36 research outputs found

    Impact of G-Quadruplexes on the Regulation of Genome Integrity, DNA Damage and Repair

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    DNA G-quadruplexes (G4s) are known to be an integral part of the complex regulatory systems in both normal and pathological cells. At the same time, the ability of G4s to impede DNA replication plays a critical role in genome integrity. This review summarizes the results of recent studies of G4-mediated genomic and epigenomic instability, together with associated DNA damage and repair processes. Although the underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated, it is known that, among the proteins that recognize G4 structures, many are linked to DNA repair. We analyzed the possible role of G4s in promoting double-strand DNA breaks, one of the most deleterious DNA lesions, and their repair via error-prone mechanisms. The patterns of G4 damage, with a focus on the introduction of oxidative guanine lesions, as well as their removal from G4 structures by canonical repair pathways, were also discussed together with the effects of G4s on the repair machinery. According to recent findings, there must be a delicate balance between G4-induced genome instability and G4-promoted repair processes. A broad overview of the factors that modulate the stability of G4 structures in vitro and in vivo is also provided here

    New DNA Plasmid Model for Studying DNA Mismatch Repair Response to the G4 Structure

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    G-quadruplexes (G4s), the most widely studied alternative DNA structures, are implicated in the regulation of the key cellular processes. In recent years, their involvement in DNA repair machinery has become the subject of intense research. Here, we evaluated the effect of G4 on the prokaryotic DNA mismatch repair (MMR) pathway from two bacterial sources with different mismatch repair mechanisms. The G4 folding, which competes with the maintenance of double-stranded DNA, is known to be controlled by numerous opposing factors. To overcome the kinetic barrier of G4 formation, we stabilized a parallel G4 formed by the d(GGGT)4 sequence in a DNA plasmid lacking a fragment complementary to the G4 motif. Unlike commonly used isolated G4 structures, our plasmid with an embedded stable G4 structure contained elements, such as a MutH cleavage site, required to initiate the repair process. G4 formation in the designed construct was confirmed by Taq polymerase stop assay and dimethyl sulfate probing. The G4-carrying plasmid, together with control ones (lacking a looped area or containing unstructured d(GT)8 insert instead of the G4 motif), were used as new type models to answer the question of whether G4 formation interferes with DNA cleavage as a basic function of MMR

    Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of the (cytosine-5)-DNA methyltransferase NlaX from Neisseria lactamica

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    The (cytosine-5)-DNA methyltransferase NlaX from N. lactamica has been crystallized in space group P321, with unit-cell parameters a = 121.98, b = 121.98, c = 56.71 Å

    Kinetic Basis of the Bifunctionality of SsoII DNA Methyltransferase

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    Type II restriction–modification (RM) systems are the most widespread bacterial antiviral defence mechanisms. DNA methyltransferase SsoII (M.SsoII) from a Type II RM system SsoII regulates transcription in its own RM system in addition to the methylation function. DNA with a so-called regulatory site inhibits the M.SsoII methylation activity. Using circular permutation assay, we show that M.SsoII monomer induces DNA bending of 31° at the methylation site and 46° at the regulatory site. In the M.SsoII dimer bound to the regulatory site, both protein subunits make equal contributions to the DNA bending, and both angles are in the same plane. Fluorescence of TAMRA, 2-aminopurine, and Trp was used to monitor conformational dynamics of DNA and M.SsoII under pre-steady-state conditions by stopped-flow technique. Kinetic data indicate that M.SsoII prefers the regulatory site to the methylation site at the step of initial protein–DNA complex formation. Nevertheless, in the presence of S-adenosyl-l-methionine, the induced fit is accelerated in the M.SsoII complex with the methylation site, ensuring efficient formation of the catalytically competent complex. The presence of S-adenosyl-l-methionine and large amount of the methylation sites promote efficient DNA methylation by M.SsoII despite the inhibitory effect of the regulatory site

    Is Thymidine Glycol Containing DNA a Substrate of <i>E. coli</i> DNA Mismatch Repair System?

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    <div><p>The DNA <u>m</u>is<u>m</u>atch <u>r</u>epair (MMR) system plays a crucial role in the prevention of replication errors and in the correction of some oxidative damages of DNA bases. In the present work the most abundant oxidized pyrimidine lesion, 5,6-dihydro-5,6-dihydroxythymidine (thymidine glycol, Tg) was tested for being recognized and processed by the E. coli MMR system, namely complex of MutS, MutL and MutH proteins. In a partially reconstituted MMR system with MutS-MutL-MutH proteins, G/Tg and A/Tg containing plasmids failed to provoke the incision of DNA. Tg residue in the 30-mer DNA duplex destabilized double helix due to stacking disruption with neighboring bases. However, such local structural changes are not important for <i>E. coli</i> MMR system to recognize this lesion. A lack of repair of Tg containing DNA could be due to a failure of MutS (a first acting protein of MMR system) to interact with modified DNA in a proper way. It was shown that Tg in DNA does not affect on ATPase activity of MutS. On the other hand, MutS binding affinities to DNA containing Tg in G/Tg and A/Tg pairs are lower than to DNA with a G/T mismatch and similar to canonical DNA. Peculiarities of MutS interaction with DNA was monitored by Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) and fluorescence anisotropy. Binding of MutS to Tg containing DNAs did not result in the formation of characteristic DNA kink. Nevertheless, MutS homodimer orientation on Tg-DNA is similar to that in the case of G/T-DNA. In contrast to G/T-DNA, neither G/Tg- nor A/Tg-DNA was able to stimulate ADP release from MutS better than canonical DNA. Thus, Tg residue in DNA is unlikely to be recognized or processed by the <i>E.</i> coli MMR system. Probably, the MutS transformation to active “sliding clamp” conformation on Tg-DNA is problematic.</p></div

