76 research outputs found

    Current molecular understanding of Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome.

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    Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome (ARS) is a rare autosomal dominant inherited disorder affecting the development of the eyes, teeth and abdomen. The syndrome is characterised by complete penetrance but variable expressivity. The ocular component of the ARS phenotype has acquired most clinical attention and has been dissected into a spectrum of developmental eye disorders, of which open-angle glaucoma represents the main challenge in terms of treatment. Mutations in several chromosomal loci have been implicated in ARS, including PITX2, FOXC1 and PAX6. Full-spectrum ARS is caused primarily by mutations in the PITX2 gene. The homeobox transcription factor PITX2 is produced as at least four different transcriptional and splicing isoforms, with different biological properties. Intriguingly, PITX2 is also involved in left-right polarity determination, although asymmetry defects are not a feature of ARS. In experimental animal models and in cell culture experiments using PITX2, abundant evidence indicates that a narrow window of expression level of this gene is vital for its correct function

    Functional analysis of human mutations in homeodomain transcription factor PITX3

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The homeodomain-containing transcription factor <it>PITX3 </it>was shown to be essential for normal eye development in vertebrates. Human patients with point mutations in <it>PITX3 </it>demonstrate congenital cataracts along with anterior segment defects in some cases when one allele is affected and microphthalmia with brain malformations when both copies are mutated. The functional consequences of these human mutations remain unknown.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We studied the PITX3 mutant proteins S13N and G219fs to determine the type and severity of functional defects. Our results demonstrate alterations in DNA-binding profiles and/or transactivation activities and suggest a partial loss-of-function in both mutants with the G219fs form being more severely affected. No anomalies in cellular distribution and no dominant-negative effects were discovered for these mutants. Interestingly, the impairment of the G219fs activity varied between different ocular cell lines.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The G219fs mutation was found in multiple families affected with congenital cataracts along with anterior segment malformations in many members. Our data suggest that the presence/severity of anterior segment defects in families affected with G219fs may be determined by secondary factors that are expressed in the developing anterior segment structures and may modify the effect(s) of this mutation. The S13N mutant showed only minor alteration of transactivation ability and DNA binding pattern and may represent a rare polymorphism in the <it>PITX3 </it>gene. A possible contribution of this mutation to human disease needs to be further investigated.</p

    laminin alpha 1 gene is essential for normal lens development in zebrafish

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    BACKGROUND: Laminins represent major components of basement membranes and play various roles in embryonic and adult tissues. The functional laminin molecule consists of three chains, alpha, beta and gamma, encoded by separate genes. There are twelve different laminin genes identified in mammals to date that are highly homologous in their sequence but different in their tissue distribution. The laminin alpha -1 gene was shown to have the most restricted expression pattern with strong expression in ocular structures, particularly in the developing and mature lens. RESULTS: We identified the zebrafish lama1 gene encoding a 3075-amino acid protein (lama1) that possesses strong identity with the human LAMA1. Zebrafish lama1 transcripts were detected at all stages of embryo development with the highest levels of expression in the developing lens, somites, nervous and urogenital systems. Translation of the lama1 gene was inhibited using two non-overlapping morpholino oligomers that were complementary to sequences surrounding translation initiation. Morphant embryos exhibited an arrest in lens development and abnormalities in the body axis length and curvature. CONCLUSION: These results underline the importance of the laminin alpha 1 for normal ocular development and provide a basis for further analysis of its developmental roles

    Lens Extrusion from Laminin Alpha 1

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    We report analysis of the ocular lens phenotype of the recessive, larval lethal zebrafish mutant, lama1a69/a69. Previous work revealed that this mutant has a shortened body axis and eye defects including a defective hyaloid vasculature, focal corneal dysplasia, and loss of the crystalline lens. While these studies highlight the importance of laminin α1 in lens development, a detailed analysis of the lens defects seen in these mutants was not reported. In the present study, we analyze the lenticular anomalies seen in the lama1a69/a69 mutants and show that the lens defects result from the anterior extrusion of lens material from the eye secondary to structural defects in the lens capsule and developing corneal epithelium associated with basement membrane loss. Our analysis provides further insights into the role of the lens capsule and corneal basement membrane in the structural integrity of the developing eye

    Electron and hole g-factors and spin dynamics of negatively charged excitons in CdSe/CdS colloidal nanoplatelets with thick shells

