272 research outputs found


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    "Are we watching, in the succession of history, the appearance and disappearance of legal systems or assisting, in a greater or lesser extent, to what might be considered, in a sense, an evolution of those systems?"1 Law, indissolubly linked to the general evolution of society, has recorded a number of differences in time and space, both in terms of content of various types and positive law systems, and also in terms of forms that take the rules of law, authorities who have the ability to edict it or the procedure to be followed.Indeed, there is no law for all times and all places, as law is not an abstract product of our reason, it comes from the human experience, it is a product of history and that is why institutions of each society can only be different from one society to another.2 But, as in reality there are not quantities of history - many, little or very little - but just history3, we can say that in typology there is not socialist law absolutely different from bourgeois, feudal or slave law, so there is just law. By this approach, I wanted to bring back into question the existence of some factors of constancy in law, those "legal permanencies” investigated by Edmond Picard, believing that "there is something in the legal relationship that necessarily subsist anywhere”.


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    For a long period of time the analysis of company's performance has been approached preponderant or only for financial point of view, but in the last half of century, because of an environment characterized by intensified competition, there have been elaborated and developed a number of measurement tools, the goal of which is to reflect all the factors involved in a company's performance.The practic goal of performance measurement, the standard it refers to and the measuring tools are tightly correlated with the objectives of each of the company's stakeholders. In order to obtain a good quantification of company's performance is necessary to use a system of indicators that may provide reliable information for evaluating the degree to which firm's objectives are reached. In this system, financial indicators remain, an essential tool of management, regardless the changes which affect the company's environment.performance measurement, financial indicators, company's performance, non-financial indicators, management, objectives

    Social Responsibility Practices Regarding Facilities Granted to Employees and Consumer Protection in Selected European Companies

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    CSR practices are marked by two essential attributes: their voluntary nature and their extraordinary diversity. In addition, it is difficult to draw the fine line between mere compliance with the law, and those initiatives that exceed the legal requirements, giving social partners a guarantee that companies have actually internalized their social and environmental responsibilities. This article aims to restructure this vast field, following two axes: the facilities granted to employees, on one hand, and consumer protection, on the other hand. In terms of methodology, a sample of the largest 13 listed European companies was selected from as many sectors. The content of annual and sustainability reports issued in 2009, was screened for narrative aspects related to social responsibility, and the material was organized according to the matters voluntarily described by companies. In the area of employment rights, several issues were identified: employee representation on the boards of directors, equal opportunities, professional development, and ethical issues. On the topic of consumer rights, suggestive examples were given on several aspects: healthy products, counseling, after-sales service and customer identity protection. The importance of this research goes beyond these case studies; its originality lies in providing a coherent picture of an area that is perceived as very unstructured. As can be seen from the examples included in this paper, most of the socially responsible initiatives that firms exhibit do not have a negative impact on a firm’s profitability, while actually being integrated into products and services as efficiency improvements. Instead, responsible actions can have a major positive impact whenever employees and consumers perceive the company as a fair and generous player who derives profits from the sale of products and services, not in violation of the social partners’ rights.corporate social responsibility, facilities granted to employee, consumer protection, European companies

    Energy independence – opportunity or risk

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    The current geopolitical framework has forced European countries to redefine their energy relations and take rapid steps to become energy independent. In recent years, Europe has relied on Russian oil and gas, especially countries like Germany or Italy, but this must change and Europe must find a quick solution to achieve energy independence. Lack of investment in gas production will increase dependence on imports and affect the path to energy independence.The paper highlights the impact that costs have in the investment field. Technologies related to alternative sources of energy to the consumption of crude oil have been developed and are supported in the policies of the EUregarding the reduction of carbon emissions.If changes are not made in the way energy is produced, transported and consumed, humanity could face a major energy crisis.The aspects addressed in this paper are aimed at highlighting the sensitivity of oil companies to the mutations of the markets in which they operate, respectively raising interest in a preventive - anticipatory approach to future challenges.The type of research used in this paper is a descriptive one, with the aim of documenting and understanding the phenomena, and observation, document analysis and SWOT analysis were used as research methods

    The Impact of Human Resources Management and Technical Investments on Operations Management Performance at SC Arabesque SRL Company

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    In this article we have defined operational management as the complex process, through which the activity of the company is organized, developed and action plans are set up, resources and responsibilities are forwarded, terms are set up and the short and medium term performances are evaluated I chose two investigation methods: the interview (qualitative) and questionnaire (quantitative). The interview is individual, semi structured and it will provide with a large quantity of information and additional data for research. The questionnaire is created with closed questions, with dual choice (yes or no) or multiple choice and will allow gathering the quantitative information, regarding the same theme, but this time, the questionnaire it will be addressed to the employees to compare their point view regarding their expectations from the operations management of the company. Regarding the purpose and the goals of the research, I chose the interview theme: Identifying and emphasizing the problems of the operational management at SC Arabesque SRL, Timisoara branch; the elements that make the problems to appear; the effects upon the company and the way to reduce them. Gathering the data and information regarding the operations management of the company it will allow us to reach some conclusions regarding the viability of the management of the company and the impact of human resources management and technical investments on operations management performance at this company

