22 research outputs found

    Ribosomal DNA as DAMPs Signal for MCF7 Cancer Cells

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    Introduction: The cell free ribosomal DNA (cf-rDNA) is accrued in the total pool of cell free DNA (cfDNA) in some non-cancer diseases and demonstrates DAMPs characteristics. The major research questions: (1) How does cell free rDNA content change in breast cancer; (2) What type of response in the MCF7 breast cancer cells is caused by cf-rDNA; and (3) What type of DNA sensors (TLR9 or AIM2) is stimulated in MCF7 in response to the action of cf-rDNA?Materials and Methods: CfDNA and gDNA were isolated from the blood plasma and the cells derived from 38 breast cancer patients and 20 healthy female controls. The rDNA content in DNA was determined using non-radioactive quantitative hybridization. In order to explore the rDNA influence on MCF7 breast cancer cells, the model constructs (GC-DNAs) were applied: pBR322-rDNA plasmid (rDNA inset 5836 bp long) and pBR322 vector. ROS generation, DNA damage, cell cycle, expression of TLR9, AIM2, NF-kB, STAT3, and RNA for 44 genes affecting the cancer cell viability were evaluated. The methods used: RT-qPCR, fluorescent microscopy, immunoassay, flow cytometry, and siRNA technology.Results: The ratio R = cf-rDNA/g-rDNA for the cases was higher than for the controls (median 3.4 vs. 0.8, p < 10−8). In MCF7, GC-DNAs induce a ROS burst, DNA damage response, and augmentation of NF-kB and STAT3 activity. The number of the apoptotic cells decreases, while the number of cells with an instable genome (G2/M– arrest, micronuclei) increase. Expression of anti-apoptotic genes (BCL2, BCL2A1, BCL2L1, BIRC3, MDM2) is elevated, while expression of pro-apoptotic genes (BAX, BID, BAD, PMAIP1, BBC3) is lowered. The cells response for pBR322-rDNA is much more intense and develops much faster, than response for pBR322, and is realized through activation of TLR9- MyD88 - NF-kB- signaling. This difference in response speed is owing to the heightened oxidability of pBR322-rDNA and better ability to penetrate the cell. Induction of TLR9 expression in MCF7 is followed by blocking AIM2 expression.Conclusion: (1) Ribosomal DNA accumulates in cfDNA of breast cancer patients; (2) Cell free rDNA induce DNA damage response and stimulates cells survival, including cells with an instable genome; (3) Cell free rDNA triggers TLR9- MyD88- NF-kB- signaling, with significantly repressing the expression of AIM2

    Abstracts from the 20th International Symposium on Signal Transduction at the Blood-Brain Barriers

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    Copy Number of Human Ribosomal Genes With Aging: Unchanged Mean, but Narrowed Range and Decreased Variance in Elderly Group

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    Introduction: The multi-copied genes coding for the human 18, 5.8, and 28S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) are located in five pairs of acrocentric chromosomes forming so-called rDNA. Human genome contains unmethylated, slightly methylated, and hypermethylated copies of rDNA. The major research question: What is the rDNA copy number (rDNA CN) and the content of hypermethylated rDNA as a function of age?Materials and Methods: We determined the rDNA CN in the blood leukocyte genomes of 651 subjects aged 17 to 91 years. The subjects were divided into two subgroups: “elderly” group (E-group, N = 126) – individuals over 72 years of age (the age of the population’s mean lifetime for Russia) and “non-elderly” group (NE-group, N = 525). The hypermethylated rDNA content was determined in the 40 DNA samples from the each group. The change in rDNA during replicative cell senescence was studied for the cultured skin fibroblast lines of five subjects from NE-group. Non-radioactive quantitative dot- and blot-hybridization techniques (NQH) were applied.Results: In the subjects from the E-group the mean rDNA CN was the same, but the range of variation was narrower compared to the NE-group: a range of 272 to 541 copies in E-group vs. 200 to 711 copies in NE-group. Unlike NE-group, the E-group genomes contained almost no hypermethylated rDNA copies. A case study of cultured skin fibroblasts from five subjects has shown that during the replicative senescence the genome lost hypermethylated rDNA copies only.Conclusion: In the elderly group, the mean rDNA CN is the same, but the range of variation is narrower compared with the younger subjects. During replicative senescence, the human fibroblast genome loses hypermethylated copies of rDNA. Two hypotheses were put forward: (1) individuals with either very low or very high rDNA content in their genomes do not survive till the age of the population’s mean lifetime; and/or (2) during the aging, the human genome eliminates hypermethylated copies of rDNA

