7 research outputs found

    Functional Organization of the Sympathetic Pathways Controlling the Pupil: Light-Inhibited and Light-Stimulated Pathways

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    Pupil dilation is mediated by a sympathetic output acting in opposition to parasympathetically mediated pupil constriction. While light stimulates the parasympathetic output, giving rise to the light reflex, it can both inhibit and stimulate the sympathetic output. Light-inhibited sympathetic pathways originate in retina-receptive neurones of the pretectum and the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN): by attenuating sympathetic activity, they allow unimpeded operation of the light reflex. Light stimulates the noradrenergic and serotonergic pathways. The hub of the noradrenergic pathway is the locus coeruleus (LC) containing both excitatory sympathetic premotor neurones (SympPN) projecting to preganglionic neurones in the spinal cord, and inhibitory parasympathetic premotor neurones (ParaPN) projecting to preganglionic neurones in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus (EWN). SympPN receive inputs from the SCN via the dorsomedial hypothalamus, orexinergic neurones of the latero-posterior hypothalamus, wake- and sleep-promoting neurones of the hypothalamus and brain stem, nociceptive collaterals of the spinothalamic tract, whereas ParaPN receive inputs from the amygdala, sleep/arousal network, nociceptive spinothalamic collaterals. The activity of LC neurones is regulated by inhibitory α2-adrenoceptors. There is a species difference in the function of the preautonomic LC. In diurnal animals, the α2-adrenoceptor agonist clonidine stimulates mainly autoreceptors on SymPN, causing miosis, whereas in nocturnal animals it stimulates postsynaptic α2-arenoceptors in the EWN, causing mydriasis. Noxious stimulation activates SympPN in diurnal animals and ParaPN in nocturnal animals, leading to pupil dilation via sympathoexcitation and parasympathetic inhibition, respectively. These differences may be attributed to increased activity of excitatory LC neurones due to stimulation by light in diurnal animals. This may also underlie the wake-promoting effect of light in diurnal animals, in contrast to its sleep-promoting effect in nocturnal species. The hub of the serotonergic pathway is the dorsal raphe nucleus that is light-sensitive, both directly and indirectly (via an orexinergic input). The light-stimulated pathways mediate a latent mydriatic effect of light on the pupil that can be unmasked by drugs that either inhibit or stimulate SympPN in these pathways. The noradrenergic pathway has widespread connections to neural networks controlling a variety of functions, such as sleep/arousal, pain, and fear/anxiety. Many physiological and psychological variables modulate pupil function via this pathway

    Effect of orexin-B-saporin-induced lesions of the lateral hypothalamus on performance on a progressive ratio schedule

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    It has been suggested that a sub-population of orexinergic neurones whose somata lie in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) play an important role in regulating the reinforcing value of both food and drugs. This experiment examined the effect of disruption of orexinergic mechanisms in the LHA on performance on the progressive-ratio schedule of reinforcement, in which the response requirement increases progressively for successive reinforcers. The data were analysed using a mathematical model which yields a quantitative index of reinforcer value and dissociates effects of interventions on motor and motivational processes (Killeen, 1994). Rats were trained under a progressive-ratio schedule using food-pellet reinforcement. They received bilateral injections of conjugated orexin-B-saporin (OxSap) into the LHA or sham lesions. Training continued for a further 40 sessions after surgery. Equations were fitted to the response rate data from each rat, and the parameters of the model were derived for successive blocks of 10 sessions. The OxSap lesion reduced the number of orexin-containing neurones in the LHA by approximately 50% compared to the sham-lesioned group. The parameter expressing the incentive value of the reinforcer was not significantly altered by the lesion. However, the parameter related to the maximum response rate was significantly affected, suggesting that that motor capacity was diminished in the OxSap-lesioned group. The results indicate that OxSap lesions of the LHA disrupted food-reinforced responding on the progressive-ratio schedule. It is suggested that this disruption was brought about by a change in non-motivational (motor) processes

