129 research outputs found

    Stability estimating in optimal stopping problem

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    summary:We consider the optimal stopping problem for a discrete-time Markov process on a Borel state space XX. It is supposed that an unknown transition probability p(x)p(\cdot |x), xXx\in X, is approximated by the transition probability p~(x)\widetilde{p}(\cdot |x), xXx\in X, and the stopping rule τ~\widetilde{\tau }_*, optimal for p~\widetilde{p}, is applied to the process governed by pp. We found an upper bound for the difference between the total expected cost, resulting when applying τ~\widetilde{\tau }_*, and the minimal total expected cost. The bound given is a constant times supxXp(x)p~(x)\displaystyle \sup \nolimits _{x\in X}\Vert p(\cdot |x)-\widetilde{p}(\cdot |x)\Vert , where \Vert \cdot \Vert is the total variation norm

    Multimedia technologies in professional language education of law students

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    The article is the author’s take on up-to-day technologies in forming the foreign language competence of the future lawyers. Educational process of law students in a foreign language cannot be carried out without a proper system of monitoring the development of communication skills and abilities. As a result of using multimedia technologies, both the teacher and the student get the opportunity to pay attention to the existing gaps in communication skills and adjust their speech activity accordingly. The control of using multimedia technologies provides the necessary information for analysis and making appropriate changes in the organization of the educational process. Multimedia has become one of the leading learning tools in the period of distance learning. Multimedia is a technology that combines information (data), sound, animation, and graphics. Using modern appliances have made it possible to qualitatively change the control over students’ activities, while providing flexibility in managing the educational process. Using the information resources of the Internet allows integrating them into the educational process to more effectively solve a number of didactic tasks in a practical lesson. The use of computer presentations in the classroom allows to introduce new material in the most exciting way, the principle of visibility is implemented, which contributes to the solid assimilation of information

    Ограничения конституционных прав и свобод и юридические препятствия в их реализации

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    The article is devoted to the ratio of restrictions of rights and freedoms and legal obstacles as the phenomena of legal life. It makes conclusions that the legal restrictions of rights and freedoms as a general rule cannot be regarded as legal obstacles; restrictions that do not meet the constitutional conditions of legality are legal obstacles that are surmountable judicially, while the judicial assessment is a judicially significant criterion of the difference between legal restrictions and obstaclesСтатья посвящена соотношению ограничений прав и свобод и юридических препятствий как явлений правовой жизни. Обоснованы выводами о том, что законные ограничения прав и свобод по общему правилу не могут рассматриваться в качестве юридических препятствий; ограничения, не отвечающие конституционным условиям правомерности, являются юридическими препятствиями, преодолимыми в судебном порядке. При этом судебная оценка выступает юридически значимым критерием различия правовых ограничений и препятстви

    Phenotypic and Genetic Diversity of Uropathogenic Enterococcus faecalis Strains Isolated in the Primorsky Region of Russia

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    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a topical problem of the contemporary pediatrics, pediatric nephrology, and urology. E. faecalis isolated from urine of children was the most important factor in development of UTIs at departments for newborns in Primorsky region. The variability of biochemical and fermentation activities of pathogenicity factors and resistance to antibiotics suggested a phenotypic heterogeneity of E. faecalis. It was found that uropathogenic enterococci characterized with proteolytic activity are resistant to antibacterial agents with different action mechanisms. Clinical isolates of E. faecalis contained two and more studied pathogenicity genes. Eleven variants of genes combinations, which code pathogenicity factors of E. faecalis, were identified. Uropathogenic E. faecalis strains attributed to ST6, ST40, ST179, ST774, and ST116 are resistant to four and more groups of antimicrobial agents. Our research confirmed high virulence properties of E. faecalis isolated from urine of patients with and their manifestations depending on the patient’s age. Clinically significant E. faecalis strains have a complex of virulent properties, which allow the bacteria to materialize their pathogenic potential on all stages of the inflammation process in urinary system

