18 research outputs found

    Reproduction of Agricultural Land on the basis of Ecological and Economic Rehabilitation

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    AbstractNegative processes of land degradation and violations not only reduce the area, the quality and the cost of agricultural land, but also have a negative impact on the economic efficiency of agricultural production. Despite the crisis in Russian agriculture, instability of the economic situation in general, there is an objective need to intensify the activities of the expanded reproduction of agricultural land. Reproduction cannot be achieved only by revegetation and reclamation of disturbed and degraded land. It must come from an integrated environmental-economic approach of technological methods, measures of economic support and impact of legislative instruments on land users. It is proposed to expand the system in order to reproduce disturbed and degraded agricultural lands with the help of «ecological and economic rehabilitation»

    Digitalization management system of Russia’s federal cities focused on prospective application throughout the country

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    The spread of digital technology around the world is accompanied by the uneven development of digitalization processes on the territory of different countries. Russia is no exception. The problem of digitalization management in the Russian Federation must be solved by building an effective system of its management. In order to implement digitalization management throughout the country, it is necessary, first of all, to establish this process on the territory of federal cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol. Federal cities have all opportunities for building an effective system of digitalization management which in the future could be applied in other Russia’s regions without any serious failures and significant losses. The review and assessment of trends in the current development of digitalization in Russia’s cities of federal importance, the identification of priority digital technologies and priority areas of digitalization in them, the evaluation of their digital life level indicates the unresolved issues of digitalization management in the cities under consideration. A competent organization of digitalization management in federal cities based on the proposed directions will ensure the successful development of digital transformation processes within their territories, and other Russia’s regions will be able to adopt their experience in the future


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    Необходимость в постоянном доступе к научным статьям или инструкциям на английском языке по применению строительной техники и устройств, а также обработка информации о новых технологиях, нуждаются в разработке системы машинного перевода для строительной отрасли. Развитие языков объектно-ориентированного программирования позволяет представлять объекты, содержащие большое количество информации, наиболее удобным способом с точки зрения стоящих перед разработчиком задач. В статье рассматриваются вопросы представления лексических единиц предложения как объектов программы на языке C#, а также вопросы особенностей перевода соответствующих лексем, учитывая грамматику английского и русского языка в области строительства. Авторы пытаются избежать представления лексико-семантической структуры предложения посредством метаязыка - посредника, значительно утяжеляющего систему перевода, путем создания более легкой и понятной структуры. Для этого устанавливаются определенные правила лексического и грамматического соотношения повествовательного предложения на английском и русском языках. Учитываются особенности обработки html-страниц онлайн словарей, используемых как тезаурус лексических единиц при переводе

    Ukraine in the WTO: Effects and Prospects

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    Over 6 years have passed since Ukraine became a member of the WTO. The accession has had both positive and negative effects on the country’s economy. The process of accession took place in the absence of any definite economic development strategy. As a consequence, the national manufacturers were hurt in many respects. Ukraine acceded to the WTO on terms rather unfavourable for the country, with little to no regard for the opinions of experts and the business milieu. That resulted in losses for the most vulnerable sectors of Ukraine’s economy. Those are the industries which produce high value-added products, including machine building, consumer goods industry and food-processing. This goes to show that the country’s WTO membership was detrimental for the innovation-oriented industries involving high technologies. The branches of the real sector of the economy which produce low value-added products (such as agriculture, chemical industry, and metallurgy) fared better. Despite the patterns of poor judgment shown, there are certain positive effects of Ukraine’s WTO membership. Among them one can mention the possibility to conduct equitable dialogue with the country’s foreign trade partners, enhancement of competitive advantages of the major producers in the real sector, provision of incentives to harnessing new technologies, improvement of production quality in order to enhance the competitiveness on the global market. Ukraine’s experience shows that it is obviously necessary for Russia to make efforts in order to ensure that Russia’s WTO membership would advantage the national economy and the real sector entities. Russia’s WTO membership can give a great impetus to the country development, but only if relevant domestic reforms will adapt Russian economic and legislative institutions to the conditions of the WTO multilateral trade agreements

    Adjustment Costs of Trade Liberalization: Estimations for the Russian Labor Market

