34 research outputs found

    Atypical behavior of credit: evidence from a monetary VAR

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    Credit boom detection methodologies (such as threshold method) lack robustness as they are based on univariate detrending analysis and resort to ratios of credit to real activity. I propose a quantitative indicator to detect atypical behavior of credit from a multivariate system - a monetary VAR. This methodology explicitly accounts for endogenous interactions between credit, asset prices and real activity and detects atypical credit expansions and contractions in the Euro Area, Japan and the U.S. robustly and timely. The analysis also proves useful in real time

    Interactions of monetary and macroprudential policies in a model of the Korean economy

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    노트 : Beiträge zur Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2013: Wettbewerbspolitik und Regulierung in einer globalen Wirtschaftsordnung - Session: Financial Stability, No. G02-V

    A Service of zbw

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    Study of Genetic Resources of Winter Wheat and Identification of Genetic Sources with Drought Resistance for Use in Breeding and Production

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    The problem of drought is acute in a large area of Russia, which will not decrease in the coming decades but will grow. The most important measures to combat drought are the selection of drought- and heat-resistant crops and the creation of varieties for various ecological and geographical zones of Russia based on the widespread use of the World Collections of Agricultural Plants. The results of the study of the gene pool of winter wheat during severe atmospheric drought, which manifested itself twice in 50 years of studying genetic resources from different countries in 1972 and 2010, are presented. The primary tasks were the mobilization of new forms of drought-resistant plants from the arid zones of Russia, as well as from abroad, the expansion of research on the identification of genetic sources and donors of drought resistance, the creation and accelerated introduction into agricultural production of new drought-resistant varieties and hybrids of winter wheat

    Analysis of the Results of the Impact of the Laser Device on the Technological Process of Rearing Young Sheep

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    As the world's population grows, the demand for livestock products increases, economically profitable ways of obtaining high-quality products become in demand. As a result, the tasks of searching for methods, as well as the development, design and application of innovative devices, equipment, and apparatuses for use in agriculture become urgent. It is necessary to search and analyze new methods that can replace or at least reduce the number of drug interventions in the animal's body, for example, the introduction of antibiotics to stimulate the growth of animals and reduce their morbidity, with alternative environmentally friendly ways to stimulate the nonspecific immunity of the body of farm animals. Therefore, it is advisable to conduct research in the field of new high-tech environmentally friendly methods of influencing animal organisms, to introduce and develop equipment that allows to increase the productivity of animals, as well as to facilitate the work of agricultural workers. In this regard, sheep breeding is a very important industry, since animals can already be used as a source of meat products at the age of four months, therefore, it is necessary for lamb producers to possess techniques for fast and high-quality production


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    Preeclampsia is a systemic disease associated with pregnancy, characterized by hypertension, proteinuria, edema and dysfunction of many organs. Recently, the pathogenesis of preeclampsia has been actively studied. It is revealed that an integral part in the development of preeclampsia is oxidative stress. However, until now, researchers can not come to a consensus about the mechanisms of this pathology of pregnant women. The article is devoted to the study of the laws of peroxidation in preeclampsia, depending on the mechanisms of occurrence according to the literature. Articles are taken from the international database PubMed.In the process of studying the literature data of different authors, it was revealed that there are 2 confident points of view on the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Some authors believe that oxidative stress induced in the ischemic placenta causes a release of cytotoxic factors into the maternal circulation, stimulating the inflammatory response and activating maternal endothelial cells, which in turn can lead to endothelial dysfunction and, as a result, to the occurrence of preeclampsia. Others believe that the main source of reactive oxygen species during pregnancy is the placenta itself, and their formation increases with PE.Преэклампсия – системное заболевание, связанное с беременностью, характеризующееся артериальной гипертензией, протеинурией, отеками и нарушением функций многих органов. Последнее время патогенез преэклампсии активно изучается. Выявлено, что неотъемлемой частью в развитии преэклампсии является окислительный стресс. Однако до сих пор исследователи не могут прийти к единому мнению о механизмах возникновения данной патологии беременных. Статья посвящена изучению закономерностей пероксидации в условиях преэклампсии в зависимости от механизмов возникновения по данным литературных источников. Статьи взяты из международной базы PubMed. В процессе изучения литературных данных разных авторов было выявлено, что существует 2 уверенных точки зрения на роль оксидативного стресса в патогенезе преэклампсии. Одни авторы считают, что оксидативный стресс, индуцированный в ишемизированной плаценте вызывает выброс цитотоксических факторов в материнское кровообращение, стимулируя воспалительный ответ и активируя материнские эндотелиальные клетки, что в свою очередь может приводить к эндотелиальной дисфункции и, как следствие, к возникновению преэклампсии. Другие же считают, что главным источником активных форм кислорода во время беременности является сама плацента, и их образование увеличивается при преэклампсии

    Economic Policy Uncertainty, Trust and Inflation Expectations *

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    Abstract Theory and evidence suggest that in an environment of well-anchored expectations, temporary news or shocks to economic variables, should not affect agents' expectations of inflation in the long term. Our estimated structural VARs show that both longand short-term inflation expectations are sensible to policy-related uncertainty shocks. A rise of long-term inflation expectations in times of economic contraction, in response to such shocks, suggests that heightened policy uncertainty observed during the recent years indeed raises concerns about future inflation. Furthermore, both monetary and fiscal policy-related uncertainties are significant for the negative dynamics in citizens' trust in the ECB. JEL classification: E02, E31, E58, E63, P1

    Lending standards, credit booms and monetary policy

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    This paper investigates the risk channel of monetary policy on the asset side of banks’ balance sheets. We use a factoraugmented vector autoregression (FAVAR) model to show that aggregate lending standards of U.S. banks, such as their collateral requirements for firms, are significantly loosened in response to an unexpected decrease in the Federal Funds rate. Based on this evidence, we reformulate the costly state verification (CSV) contract to allow for an active financial intermediary, embed it in a New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model, and show that – consistent with our empirical findings – an expansionary monetary policy shock implies a temporary increase in bank lending relative to borrower collateral. In the model, this is accompanied by a higher default rate of borrowers

    National identity colors of the historical city blocks of Kazan

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    The research is devoted to the architectural identity of historical blocks in Kazan, the capital city of the Republic of Tatarstan. The paper raises the issue of national identity regarding the city blocks in the Old Tatar settlement and explores the history of the architectural environment and gradual decay of its identity, including the national one, by the end of the 20th century. The system of national color identifiers of Tatar architecture is described. The possibilities of their use on different types of buildings and structures are discussed. The experiences in developing and implementing various color solutions in the reconstruction of buildings in the Old Tatar settlement are reviewed. The color environment of the area during reconstruction is analyzed. Productive methods for professional interpretation of national color traditions in the urban environment are revealed. The study has enabled recommendations to be formulated for the development of color solutions for the historical part of the Old Tatar settlement in Kazan with the aim of recreating the national identity of the architectural environment