145 research outputs found

    Results of research on development of an intellectual information system of bankruptcy risk assessment of the enterprise

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    The article represents research results about the knowledge base development for the intellectual information system for the bankruptcy risk assessment of the enterprise. It is described the process analysis of the knowledge base development; the main process stages, some problems and their solutions are given. The article introduces the connectionist model for the bankruptcy risk assessment based on the analysis of industrial enterprise financial accounting. The basis for this connectionist model is a three-layer perceptron with the back propagation of error algorithm. The knowledge base for the intellectual information system consists of processed information and the processing operation method represented as the connectionist model. The article represents the structure of the intellectual information system, the knowledge base, and the information processing algorithm for neural network training. The paper shows mean values of 10 indexes for industrial enterprises; with the help of them it is possible to carry out a financial analysis of industrial enterprises and identify correctly the current situation for well-timed managerial decisions. Results are given about neural network testing on the data of both bankrupt and financially strong enterprises, which were not included into training and test sets

    Results of research on development of an intellectual information system of bankruptcy risk assessment of the enterprise

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    The article represents research results about the knowledge base development for the intellectual information system for the bankruptcy risk assessment of the enterprise. It is described the process analysis of the knowledge base development; the main process stages, some problems and their solutions are given. The article introduces the connectionist model for the bankruptcy risk assessment based on the analysis of industrial enterprise financial accounting. The basis for this connectionist model is a three-layer perceptron with the back propagation of error algorithm. The knowledge base for the intellectual information system consists of processed information and the processing operation method represented as the connectionist model. The article represents the structure of the intellectual information system, the knowledge base, and the information processing algorithm for neural network training. The paper shows mean values of 10 indexes for industrial enterprises; with the help of them it is possible to carry out a financial analysis of industrial enterprises and identify correctly the current situation for well-timed managerial decisions. Results are given about neural network testing on the data of both bankrupt and financially strong enterprises, which were not included into training and test sets

    A modern view of how to apply film therapy

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    Background. The development of psychological practices has emerged such promising method for evaluating and transforming the value semantic sphere of the individual as film therapy. However, the wide dissemination of the method is held up by insufficient knowledge of the mechanisms that make up its psychological impact. The urgent task is to elaborate on the projective method for diagnosing the value semantic sphere of the individual by means of artistic cinematography, and also to develop the technologies for quasi-forming and learning technique. The Objective is to analyze the possibilities of using film therapy for solving psychotherapeutic, diagnostic, correctional, and developmental problems. Design. The theoretical bases of film therapy as a kind of art therapy are considered, similarities and differences with bibliotherapy are emphasized. The paper discusses the development of film therapy as a method with a wide range of tasks from coping with emotional disturbances and restoring the balance of psychodynamic forces to a wide array of issues including optimizing personal development and education. Psychological impact mechanisms in the process of cinema therapy, i.e. projection, identification with the hero, reflection, catharsis, social learning are analyzed. Basic methods of personal transformation used in film therapy are singled out. Basic topics for group and individual discussion after watching a feature film are identified. The results of a pilot study that proved the high efficiency of the film therapy method in pregnant women are presented. Research results. Based on the analysis of the psychological practice using artistic cinematography as a method of psychological influence the following tips should be laid emphasis on. Although the method of film therapy has successfully proved itself in solving psychotherapeutic, developmental, and educational problems, the psychological impact mechanisms have not received enough focus, and the possibilities of film therapy in the development of personal potential are far from being fully employed. Conclusion. Prospects for the development of this method are associated with the development of projective methods for investigating the unconscious implicit attitudes of the individual, which will increase the effectiveness of diagnostic work, and also the development of quasi-forming techniques of psychological impact on the human value sphere enhancing their personal potential and taking into account the actual development challenges of each age group

    Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain in Heavy Metal-Induced Neurotoxicity: Effects of Cadmium, Mercury, and Copper

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    To clarify the role of mitochondrial electron transport chain (mtETC) in heavy-metal-induced neurotoxicity, we studied action of Cd2+, Hg2+, and Cu2+ on cell viability, intracellular reactive oxygen species formation, respiratory function, and mitochondrial membrane potential of rat cell line PC12. As found, the metals produced, although in a different way, dose- and time-dependent changes of all these parameters. Importantly, Cd2+ beginning from 10 [mu]M and already at short incubation time (3 h) significantly inhibited the FCCP-uncoupled cell respiration; besides, practically the complete inhibition of the respiration was reached after 3 h incubation with 50 [mu]M Hg2+ or 500 [mu]M Cd2+, whereas even after 48 h exposure with 500 [mu]M Cu2+, only a 50% inhibition of the respiration occurred. Against the Cd2+-induced cell injury, not only different antioxidants and mitochondrial permeability transition pore inhibitors were protective but also such mtETC effectors as FCCP and stigmatellin (complex III inhibitor). However, all mtETC effectors used did not protect against the Hg2+- or Cu2+-induced cell damage. Notably, stigmatellin was shown to be one of the strongest protectors against the Cd2+-induced cell damage, producing a 15–20% increase in the cell viability. The mechanisms of the mtETC involvement in the heavy-metal-induced mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and cell death are discussed

