26 research outputs found


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    In this paper we try to clarify the marketing concepts in an educational environment. We consider the Faculty of Economics from the University of Oradea, but the concepts are general, having general applicability. We would like to stimulate the debate concerning the role of marketing in higher education. We will ask the question: Why marketing in higher education? Which is the target of higher education? What are the students looking for in evaluating the education services?marketing of higher education, higher education institution's management


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    Romanian mentality, especially in rural areas is deeply influenced by culture, literature and history of the Romanian people. This proves to be both adaptable and rooted in the old Romanian traditions and customs. In the last two decades, the transition from socialism to capitalism, modern society, the socio-economic development of the country has left strong impressions on the way of thought, expression and action of the Romanian people. Women in rural areas are no exception. As some groups of people interested in their development of social-economic scale, rural women are trying to adapt, to evolve, to overcome the barriers imposed at psychologically, socially and financially. The paper highlights the results of a survey on a sample of 979 women students in the project \"Entrepreneurship and Equal Opportunities. An inter-regional model for women entrepreneurial school \"(AntrES acronym), which certified mediators intention to initiate their own business.The results of questionnaires have provided important information about the character, ambition, motivation, courage, and moral support and financial support to women entrepreneurs based in Romania, including those in rural areas. The information obtained inetrmediul \"I shattered\" 7 myths about starting a business in our country. Romanian entrepreneur spirit, women in rural areas in Romania is not only a manifestation of strong desire to improve living standards in financial terms, but rather an \"effort\" to improve and \"beauty\" of the individual, family, environment and society we belong! In developed countries, at its home, female entrepreneurship is trying to reform, to seek new solutions to rethink the principles, to exercise imagination, to learn. Here, in Romania standard behavior still predominates. Female entrepreneurs are doing what everyone else in the same category does. The future however belongs to those who will opt diversity, surprise, excitement, personalization. How could this happen in the Romanian rural environment and take place in a sustainable way?antreprenoriat feminin, mentalitate româneascã, mediul rural, mituri, potenþial


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    The paper is the result of an empirical research, a study that includes a theoretical framework. The data used to test our hypotheses come from 60 small tourism firms from Bihor County, Romania. The research conducted has revealed that actions focusing on innovation must be based on a solid analysis, supported by the knowledge and the understanding of the contextual factors (environment, culture as a mental programming, values) also based on the organizational factors (the management commitment, systemic perspective, learning and practice of experimentation, rapid transfer of knowledge within the organization). For the purpose of this work, the contextual factors that are exogenous represent the shadow factors. The studies performed in three European projects implemented in tourism SMEs of Bihor County have allowed us to advance the idea that contextual and organizational factors, that are identified as the source of innovation are based on rationality, which is enlarged by affectivity and imagination. The identified correlations may be considered, in our opinion an element of novelty and originality. Finally, the purpose of this paper is to provide a possible model, based on the idea of building an innovative firm, the one that has learned how to determine their own employees to be innovative. O03, L2, L2


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    The paper deals with the protection of consumers of touristic services as well as some of its ethical aspects, it is a part of a more ample study. The assurance of the protection of consumer begin since information phase, it continues with his transport and with the situations that can appears once he arrived at destination. Ethical issues that are likely to come up in the area of tourist services are multiple. The main domains that can generate ethical problems are going to be presented are: problems regarding the product, publicity, actual performing, the price, and distribution.Rad govori o zaštiti potrošača turističkih usluga i o nekim njihovim etičkim aspektima, a dio je opsežnije studije. Osiguravanje zaštite potrošača počinje s fazom informiranja, nastavlja se transportom potrošača i situacijom koju on po svom dolasku nalazi na mjestu destinacije. Mnogobrojni su etički problemi, koji se mogu pojaviti na području turističkih usluga. Glavna područja, koja mogu stvarati etičke probleme su: problemi u svezi proizvoda, reklama, nova izvedba, cijena i distribucija.In dieser Arbeit, welche zugleich Teil einer umfangreicheren Studie ist, wird der Konsumentenschutz der touristischen Dienstleistungen und einige ethische Aspekte dargestellt. Der Konsumentenschutz beginnt mit der Informierungsphase, setzt sich fort mit dem Transport der Konsumenten und mit der Situation, welche der Kunde nach seiner Ankunft in der Destination vorfindet. Die ethischen Probleme, welche im Bereich der touristischen Dienstleistungen erscheinen können sind zahlreich. Die Hauptbereiche, welche die ethischen Probleme hervorrufen können werden hier vorgestellt: Probleme bezüglich des Produktes, die Werbung, neue Ausarbeitung, der Preis und der Warenvertrieb


