of key competencies necessary for further professional activity. Having completed an online course on the Khan Academy platform focused on the applied interaction with advanced software in the field of fire safety, students identified skills that should be developed and consolidated, namely: teamwork skills and the ability to work in multidisciplinary teams, the ability to manage projects (management, planning, scheduling, budgeting, etc.); the ability to define, formulate and solve engineering problems; the ability to effectively prioritize; striving for lifelong learning; willingness to take a calculated risk; ability to make professional decisions; self-regulation and self-motivation. However, the development of important engineering competencies such as high ethical standards, honesty and global social, intellectual and technological responsibility; good communication skills, high emotional intelligence and cognitive flexibility; entrepreneurial spirit and customer focus requires educators to search for different pedagogical methods and practices. The assessment of the impact of digital learning formats on the acquisition of key engineering competencies was subjective, but revealed pedagogical approaches to the qualitative development of engineering personnel. An effective combination of traditional classroom and virtual interactions can create a complex paradigm of high-quality engineering and technical education that is competitive in the market environment