    Reactive Acrylamide-Modified DNA Traps for Accurate Cross-Linking with Cysteine Residues in DNA&ndash;Protein Complexes Using Mismatch Repair Protein MutS as a Model

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    Covalent protein capture (cross-linking) by reactive DNA derivatives makes it possible to investigate structural features by fixing complexes at different stages of DNA&ndash;protein recognition. The most common cross-linking methods are based on reactive groups that interact with native or engineered cysteine residues. Nonetheless, high reactivity of most of such groups leads to preferential fixation of early-stage complexes or even non-selective cross-linking. We synthesised a set of DNA reagents carrying an acrylamide group attached to the C5 atom of a 2&prime;-deoxyuridine moiety via various linkers and studied cross-linking with MutS as a model protein. MutS scans DNA for mismatches and damaged nucleobases and can form multiple non-specific complexes with DNA that may cause non-selective cross-linking. By varying the length of the linker between DNA and the acrylamide group and by changing the distance between the reactive nucleotide and a mismatch in the duplex, we showed that cross-linking occurs only if the distance between the acrylamide group and cysteine is optimal within the DNA&ndash;protein complex. Thus, acrylamide-modified DNA duplexes are excellent tools for studying DNA&ndash;protein interactions because of high selectivity of cysteine trapping

    Parameters of MutS binding to DNA, ATP hydrolysis and nucleotide exchange in ATPase domain of protein.

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    a<p>Variable nucleotide pair.</p>b<p>The ratio of <i>v</i><sub>0</sub> of ATP hydrolysis by MutS in the absence or in the presence of duplexes I–IV to <i>v</i><sub>0</sub> of ATP hydrolysis by MutS in the absence of DNA.</p>c<p>The ratio of rate constant of mant-ADP dissociation from its complex with MutS (<i>k</i><sub>off</sub><sup>mant-ADP</sup>) in the absence or in the presence of duplexes I–IV to <i>k</i><sub>off</sub><sup>mant-ADP</sup> in the absence of DNA.</p><p>The error of the mean indicates a SEM.</p

    Involvement of E. coli 6S RNA in Oxidative Stress Response

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    6S RNA, a small non-coding RNA present in almost all bacteria, inhibits transcription via direct binding to RNA polymerase holoenzymes. The mechanism of 6S RNA action was investigated to a large extent in E. coli, however, lack of 6S RNA (&Delta;ssrS) was demonstrated to be unfavorable but not essential for cell survival under various growth conditions. In the present study, we revealed, for the first time, a lethal phenotype of the &Delta;ssrS strain in the presence of high concentrations of H2O2. This phenotype was rescued by complementation of the ssrS gene on a plasmid. We performed comparative qRT-PCR analyses on an enlarged set of mRNAs of genes associated with the oxidative stress response, allowing us to identify four genes known to be involved in this pathway (soxS, ahpC, sodA and tpx) that had decreased mRNA levels in the &Delta;ssrS strain. Finally, we performed comparative proteomic analyses of the wild-type and &Delta;ssrS strains, confirming that &Delta;ssrS bacteria have reduced levels of the proteins AhpC and Tpx involved in H2O2 reduction. Our findings substantiate the crucial role of the riboregulator 6S RNA for bacterial coping with extreme stresses

    Involvement of <i>E. coli</i> 6S RNA in Oxidative Stress Response

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    6S RNA, a small non-coding RNA present in almost all bacteria, inhibits transcription via direct binding to RNA polymerase holoenzymes. The mechanism of 6S RNA action was investigated to a large extent in E. coli, however, lack of 6S RNA (ΔssrS) was demonstrated to be unfavorable but not essential for cell survival under various growth conditions. In the present study, we revealed, for the first time, a lethal phenotype of the ΔssrS strain in the presence of high concentrations of H2O2. This phenotype was rescued by complementation of the ssrS gene on a plasmid. We performed comparative qRT-PCR analyses on an enlarged set of mRNAs of genes associated with the oxidative stress response, allowing us to identify four genes known to be involved in this pathway (soxS, ahpC, sodA and tpx) that had decreased mRNA levels in the ΔssrS strain. Finally, we performed comparative proteomic analyses of the wild-type and ΔssrS strains, confirming that ΔssrS bacteria have reduced levels of the proteins AhpC and Tpx involved in H2O2 reduction. Our findings substantiate the crucial role of the riboregulator 6S RNA for bacterial coping with extreme stresses