    Changes in the plasma levels of myokines after different physical exercises in athletes and untrained individuals

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    The influence of dynamic and static load on the plasma level of myokines in strength-and endurance-trained athletes and untrained subjects has been studied. The range of myokines has been found to depend on the type of loads and the level of fitness. Dynamic and static exercises have different effects on the level of myokines in athletes and untrained subjects. The dynamic load increases the level of IL-6 and IL-8 in the plasma of athletes, while the static load increases the concentration of IL-15 and LIF. At the same time, no increase in the level of IL-8 after cyclic loading or in IL-15 after a static load has been observed in the control group. These differences may be based on a number of mechanisms. The cellular composition of skeletal muscles and the phenotypic features of muscle fibers, changing as a result of regular exercise, can modify the processes of myokine production. However, the processes of transcription in muscle fibers are much more important; the most important ones are HIF-1α, [Ca2+]i and [Na+]i/[K+]i-dependent intracellular signaling pathways. The modification of these mechanisms caused by different physical loads and intensity is of great interest since it is a promising way to influence the metabolic processes at the cellular and systemic levels, which is very helpful in both improving athletic performance and correcting metabolic disorders in a number of socially significant diseases

    Immunosuppressive Treatment for Lupus Nephritis: Long-Term Results in 178 Patients

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    Lupus nephritis is one of the most severe Systemic Lupus Erythematosus features, defining treatment modality and prognosis. Our retrospective study, including 178 patients treated for lupus nephritis during 23 years with mostly cyclophosphamide-based initial regimens followed by azathioprine or mycophenolic acid, demonstrates 84.8% of renal response with 19.2% of flares, 15-year patient survival 78.7% and kidney survival 76.3%, and low damage accrual. Both patient and kidney survival significantly differ for subgroups that achieved complete or partial renal response and nonresponders: patient 15-year survival 95% versus 65% versus 35%; kidney 15-year survival 100% versus 58% versus 0%, respectively. 51% (24 out of 47) of patients evaluated at the end of the study period sustained complete renal response; however, only 9 of them had 0 disease activity according to SELENA SLEDAI scale, while 13 patients had scores 2-4 due to the serological abnormalities only. We conclude that (1) initial treatment with cyclophosphamide followed by azathioprine is effective and can be used in agreement with International Guidelines until the evidence for biological treatments benefits becomes available; (2) complete and even partial renal response have positive prognostic value, and failure to achieve renal response negatively influences kidney and patient survival; (3) the validity of complete renal response in SLE is questioned by the absence of conventional definition of SLE remission

    Region Foreign Economic Relations as a Factor of Reindustiralization

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    At present, the strengthening vector of the developing economies, in particular, of the countries of Eurasian Economic Union and BRICS, in the geographic structure of Russian foreign economic activity is observed. The subject matter of the article is to see, how the development of this direction can be economically favorable. For this purpose, the forms and degree of the development of economic partnership including collaboration with the Russian regions are investigated. The agreements on the economic partnership with the regions of partner countries of Russia, their production relations are considered. The analysis of foreign trade shows that in the case of the partner countries within Eurasian integration and the BRICS group — Russian economy gets the high possibility to become the supplier of products of relatively high degree of processing which is the key factor of development of its processing industry, i.e. the factor of reindustrialization and export-oriented import substitution

    Features of Chronic Bronchitis in Different Age Groups

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    Background: Lung diseases are assuming greater relevance and importance today. Chronic bronchitis is a self-nosology, which may precede the development of COPD, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. The main problem in this disease is caused by late diagnosis and treatment due to the delay by patients in seeking medical help. The aim of the work was to study the distribution and exposure to tobacco smoke, especially chronic bronchitis, depending on various factors, including age. Methods: We examined 1779 persons, including 855 men and 924 women. The mean age of the population was 35.83±8.3 years. We conducted surveys and spirometry. The outcome was assessed after a bronchodilation test was performed with salbutamol 400 mcg. We performed all statistical analysis using software package Statistica 10. Results: We identified chronic bronchitis in 9.2% of the cases in the group of younger individuals and in 14.9% of the cases in the group of older individuals, during the active detection of chronic bronchitis using questionnaires. The prevalence of cigarette smoking was slightly higher among the younger (39.5%) than the older persons (33.6%); the frequency of smoking in a group of chronic bronchitis was reliably higher. Also, in this group, the performance spirometry reliably decreased. Conclusions: Outpatient survey is an effective method of identifying chronic bronchitis. Smoking is a major risk factor in the group of young respondents and the prevalence of smoking is inversely related to the education level of the respondents, regardless of age. As the decline in the Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1 and FEV1/FVC) is the main criterion diagnosis of COPD, it revealed significant declines in the FEV1 of the younger smoking individuals, which may help to predict the development of COPD in the older age group