    Investigating the relationship between student engagement and transition

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    Failure to establish meaningful and effective transition for undergraduates can lead to academic underachievement. Student engagement represents a key component of student success. This study sought to investigate the impact of a bespoke transition programme featuring a wide range of innovative, student-centred activities on enhancing students' engagement with educationally effective practices through examining student relations with others, learning and the discipline. For the study 104 undergraduates on a Sport Development course at a British university undertook a five-week transition programme. Data were collected via weekly questionnaires and focus groups at the end of weeks 1, 3 and 5. The investigation revealed that transition programmes require a high-intensity, novel and varied timetable supported by a student-centred staff team. Effective transition programmes can enhance students' engagement with educationally effective practices. Future research should investigate the longer-term impact of such programmes

    Class II fusion protein of alphaviruses drives membrane fusion through the same pathway as class I proteins

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    Viral fusion proteins of classes I and II differ radically in their initial structures but refold toward similar conformations upon activation. Do fusion pathways mediated by alphavirus E1 and influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) that exemplify classes II and I differ to reflect the difference in their initial conformations, or concur to reflect the similarity in the final conformations? Here, we dissected the pathway of low pH–triggered E1-mediated cell–cell fusion by reducing the numbers of activated E1 proteins and by blocking different fusion stages with specific inhibitors. The discovered progression from transient hemifusion to small, and then expanding, fusion pores upon an increase in the number of activated fusion proteins parallels that established for HA-mediated fusion. We conclude that proteins as different as E1 and HA drive fusion through strikingly similar membrane intermediates, with the most energy-intensive stages following rather than preceding hemifusion. We propose that fusion reactions catalyzed by all proteins of both classes follow a similar pathway

    Migration processes and socio-economic development of the regions

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    Migration processes management is an important public administration element. Migration affects many aspects of society — economics, public safety, and culture. Without a competent migration policy, a conflict between residents and migrants is inevitable in society. The problem of the relationship between migration flows and the level of socio-economic development of territories is considered herein. The data from the RIA Rating Agency and the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia are used in this study. The main research method is the correlation-regression analysis. As part of the study, the hypothesis that migration flows tend to the regions that are strong in terms of socioeconomic status has not been confirmed

    The Russian Hotel Market: Condition and Development Under the Crisis

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    The aim of the present research is to study the condition and development of the Russian hotel market under the crisis. The authors have analyzed the existing threats, defined the main trends of development and systemized all significant results of the research. In the course of the present work the methods of systematic approach, economic and statistic analyses, quantitative and qualitative studies have been applied. Such methods allow to reveal the problems and prospects of the Russian hotel market development. The article presents the results of analyzing the state of the Russian hotel market: the investment activity, the dynamics of the operational indicators of the Moscow, Saint Petersburg and other regions hotels` activity. The paper also provides the authors` appraisal of the degree of external factors impact on the Russian hotel business development. The special focus is placed on scrutinizing the issue of the human factor in the hotel business. Present analysis shows that different segments of the hotel market respond to crisis in different ways, it allows revealing the main threats for the Russian hotel market as well. The authors of the research have emphasized the necessity of the holding of the anti-crisis measures, aimed at the adjustment of the approaches to the hotel business management under the condition of the fluctuating market. The top priority steps are: the improvement of the marketing policy and the restructuring of the business processes. At the resume-part of the research the authors have concluded that despite the complex situation international hotel operators still are not planning their outflow from the Russian market, that attests to its long-term attraction. Furthermore, as a result of the present research the necessity of the reform of the hotel-business staff training system has been proved. All authors` references aim at the overcoming the negative tendencies on the Russian hotel market, caused by current crisis. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s5p28

    Cross-border Movement of People between Russia and Poland and Their Influence on the Economy of Border Regions

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    The ever-increasing role of cross-border movement for the development of the economies of the regions of neighboring countries located in the immediate vicinity of the border defines the topicality of this research. It is important to continually assess the dynamics of cross-border cooperation, reflecting the change in the foreign policy interaction between the Russian Federation and neighboring countries in Europe, to develop timely measures to minimize the negative consequences of such tendencies. The aim of research was to analyze the dynamics of cross-border movements and exchanges between the residents of the Kaliningrad Region and Poland, the assessment of the objectives' structure of visits and the distance from the border to the visit target. As a result of the research was compiled a “portrait” of the main groups of residents of the Kaliningrad region and Poland participating in cross-border movements, and authors' assessment of the positive and negative effects of such movements and exchanges on the economic development of these regions is given. Keywords: trans-border cooperation, regional development, economic cooperation, tourism, Kaliningrad region, Russia, Poland JEL Classifications: F63, R1