47 research outputs found

    Testosterone insulin-like effects: an in vitro study on the short-term metabolic effects of testosterone in human skeletal muscle cells

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    Testosterone by promoting different metabolic pathways contributes to short-term homeostasis of skeletal muscle, the largest insulin-sensitive tissue and the primary site for insulin-stimulated glucose utilization. Despite evidences indicate a close relationship between testosterone and glucose metabolism, the molecular mechanisms responsible for a possible testosterone-mediated insulin-like effects on skeletal muscle are still unknown

    A primitive neuroendocrine liver tumour?

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    The aim of the present report is to present a possible primitive case of a neuroendocrine tumour (NET) of the liver. During a routine ultrasound examination, a 51-year-old woman was diagnosed with a lesion in the second segment of the liver, suggestive of a metastasis. A well differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma (G2, Ki67 = 4.4%) was identified by liver biopsy, positive for chromogranin, synaptophysin and neuron specific enolase. An additional extensive examination aimed at finding the primitive lesion was unsuccessful and PET with 68Gallium revealed a single liver lesion. A left lobectomy was performed, but 15 months later a second liver lesion with the same characteristics as the previous one was observed and was surgically treated, followed by therapy with octreotide LAR 30 mg. A four-year follow-up did not show evidence of a different primitive NET: therefore, while it is improbable that a metastatic G2 primitive tumour would not have presented in the 4-year period, a diagnosis of primitive NET of the liver was made. The paper gives the opportunity of describing an unusual case of a primitive liver neuroendocrine tumour and of presenting the successful treatment of both surgery and cytoreductive pharmacological therapy

    A case of ectopic ACTH secretion

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    We report the case of a 48-year-old woman, with a rapidly progressing ACTH neuroendocrine tumour of the pancreas (PNET) and multiple liver metastases. The patient had previously suffered from a peptic ulcer which was responsive to PPI inhibitors and hypertension which was poorly controlled by therapy. Admitted to the hospital for severe asthenia and abdominal pain, she was diagnosed with poorly differentiated PNET with liver metastases, which were positive for synaptophysin, cytokeratin 7 and 9 and neuron specific enolase (NSE). Octreoscan scintigraphy was positive for somatostatin receptors in the pancreas and in two liver lesions. A rapidly progressive Cushing’s syndrome developed, presenting with the classical physical symptoms, hypokalemia and Lysteria monocytogenes meningitis. Ectopic ACTH production was confirmed and eventually the patient died from a septic shock within two months. The case reported focuses on the malignity and the rapid progression of an ACTH-producing PNET and calls attention to the possible fatal progression of these cases

    An unsolved case of fever

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    Fever of unknown origin (FUO) is extremely difficult to diagnose. It is defined as an illness lasting more than 3 weeks with a temperature exceeding 38 °C on several occasions and with an uncertain diagnosis after 1 week of intensive investigations in the hospital. The major causes of FUO are infection, neoplasm, and collagen vascular disease, but the percentages of each of these categories are subject to change due to improvements in diagnostic capability. The diagnostic workup of FUO is complex and, to date, there is no consensus published in the literature regarding guidelines as to the correct approach. A number of diagnostic tests and numerous non-invasive and invasive procedures, which however sometimes fail to explain the fever, are often necessary. In about 20% of cases of FUO the diagnosis is never established. In this article the case of a young man with fever of unknown origin is presented, the cause of which remains undiagnosed, in order to illustrate the difficulties of the diagnostic process. A “watch and wait” approach seems to be acceptable in a clinically stable patient for whom no diagnosis can be made after extensive investigation, and the prognosis is likely to be good

    Preliminary Evidence of the Differential Expression of Human Endogenous Retroviruses in Kawasaki Disease and SARS-CoV-2-Associated Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

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    Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a postinfectious sequela of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), with some clinical features overlapping with Kawasaki disease (KD). Our research group and others have highlighted that the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 can trigger the activation of human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs), which in turn induces inflammatory and immune reactions, suggesting HERVs as contributing factors in COVID-19 immunopathology. With the aim to identify new factors involved in the processes underlying KD and MIS-C, we analysed the transcriptional levels of HERVs, HERV-related genes, and immune mediators in children during the acute and subacute phases compared with COVID-19 paediatric patients and healthy controls. The results showed higher levels of HERV-W, HERV-K, Syn-1, and ASCT-1/2 in KD, MIS-C, and COV patients, while higher levels of Syn-2 and MFSD2A were found only in MIS-C patients. Moreover, KD and MIS-C shared the dysregulation of several inflammatory and regulatory cytokines. Interestingly, in MIS-C patients, negative correlations have been found between HERV-W and IL-10 and between Syn-2 and IL-10, while positive correlations have been found between HERV-K and IL-10. In addition, HERV-W expression positively correlated with the C-reactive protein. This pilot study supports the role of HERVs in inflammatory diseases, suggesting their interplay with the immune system in this setting. The elevated expression of Syn-2 and MFSD2A seems to be a distinctive trait of MIS-C patients, allowing to distinguish them from KD ones. The understanding of pathological mechanisms can lead to the best available treatment for these two diseases, limiting complications and serious outcomes

    Gastrointestinal presentation of kawasaki disease: A red flag for severe disease?

