725 research outputs found

    Exploration in stochastic algorithms: An application on MAX-MIN Ant System

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    In this paper a definition of the exploration performed by stochastic algorithms is proposed. It is based on the observation through cluster analysis of the solutions generated during a run. The probabilities associated by an algorithm to solution components are considered. Moreover, a consequent method for quantifying the exploration is provided. Such a measurement is applied to MAX-MIN Ant System. The results of the experimental analysis allow to observe the impact of the parameters of the algorithm on the exploration.exploration, cluster analysis, MAX-MIN Ant System

    Leading advertisers efficiency evaluated by data envelopment analysis

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    In this paper we analyze the problem of measuring the advertising efficiency of the Leading US Advertisers during the period 2001-2006. We use the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) approach that enables to evaluate the relative efficiency in case of multiple inputs and outputs. In particular, the classical CCR-DEA model is first implemented in each year considered; a windows analysis approach is then used in order to better capture the dynamics of efficiency. Finally, the effect on efficiency of advertising spending over time, is captured by Adstock as an additional variable of the DEA model. The dynamics of Adstock is described by a finite difference equation.

    A fractional optimal control problem for maximizing advertising efficiency

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    We propose an optimal control problem to model the dynamics of the communication activity of a firm with the aim of maximizing its efficiency. We assume that the advertising effort undertaken by the firm contributes to increase the firm's goodwill and that the goodwill affects the firm's sales. The aim is to find the advertising policies in order to maximize the firm's efficiency index which is computed as the ratio between "outputs" and "inputs" properly weighted; the outputs are represented by the final level of goodwill and by the sales achieved by the firm during the period considered, whereas the inputs are represented by the costs undertaken by the firm, fixed costs and advertising costs. The problem considered is formulated as a fractional optimal control problem. In order to find the optimal advertising policies we use the Dinkelbach's algorithm for fractional programming.

    Photon-induced contributions to di-lepton production at the LHC Run II

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    We report on recent studies of photon-induced (PI) contributions to di-lepton production and their implications for Beyond Standard Model (BSM) ZZ^\prime-bosons searches at the LHC.Comment: Proceedings of XXV International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, 3-7 April 2017, University of Birmingham, U

    Real and virtual photons effects in di-lepton production at the LHC

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    We show the SM prediction of di-lepton production at the LHC where to the usual Drell-Yan production we add the contribution from Photon-Initiated processes. We discuss the effects of the inclusion of photon interactions in the high invariant mass region (TeV region) and their consequences on BSM heavy Z'-boson searches.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Proceeding of Les Rencontres de Physique de la Vall\'ee d'Aoste, La Thuile 201

    The effect of real and virtual photons in the di-lepton channel at the LHC

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    We present a study of di-lepton production at the CERN Large Hadron Collider with a particular focus on the contribution resulting from both real and virtual photons in the initial state. We discuss the region of phase space in which the invariant mass of the lepton pair is of the order of several TeV, where searches for new physics phenomena yielding a di-lepton signature are presently carried out. We study both the yield and associated uncertainties for all possible topologies in photon-induced di-lepton production and compare these with what is expected in the standard Drell-Yan channel, where quark-antiquark pairs are responsible for the production of lepton pairs. We analyse the impact of these QED contributions on the expected Standard Model background and on searches for new physics. In this latter case, we use the production of an extra heavy ZZ^\prime-boson predicted by the Sequential Standard Model (SSM) as a benchmark process.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure