145 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Informasi Restoran Berbasis Web Services di Kota Manado

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    Teknologi web services adalah teknologi yang memungkinkan terbentuknya komunikasi antar dua atau lebih perangkat komputer yang memiliki lintas platform yang berbeda. Web services menggunakan teknologi XML dengan format SOAP dalam melakukan pertukaran informasi. Teknologi ini cocok untuk diintegrasikan di dalam proses bisnis, termasuk salah satunya adalah bisnis restoran khususnya restoran-restoran yang ada di kota Manado. Teknologi ini menjawab permasalahan yang dialami oleh para wisatawan yang datang berkunjung di kota Manado. Karena ketika mereka berkunjung di kota Manado, mereka kadangkala belum mengetahui informasi kuliner apa saja yang disajikan oleh restoran-restoran yang ada di kota Manado. Sehingga pada akhirnya dengan menggunakan teknologi ini, akan mempermudah wisatawan yang datang berkunjung di kota Manado dalam berkuliner. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan teknologi JSON dan JAVA web services pada perangkat mobile Android sehingga dapat menjadi media informasi bagi wisatawan lokal  maupun wisatawan asing yang datang berkunjung di kota Manado dalam berkuliner. Penelitian ini didasarkan atas alur kerja metodologi penelitian Rational Unified Process (RUP) yaitu metodologi penelitian yang bersifat parallel dalam setiap tahapan proses pembangunannya. Penelitian ini telah dilakukan dan menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi yang telah diuji. Aplikasi yang dibangun berhasil mengimplementasikan teknologi web services dari bahasa pemrograman Java dengan teknologi web services dari bahasa pemrograman PHP. Penggabungan kedua teknologi ini, menggabungkan informasi restoran-restoran yang ada di kota Manado untuk terintegrasi ke dalam sebuah aplikasi Android tanpa memandang apakah restoran terebut memiliki web services ataukah tidak. Apabila restoran tersebut tidak memiliki web services, mereka bisa menggunakan alternatif lain untuk memanfaatkan web services yang disediakan khusus bagi restoran-restoran yang tidak memiliki web services dengan cara mendaftarkan restoran mereka melalui aplikasi

    Enhanced stability of layered phases in parallel hard-spherocylinders due to the addition of hard spheres

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    There is increasing evidence that entropy can induce microphase separation in binary fluid mixtures interacting through hard particle potentials. One such phase consists of alternating two dimensional liquid-like layers of rods and spheres. We study the transition from a uniform miscible state to this ordered state using computer simulations and compare results to experiments and theory. We conclude that (1) there is stable entropy driven microphase separation in mixtures of parallel rods and spheres, (2) adding spheres smaller then the rod length decreases the total volume fraction needed for the formation of a layered phase, therefore small spheres effectively stabilize the layered phase; the opposite is true for large spheres and (3) the degree of this stabilization increases with increasing rod length.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. E. See related website http://www.elsie.brandeis.ed

    School-based intervention to improve the mental health of low-income, secondary school students in Santiago, Chile (YPSA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Depression is common and can have devastating effects on the life of adolescents. Psychological interventions are the first-line for treating or preventing depression among adolescents. This proposal aims to evaluate a school-based, universal psychological intervention to reduce depressive symptoms among student's aged 13-14 attending municipal state secondary schools in Santiago, Chile.</p> <p>Study design</p> <p>This is a cluster randomised controlled trial with schools as the main clusters. We compared this intervention with a control group in a study involving 22 schools, 66 classes and approximately 2,600 students. Students in the active schools attended 11 weekly and 3 booster sessions of an intervention based on cognitive-behavioural models. The control schools received their usual but enhanced counselling sessions currently included in their curriculum. Mean depression scores and indicators of levels of functioning were assessed at 3 and 12 months after the completion of the intervention in order to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. Direct and indirect costs were measured in both groups to assess the cost-effectiveness of this intervention.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>As far as we are aware this is the first cluster randomised controlled trial of a school intervention for depression among adolescents outside the Western world.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p><a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN19466209">ISRCTN19466209</a></p

    Inscriptive Masculinity in Balzac’s \u3ci\u3eComédie Humaine\u3c/i\u3e

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    This reading of La Comédie humaine traces the narrative paradigm of the young hero within Balzac’s literary universe. A dynamic literary signifier in nineteenth-century literature, the young hero epitomizes the problematic existence encountered by the individual in post-revolutionary France. At the same time, he serves as a mouth-piece for an entire youthful generation burdened by historical memory. Left to assert his position in a society devoid of legitimate authority, the young hero seeks avenues for historical self-creation. And, at every turn, he is reminded of the illegitimacy of his own position. The historical dead-end experienced by the young hero serves therefore as a springboard upon which Balzac launches his own aesthetic enterprise. In the author’s repeated denial of the possibility for restoration, underscoring the division between past and present in the nineteenth-century historical consciousness, Balzac wishes to simulate its reconciliation through a writing of continuity. In exploring the fatal legacy of Napoleon’s self-generative imperative, Balzac reveals a lopsided vision of the young hero. Dictated by a politics of gender or the ideological softening of the masculine portrait portrayed in art and in literature, Balzac establishes a critical framework for an aesthetic reading of his disempowered or feminized young hero. His assertion of the textual model’s corrective – to posit an absolute – is revealed in the poetic enterprise of re-Creation; that is, the “creative pact,” or a poetical contract (a poésie du mal) designed to rewrite origins, and reinstate masculine authority. In pushing the dialectic for creation to its extreme, Balzac attaches a performative value to the young hero, scripting him thus as a literary signifier ordained to rival natural creation. However, the discourse of youth and the hero, emphasizing an important development in the Balzacian novel, reveals a young hero that is finally impotent. While Balzac does not give up on the potential for self-realization, the locus for recreation in post-revolutionary society is posited as exterior to France and, by extension, exterior to the French novel

    Two cases of intraperitoneal haemorrhage of unusual Aetiology

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