    Standards in Pupillography

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    The number of research groups studying the pupil is increasing, as is the number of publications. Consequently, new standards in pupillography are needed to formalize the methodology including recording conditions, stimulus characteristics, as well as suitable parameters of evaluation. Since the description of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) there has been an increased interest and broader application of pupillography in ophthalmology as well as other fields including psychology and chronobiology. Color pupillography plays an important role not only in research but also in clinical observational and therapy studies like gene therapy of hereditary retinal degenerations and psychopathology. Stimuli can vary in size, brightness, duration, and wavelength. Stimulus paradigms determine whether rhodopsin-driven rod responses, opsin-driven cone responses, or melanopsin-driven ipRGC responses are primarily elicited. Background illumination, adaptation state, and instruction for the participants will furthermore influence the results. This standard recommends a minimum set of variables to be used for pupillography and specified in the publication methodologies. Initiated at the 32nd International Pupil Colloquium 2017 in Morges, Switzerland, the aim of this manuscript is to outline standards in pupillography based on current knowledge and experience of pupil experts in order to achieve greater comparability of pupillographic studies. Such standards will particularly facilitate the proper application of pupillography by researchers new to the field. First we describe general standards, followed by specific suggestions concerning the demands of different targets of pupil research: the afferent and efferent reflex arc, pharmacology, psychology, sleepiness-related research and animal studies

    Introduction to Neuropsychopharmacology

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    Standards in pupillography

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    The number of research groups studying the pupil is increasing, as is the number of publications. Consequently, new standards in pupillography are needed to formalize the methodology including recording conditions, stimulus characteristics, as well as suitable parameters of evaluation. Since the description of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) there has been an increased interest and broader application of pupillography in ophthalmology as well as other fields including psychology and chronobiology. Color pupillography plays an important role not only in research but also in clinical observational and therapy studies like gene therapy of hereditary retinal degenerations and psychopathology. Stimuli can vary in size, brightness, duration, and wavelength. Stimulus paradigms determine whether rhodopsin-driven rod responses, opsin-driven cone responses, or melanopsin-driven ipRGC responses are primarily elicited. Background illumination, adaptation state, and instruction for the participants will furthermore influence the results. This standard recommends a minimum set of variables to be used for pupillography and specified in the publication methodologies. Initiated at the 32nd International Pupil Colloquium 2017 in Morges, Switzerland, the aim of this manuscript is to outline standards in pupillography based on current knowledge and experience of pupil experts in order to achieve greater comparability of pupillographic studies. Such standards will particularly facilitate the proper application of pupillography by researchers new to the field. First we describe general standards, followed by specific suggestions concerning the demands of different targets of pupil research: the afferent and efferent reflex arc, pharmacology, psychology, sleepiness-related research and animal studies

    Modulation of the acoustic startle response by the level of arousal: comparison of clonidine and modafinil in healthy volunteers

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    A sudden loud sound evokes an electromyographic (EMG) response from the orbicularis oculi muscle in humans together with an auditory evoked potential (AEP) and an increase in skin conductance (SC). Startle responses are inhibited by weak prepulses (prepulse inhibition, (PPI)) and may also be modified by the level of alertness. We compared the sedative drug clonidine and the alerting drug modafinil on sound-evoked EMG, AEP, and SC responses, on the PPI of these responses and on level of arousal and autonomic functions. Sixteen healthy male volunteers participated in four weekly sessions (clonidine 0.2 mg, modafinil 400 mg, their combination, placebo) in a double-blind, cross-over, balanced design. Responses were evoked by sound pulses of 115 and 85 dB (PPI) for 40 ms and recorded conventionally. Level of alertness, autonomic functions (pupil diameter, blood pressure, heart rate, salivation, temperature) and the plasma levels of the hormones prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone and growth hormone were also measured. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance with multiple comparisons. Both prepulses and clonidine attenuated all three startle responses and modafinil antagonized clonidine's effects on the EMG and AEP responses. None of the drugs affected PPI. Clonidine showed sedative and sympatholytic effects, and modafinil showed alerting and sympathomimetic effects. In conclusion, startle responses were susceptible not only to PPI but also to the level of arousal