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    We address spin properties and spin dynamics of carriers and charged excitons in CdSe/CdS colloidal nanoplatelets with thick shells. Magneto-optical studies are performed by time-resolved and polarization-resolved photoluminescence, spin-flip Raman scattering and picosecond pump-probe Faraday rotation in magnetic fields up to 30 T. We show that at low temperatures the nanoplatelets are negatively charged so that their photoluminescence is dominated by radiative recombination of negatively charged excitons (trions). Electron g-factor of 1.68 is measured and heavy-hole g-factor varying with increasing magnetic field from -0.4 to -0.7 is evaluated. Hole g-factors for two-dimensional structures are calculated for various hole confining potentials for cubic- and wurtzite lattice in CdSe core. These calculations are extended for various quantum dots and nanoplatelets based on II-VI semiconductors. We developed a magneto-optical technique for the quantitative evaluation of the nanoplatelets orientation in ensemble

    MIP/Aquaporin 0 Represents a Direct Transcriptional Target of PITX3 in the Developing Lens

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    The PITX3 bicoid-type homeodomain transcription factor plays an important role in lens development in vertebrates. PITX3 deficiency results in a spectrum of phenotypes from isolated cataracts to microphthalmia in humans, and lens degeneration in mice and zebrafish. While identification of downstream targets of PITX3 is vital for understanding the mechanisms of normal ocular development and human disease, these targets remain largely unknown. To isolate genes that are directly regulated by PITX3, we performed a search for genomic sequences that contain evolutionarily conserved bicoid/PITX3 binding sites and are located in the proximity of known genes. Two bicoid sites that are conserved from zebrafish to human were identified within the human promoter of the major intrinsic protein of lens fiber, MIP/AQP0. MIP/AQP0 deficiency was previously shown to be associated with lens defects in humans and mice. We demonstrate by both chromatin immunoprecipitation and electrophoretic mobility shift assay that PITX3 binds to MIP/AQP0 promoter region in vivo and is able to interact with both bicoid sites in vitro. In addition, we show that wild-type PITX3 is able to activate the MIP/AQP0 promoter via interaction with the proximal bicoid site in cotransfection experiments and that the introduction of mutations disrupting binding to this site abolishes this activation. Furthermore, mutant forms of PITX3 fail to produce the same levels of transactivation as wild-type when cotransfected with the MIP/AQP0 reporter. Finally, knockdown of pitx3 in zebrafish affects formation of a DNA-protein complex associated with mip1 promoter sequences; and examination of expression in pitx3 morphant and control zebrafish revealed a delay in and reduction of mip1 expression in pitx3-deficient embryos. Therefore, our data suggest that PITX3 is involved in direct regulation of MIP/AQP0 expression and that the alteration of MIP/AQP0 expression is likely to contribute to the lens phenotype in cataract patients with PITX3 mutations

    Alternative Genetic Diagnoses in Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome Spectrum

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    Axenfeld–Rieger anomaly (ARA) is a specific ocular disorder that is frequently associated with other systemic abnormalities. PITX2 and FOXC1 variants explain the majority of individuals with Axenfeld–Rieger syndrome (ARS) but leave ~30% unsolved. Here, we present pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants in nine families with ARA/ARS or similar phenotypes affecting five different genes/regions. USP9X and JAG1 explained three families each. USP9X was recently linked with syndromic cognitive impairment that includes hearing loss, dental defects, ventriculomegaly, Dandy–Walker malformation, skeletal anomalies (hip dysplasia), and other features showing a significant overlap with FOXC1-ARS. Anterior segment anomalies are not currently associated with USP9X, yet our cases demonstrate ARA, congenital glaucoma, corneal neovascularization, and cataracts. The identification of JAG1 variants, linked with Alagille syndrome, in three separate families with a clinical diagnosis of ARA/ARS highlights the overlapping features and high variability of these two phenotypes. Finally, intragenic variants in CDK13, BCOR, and an X chromosome deletion encompassing HCCS and AMELX (linked with ocular and dental anomalies, correspondingly) were identified in three additional cases with ARS. Accurate diagnosis has important implications for clinical management. We suggest that broad testing such as exome sequencing be applied as a second-tier test for individuals with ARS with normal results for PITX2/FOXC1 sequencing and copy number analysis, with attention to the described genes/regions