    Psychological and psychiatric characterization of various groups of drugs users

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    Aim. We aimed to assess the differences among various groups of drugs users, especially in the psychiatric and psychological domains. Materials and Methods. A retrospective study was carried out in collaboration with C.E.T.T.T `St. Stelian` Institute from Bucharest. There were analyzed the medical records of 604 hospitalized patients with heroin or polydrug addiction. Results. Significant differences in diagnosis at submission among groups were outlined (personality and behavior disorders, p-value = .04298, psychotic disorders, p-value = .004274, schizophrenia, p-value = .000141) as well as significant differences among psychiatric parameters: perception (legal highs, opiates), attention (cannabis), consciousness (legal highs), thinking (legal highs), and, instinctive life (legal highs). Conclusions. Personality and behavioral disorders have been particularly linked to opiate use, the psychotic disorder was related to cannabis and legal highs intake, while schizophrenia was related to legal highs intake

    Аспекты использования компьютера молодежью.

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    Aspects in the use of the computer by young people.Computerul, indiferent de utilizarea sa,constituie un important factor de stres pentru creierul uman. Tinerii pot sta ore întregi în fața computerului, uitând de sine, făcând prea puține pauze. Această activitate prelungită poate crea probleme oculare, musculo-scheletale, psihologice etc. A fost efectuată o cercetare cu scopul de a evidenția impactul utilizării computerului de către tineri. În studiu au participat 112 elevi-studenți, cu vârsta medie 18,8±0,9 ani. Au fost evidențiate anumite aspecte problematice în utilizarea computerului de către tineri: vârsta fragedă, timpul petrecut în fața monitoarelor, condițiile și cauzele utilizării computerului, diminuarea capacităților intelectuale, perturbarea activităților sociale, impactul asupra sănătății. Utilizarea greșită și necorespunzătoare a computerului poate aduce prejudicii ireparabile sănătății.Аспекты использования компьютера молодежью

    A Managerial Perspective on Common Identity-based and Common Bond-based Groups in Non-governmental Organizations. Patterns of Interaction, Attachment and Social Network Configuration

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    The paper approaches the common identity and common bond theories in analyzing the group patterns of interaction, their causes, processes and outcomes from a managerial perspective. The distinction between identity and bond referred to people’s different reasons for being in a group, stressing out whether they like the group as a whole — identity-based attachment, or they like individuals in the group — bond-based attachment.  While members of the common identity groups reported feeling more attached to their group as a whole than to their fellow group members and tended to perceive others in the group as interchangeable, in bond-based attachment, people felt connected to each other and less to the group as a whole, loyalty or attraction to the group stemming from their attraction primarily to certain members in the group. At this level, the main question concerned with the particularities of common identity-based or common bond-based groups regarding social interaction, the participatory architecture of the group, the levels of personal and work engagement in acting like a cohesive group. In order to address pertinently this issue, the current work was focused on a qualitative research which comprised in-depth (semi-structured) interviews with several project coordinators from non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Also, to make the investigation more complex and clear, the research relied on the social network analysis which was indicative of the group dynamics and configuration, highlighting the differences between common identity-based and common bond-based groups

    Редкий случай лейкемии

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    IMSP Institutul Mamei și CopiluluiJMML it’s a rare hereditary disease, but still represent’s a problem for early diagnosis, that is making serious challenges for treatment and life hope for this patients. Ussualy these patients arrive too late to the haematologist or oncologist, that’s why it’s absolutely necessary to know the criteria for early diagnosis. Case report – 1 year old, male, with interesting associated findings that would potentially lead to delay in diagnosis or misdiagnosis: anemic, infectious syndrome, and pronounced hepatosplenomegaly. Clinicians should always have high index of suspicion for JMML in patients with these features.Ювенильный миеломоноцитарный лейкоз (ЮММЛ) – это редкое наследственное заболевание, но оно все еще представляет собой проблему для ранней диагностики, которая создает серьезные препятствия для лечения и надежды на жизнь для этих пациентов. Обычно эти пациенты поступают слишком поздно к гематологу или онкологу, поэтому абсолютно необходимо знать критерии ранней диагностики. Презентация клинического случая – 1 год, мальчик, с интересными особености, которые потенциально могут привести к задержке в постановке диагноза и неправильной диагностике: анемия, инфекционный синдром и выраженная гепатоспленомегалия. Клиницисты всегда должны иметь высокий индекс подозрений на ЮММЛ у пациентов с этими особенностями