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    The major unbalance of the world that we live in comes from the fact that the economic activity circumscribed to a profit logics does not purse with the same perseverance and rigor the objective related to the environment and to the development of the human being in its complexity. In this article, the solution that we are proposing is to protect resources by promoting the tourist Eco-Bio-Geo-Management, which targets, apart from economic objectives, also the objectives aiming at improving the involved persons and the surrounding world, by shaping the economic system in such a way so that the resources and support systems of life should be maintained, according to the thesis promoted by Lester Brown. While the traditional management is concerned with the quantity, competitiveness, growth, the Eco-Bio-Geo-Management considers particularly the quality, collaboration, preservation. The article departs from the current state of tourism in Bihor – Hajdú-Bihar Euro-Region, result of practicing the traditional management, the detailed subject of the first sub-chapter. Adepts of the idea according to which data gathering should also include the description, explanation, observation integrated in a systemic research, within which the manner of thinking seems to occupy the central place, as part of an unique, specific spiritual model, built in time, determining the motivation to use resources of a territory (zone, central area, region), we have proceeded to the work method accordingly. The second sub-chapter shows the negative impact of the traditional tourist management on the resource base with examples and data. Thus, in the foreground appear the arguments pleading for a new type of tourism management, namely the Eco-Bio-Geo-Management, a concept that is detailed in the third sub-chapter. The proposed model is based on systemic observation, statistic data and practical experience acquired from directly collaborating with the authorities and with the economic factors of the Euro-region. In the end, the conclusions are presented, which also open new research perspectives


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    To achieve sustainable performance, touristic rural firms must offer more than food, accommodation and transport services. In this context, heritage plays a key role in rural tourism, directly linked with a competitive offer based on innovation and a responsible and sustainable tourism. The promotion of original elements from the life and culture of an area represents a strong touristic attraction for a significant segment of tourists. These tourists look for authenticity and they want to observe the daily life of people interspersed with local cultural elements. In our paper, firstly, we will present the Romanian rural heritage, with his particular and unique elements. Then, it will be explained how heritage can be valorised like strategic resource in order to attain competitive advantage and economic development. Finally, some examples will be presented based on study-parts of two European project implemented in the Western region of Romania


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    It is more and more obvious that a proper planning of various activities/actions is a key of long-term success of a business organization. Writing a well grounded business plan is not easy, but nobody says that. What we can state is the fact that is worth it! Certainly no business plan guarantees success, but at least reduces the risk. And so the vulnerability can and should be reduced and kept under control. My research topic is integrated within the framework of the project called “The Entrepreneurship and the Equality of Opportunities. An Inter-Regional Model of Entrepreneurial School for Women (AntrES)”, implemented in 6 counties situated on the Western border of Romania. The main objectives of my paper were to explore the chances for success of the futures business delineated in the business plans and to prove that these business plans represent a resource of the female entrepreneurship in the Western part of Romania


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    It is well known that economic education need adequately answers to global challenges. Despite to this, there is still a significant lack of understanding of how we can do this in practice. The purpose of this paper is to provide a possible answer, based on the idea of building economic education program focalized on the characteristics of the new generations of students. We structure the paper as follows: first we offer a first approach about actual economic education, analysing the importance of understanding the new generation of students – Y Generation. In the next section we present the research method used for the empirical analysis, and we develop three hypotheses, based on interviews and data analysis. In our opinion, the operationalization of education centered on student in the field of economics is influenced by pragmatic orientation, of the management of communications and dialogue with students and also by presenting realistic and business models. We test these hypotheses using a test administrated for 22 students in Management, enrolled in the second year, undergraduate studies. Then we include in our present paper the empirical results in order to show that all three hypotheses were confirmed. The results are presented with a thought description of the empirical analysis. Finally, discussion and conclusions are presented and implications for economic education are discussed

    Measuring the Degree of Local Administration Action in Economic Development

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    The attentive diagnosis of the local economic basis, the deep understanding of the obstacles that confront the economic growth and the investments, the elaboration and the implementation of certain strategies to facilitate the investments are the means by which the local authorities can assure the future of the local community which voted them. The present paper proposes to measure the effectiveness and efficacity of their activity by lying the basis of the methodology of calculating the degree the local authorities imply themselves in the local economic development and its impact upon the financial mana¬gement performance of a certain town. Only a management that sustains the local economic development can lead to the permanent growth of the economic basis, which generates permanent development

    Measuring the Degree of Local Administration Action in Economic Development

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    The attentive diagnosis of the local economic basis, the deep understanding of the obstacles that confront the economic growth and the investments, the elaboration and the implementation of certain strategies to facilitate the investments are the means by which the local authorities can assure the future of the local community which voted them. The present paper proposes to measure the effectiveness and efficacity of their activity by lying the basis of the methodology of calculating the degree the local authorities imply themselves in the local economic development and its impact upon the financial mana¬gement performance of a certain town. Only a management that sustains the local economic development can lead to the permanent growth of the economic basis, which generates permanent development