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    The paper investigates adjustment costs of trade liberalization in Russia by estimating the influence of tariff policy in the 90-ies on the level and volatility of employment and wages. In particular, we study the labor demand and labor supply channels and address the following issues. First, how does labor demand by firms respond to trade shocks? Second, what is the effect of trade developments on wage dispersion across sectors? Third, what is the effect of trade changes on the wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers? We use balance sheets of Russian large and medium enterprises for 1995-2001 to estimate labor demand equations and to calculate possible changes in employment due to various shocks in output and tariffs. Our sample comprises of more than 53 thousand enterprises and is nationally and industry-level representative. The analysis of the labor supply channel is based on Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS), years 1995-2002, matched with sectoral indicators of trade liberalization. RLMS is a nationally representative panel survey of households’ members on a large number of issues. We find low magnitudes of responsiveness of the labor demand to trade shocks, both through the indirect effect of output changes and directly through the influence of tariffs and import penetration. This suggests that the adjustment costs to expected trade liberalization in the form of changes in industrial labor demand should not be high. We also find that trade liberalization does not have a significant effect on wages. It is likely that tariff reduction and trade liberalization would lead to only slight increase in the wage differentials between skilled and unskilled labor. It is obtained that there is no significant effect of tariffs on wages and wage premiums. Therefore, no significant evidence for the claim that “workers in more protected industries earn relatively more” is found. The latter implies that workers would not lose much after further trade liberalization provided they could move to trade exposed industries. The increase in tariff levels is likely to be associated with the increase in wage gap between skilled and unskilled labor. But the evidence for this conclusion is not very strong, because the industry affiliation does not explain much of the wage variation between skilled and unskilled workers. Overall, the adjustment costs of anticipated trade liberalization are likely to be much smaller than expected as the analysis of the influence of previous trade shocks on the Russian economy shows

    Adjustment Costs of Trade Liberalization: Estimations for the Russian Labor Market

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    The paper investigates adjustment costs of trade liberalization in Russia by estimating the influence of tariff policy in the 90-ies on the level and volatility of employment and wages. In particular, we study the labor demand and labor supply channels and address the following issues. First, how does labor demand by firms respond to trade shocks? Second, what is the effect of trade developments on wage dispersion across sectors? Third, what is the effect of trade changes on the wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers? We use balance sheets of Russian large and medium enterprises for 1995-2001 to estimate labor demand equations and to calculate possible changes in employment due to various shocks in output and tariffs. Our sample comprises of more than 53 thousand enterprises and is nationally and industry-level representative. The analysis of the labor supply channel is based on Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS), years 1995-2002, matched with sectoral indicators of trade liberalization. RLMS is a nationally representative panel survey of households’ members on a large number of issues. We find low magnitudes of responsiveness of the labor demand to trade shocks, both through the indirect effect of output changes and directly through the influence of tariffs and import penetration. This suggests that the adjustment costs to expected trade liberalization in the form of changes in industrial labor demand should not be high. We also find that trade liberalization does not have a significant effect on wages. It is likely that tariff reduction and trade liberalization would lead to only slight increase in the wage differentials between skilled and unskilled labor. It is obtained that there is no significant effect of tariffs on wages and wage premiums. Therefore, no significant evidence for the claim that “workers in more protected industries earn relatively more” is found. The latter implies that workers would not lose much after further trade liberalization provided they could move to trade exposed industries. The increase in tariff levels is likely to be associated with the increase in wage gap between skilled and unskilled labor. But the evidence for this conclusion is not very strong, because the industry affiliation does not explain much of the wage variation between skilled and unskilled workers. Overall, the adjustment costs of anticipated trade liberalization are likely to be much smaller than expected as the analysis of the influence of previous trade shocks on the Russian economy shows.Labor Market, Trade Liberalization, Labor Demand, Wage Premiums, Employment Flows

    WTO Accession and the Labor Market: Estimations for Russia

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    The paper investigates potential impact of Russia’s WTO accession on the labor market by estimating various labor market elasticities with respect to trade liberalization in Russia in the 90-ies. In particular, the influence of tariff reduction on demand for labor is estimated, intersectoral employment flows in recent years and their determinants are studied, as well as determinants of sectoral wage premiums and of wage differentials between skilled and unskilled labor. The estimated elasticities of labor demand and wages show to be of very moderate size implying that one need not expect a dramatic influence of Russia’s WTO accession on the labor market provided the size of the shock is comparable to the one of the increased country openness during the 90-ies.Labor Market, Trade Liberalization, Labor Demand, Wage Premiums, Employment Flows