    The Phosphonate Derivative of C60 Fullerene Induces Differentiation towards the Myogenic Lineage in Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Inductors of myogenic stem cell differentiation attract attention, as they can be used to treat myodystrophies and post-traumatic injuries. Functionalization of fullerenes makes it possible to obtain water-soluble derivatives with targeted biochemical activity. This study examined the effects of the phosphonate C60 fullerene derivatives on the expression of myogenic transcription factors and myogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Uptake of the phosphonate C60 fullerene derivatives in human MSCs, intracellular ROS visualization, superoxide scavenging potential, and the expression of myogenic, adipogenic, and osteogenic differentiation genes were studied. The prolonged MSC incubation (within 7–14 days) with the C60 pentaphoshonate potassium salt promoted their differentiation towards the myogenic lineage. The transcription factors and gene expressions determining myogenic differentiation (MYOD1, MYOG, MYF5, and MRF4) increased, while the expression of osteogenic differentiation factors (BMP2, BMP4, RUNX2, SPP1, and OCN) and adipogenic differentiation factors (CEBPB, LPL, and AP2 (FABP4)) was reduced or did not change. The stimulation of autophagy may be one of the factors contributing to the increased expression of myogenic differentiation genes in MSCs. Autophagy may be caused by intracellular alkalosis and/or short-term intracellular oxidative stress

    Increased Transfection of the Easily Oxidizable GC-Rich DNA Fragments into the MCF7 Breast Cancer Cell

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    Objective. Easily oxidizable GC-rich DNA (GC-DNA) fragments accumulate in the cell-free DNA (cfDNA) of patients with various diseases. The human oxidized DNA penetrates the MCF7 breast cancer cells and significantly changes their physiology. It can be assumed that readily oxidizable GC-DNA fragments can penetrate the cancer cells and be expressed. Methods. MCF7 cells were cultured in the presence of two types of GC-DNA probes: (1) vectors pBR322 and pEGFP and (2) plasmids carrying inserted human rDNA (pBR322-rDNA and pEGFP-rDNA). pEGFP and pEGFP-rDNA contained a CMV promoter and a fluorescent protein gene EGFP. ROS generation rate, accumulation of the DNA probes in MCF7, 8-oxodG content, expression of EGFP and NOX4, and localization of EGFP, NOX4, and 8-oxodG in MCF7 were explored. The applied methods were qPCR, fluorescent microscopy (FM), immunoassay, and flow cytometry (FCA). Results. When GC-DNA is added to the cell culture medium, it interacts with the cell surface. At the site of GC-DNA contact with the cell, NOX4 is expressed, and ROS level increases. The ROS oxidize the GC-DNA. When using the plasmids pEGFP and pEGFP-rDNA, an increase in the amount of the DNA EGFP, RNA EGFP, and EGFP proteins was detected in the cells. These facts suggest that GC-DNA penetrates the cells and the EGFP gene is expressed. Insertions of the rDNA significantly increase the GC-DNA oxidation degree as well as the rate of plasmid transfection into the cells and the EGFP expression level. In the nucleus, the oxidized GC-rDNA fragments, but not the vectors, are localized within the nucleolus. Conclusions. GC-rich cfDNA fragments that are prone to oxidation can easily penetrate the cancer cells and be expressed. The cfDNA should become a target for the antitumor therapy

    Changes of KEAP1/NRF2 and IKB/NF-κB Expression Levels Induced by Cell-Free DNA in Different Cell Types

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    Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is a circulating DNA of nuclear and mitochondrial origin mainly derived from dying cells. Recent studies have shown that cfDNA is a stress signaling DAMP (damage-associated molecular pattern) molecule. We report here that the expression profiles of cfDNA-induced factors NRF2 and NF-κB are distinct depending on the target cell’s type and the GC-content and oxidation rate of the cfDNA. Stem cells (MSC) have shown higher expression of NRF2 without inflammation in response to cfDNA. In contrast, inflammatory response launched by NF-κB was dominant in differentiated cells HUVEC, MCF7, and fibroblasts, with a possibility of transition to massive apoptosis. In each cell type examined, the response for oxidized cfDNA was more acute with higher peak intensity and faster resolution than that for nonoxidized cfDNA. GC-rich nonoxidized cfDNA evoked a weaker and prolonged response with proinflammatory component (NF-κB) as predominant. The exploration of apoptosis rates after adding cfDNA showed that cfDNA with moderately increased GC-content and lightly oxidized DNA promoted cell survival in a hormetic manner. Novel potential therapeutic approaches are proposed, which depend on the current cfDNA content: either preconditioning with low doses of cfDNA before a planned adverse impact or eliminating (binding, etc.) cfDNA when its content has already become high