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    Background Kawasaki disease (KD) is a febrile systemic vasculitis of unknown etiology and the main cause of acquired heart disease among children in the developed world. To date, abdominal involvement at presentation is not recognized as a risk factor for a more severe form of the disease. Objective To evaluate whether presenting abdominal manifestations identify a group at major risk for Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)-resistance and coronary lesions. Methods Retrospective study of KD patients diagnosed between 2000 and 2015 in 13 pediatric units in Italy. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to the presence or absence of abdominal manifestations at onset. We compared their demographic and clinical data, IVIG-responsiveness, coronary ectasia/aneurysms, laboratory findings from the acute and subacute phases. Results 302 patients (181 boys) were enrolled: 106 patients with, and 196 patients without presenting abdominal features. Seasonality was different between the groups (p = 0.034). Patients with abdominal manifestations were younger (p = 0.006) and more frequently underwent delayed treatment (p = 0.014). In the acute phase, patients with abdominal presentation had higher platelet counts (PLT) (p = 0.042) and lower albuminemia (p = 0.009), while, in the subacute phase, they had higher white blood cell counts (WBC) and PLT (p = 0.002 and p < 0.005, respectively) and lower red blood cell counts (RBC) and hemoglobin (Hb) (p = 0.031 and p 0.009). Moreover, the above mentioned group was more likely to be IVIG-resistant (p < 0.005) and have coronary aneurysms (p = 0.007). In the multivariate analysis, presenting abdominal manifestations, age younger than 6 months, IVIG- resistance, delayed treatment and albumin concentration in the acute phase were independent risk factors for coronary aneurysms (respectively p<0.005, <0.005, = 0.005 and 0.009). Conclusions This is the first multicenter report demonstrating that presenting gastrointestinal features in KD identify patients at higher risk for IVIG-resistance and for the development of coronary aneurysms in a predominantly Caucasian population

    Osservazioni sperimentali sulla percussione su incudine

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    RIASSUNTO. - OSSERVAZIONI SPERIMENTALI SULLA PERCUSSIONE SU INCUDINE. - La percussione su incudine (definita anche come tecnica bipolare o “sur percuteur dormant”) sembra essere stata utilizzata durante un lungo periodo di tempo in preistoria. In accordo con quanto suggerito dalla letteratura, infatti, tale tecnica è presente dal Pleistocene medio-inferiore fino all’Olocene. In questo lavoro, gli Autori presentano i risultati di un’attività sperimentale finalizzata alla comprensione delle modalità di realizzazione della percussione su incudine. La ricerca è principalmente rivolta alle industrie litiche musteriane attribuite al “Pontiniano”. Tali industrie sono generalmente prodotte con materia prima locale costituita da ciottoli di selce di forma arrotondata e sono tradizionalmente collegate ad un più o meno intenso utilizzo della percussione su incudine. I dati forniti dall’attività sperimentale permettono di definire le caratteristiche diagnostiche prodotte da tale tecnica e il loro riconoscimento sui materiali litici preistorici

    La percussion sur enclume en Italie centrale tyrrhénienne

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    Résumé : En Italie, sur la base de la littérature existante, la percussion sur enclume semble être présente dans des industries lithiques qui couvrent une période extrêmement longue, du début du Pléistocène moyen jusqu’à l’Holocène. Dans ce travail, nous allons essayer d’examiner en détail la présence et les caractéristiques de la percussion sur enclume dans quelques sites du Latium, certains moustériens, comme Grotta Guattari, Grotta Breuil et Grotta del Fossellone (niv. 27ß), d’autres du Paléolithique supérieur initial (Grotta del Fossellone niv. 21) et final (Riparo Salvini et Riparo Palidoro). Une activité expérimentale nous a permis de définir les paramètres morphologiques utiles à la reconnaissance des artefacts taillés sur enclume au sein du matériel archéologique. L’influence des conditions environnementales et, en particulier, de la matière première sera discutée dans les conclusions