1,778 research outputs found

    Evaluating the impact of binary parameter uncertainty on stellar population properties

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    Binary stars have been shown to have a substantial impact on the integrated light of stellar populations, particularly at low metallicity and early ages - conditions prevalent in the distant Universe. But the fraction of stars in stellar multiples as a function of mass, their likely initial periods and distribution of mass ratios are all known empirically from observations only in the local Universe. Each has associated uncertainties. We explore the impact of these uncertainties in binary parameters on the properties of integrated stellar populations, considering which properties and timescales are most susceptible to uncertainty introduced by binary fractions and whether observations of the integrated light might be sufficient to determine binary parameters. We conclude that the effects of uncertainty in the empirical binary parameter distributions are likely smaller than those introduced by metallicity and stellar population age uncertainties for observational data. We identify emission in the He II 1640Å emission line and continuum colour in the ultraviolet-optical as potential indicators of a high mass binary presence, although poorly constrained metallicity, dust extinction and degeneracies in plausible star formation history are likely to swamp any measurable signal

    Stratospheric measurement requirements and satellite-borne remote sensing capabilities

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    The capabilities of specific NASA remote sensing systems to provide appropriate measurements of stratospheric parameters for potential user needs were assessed. This was used to evaluate the capabilities of the remote sensing systems to perform global monitoring of the stratosphere. The following conclusions were reached: (1) The performance of current remote stratospheric sensors, in some cases, compares quite well with identified measurement requirements. Their ability to measure other species has not been demonstrated. (2) None of the current, in-situ methods have the capability to satisfy the requirements for global monitoring and the temporal constraints derived from the users needs portion of the study. (3) Existing, non-remote techniques will continue to play an important role in stratospheric investigations for both corroboration of remotely collected data and in the evolutionary development of future remote sensors

    Observational properties of massive black hole binary progenitors

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    The first directly detected gravitational waves (GW 150914) were emitted by two coalescing black holes (BHs) with masses of ~36Msun and ~29Msun. Several scenarios have been proposed to put this detection into an astrophysical context. The evolution of an isolated massive binary system is among commonly considered models. Various groups have performed detailed binary-evolution calculations that lead to BH merger events. However, the question remains open as to whether binary systems with the predicted properties really exist. The aim of this paper is to help observers to close this gap by providing spectral characteristics of massive binary BH progenitors during a phase where at least one of the companions is still non-degenerate. Stellar evolution models predict fundamental stellar parameters. Using these as input for our stellar atmosphere code (PoWR), we compute a set of models for selected evolutionary stages of massive merging BH progenitors at different metallicities. The synthetic spectra obtained from our atmosphere calculations reveal that progenitors of massive BH merger events start their lives as O2-3V stars that evolve to early-type blue supergiants before they undergo core-collapse during the Wolf-Rayet phase. When the primary has collapsed, the remaining system will appear as a wind-fed high-mass X-ray binary. We provide feedback parameters, broad band magnitudes, and spectral templates that should help to identify such binaries in the future. Comparisons of empirically determined mass-loss rates with those assumed by evolution calculations reveal significant differences. The consideration of the empirical mass-loss rates in evolution calculations will possibly entail a shift of the maximum in the predicted binary-BH merger rate to higher metallicities, that is, more candidates should be expected in our cosmic neighborhood than previously assumed.Comment: 64 pages, 30 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, v2: typos correcte

    An approach to estimating rockfish biomass based on larval production, with application to Sebastes jordani

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    An assessment of the total biomass of shortbelly rockfish (Sebastes jordani) off the central California coast is presented that is based on a spatially extensive but temporally restricted ichthyoplankton survey conducted during the 1991 spawning season. Contemporaneous samples of adults were obtained by trawl sampling in the study region. Daily larval production (7.56 × 1010 larvae/d) and the larval mortality rate (Z=0.11/d) during the cruise were estimated from a larval “catch curve,” wherein the logarithm of total age-specific larval abundance was regressed against larval age. For this analysis, larval age compositions at each of the 150 sample sites were determined by examination of otolith microstructure from subsampled larvae (n=2203), which were weighted by the polygonal Sette-Ahlstrom area surrounding each station. Female population weight-specific fecundity was estimated through a life table analysis that incorporated sex-specific differences in adult growth rate, female maturity, fecundity, and natural mortality (M). The resulting statistic (102.17 larvae/g) was insensitive to errors in estimating M and to the pattern of recruitment. Together, the two analyses indicated that a total biomass equal to 1366 metric tons (t)/d of age-1+ shortbelly rockfish (sexes combined) was needed to account for the observed level of spawning output during the cruise. Given the long-term seasonal distribution of spawning activity in the study area, as elucidated from a retrospective examination of California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigation (CalCOFI) ichthyoplankton samples from 1952 to 1984, the “daily” total biomass was expanded to an annual total of 67,392 t. An attempt to account for all sources of error in the derivation of this estimate was made by application of the delta-method, which yielded a coefficient of variation of 19%. The relatively high precision of this larval production method, and the rapidity with which an absolute biomass estimate can be obtained, establishes that, for some species of rockfish (Sebastes spp.), it is an attractive alternative to traditional age-structured stock assessments

    Phonon anomalies due to strong electronic correlations in layered organic metals

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    We show how the coupling between the phonons and electrons in a strongly correlated metal can result in phonon frequencies which have a non-monotonic temperature dependence. Dynamical mean-field theory is used to study the Hubbard-Holstein model that describes the \kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2 X family of superconducting molecular crystals. The crossover with increasing temperature from a Fermi liquid to a bad metal produces phonon anomalies that are consistent with recent Raman scattering and acoustic experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 3 eps figure

    Absence of the Rashba effect in undoped asymmetric quantum wells

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    To an electron moving in free space an electric field appears as a magnetic field which interacts with and can reorient the electron spin. In semiconductor quantum wells this spin-orbit interaction seems to offer the possibility of gate-voltage control in spintronic devices but, as the electrons are subject to both ion-core and macroscopic structural potentials, this over-simple picture has lead to intense debate. For example, an externally applied field acting on the envelope of the electron wavefunction determined by the macroscopic potential, underestimates the experimentally observed spin-orbit field by many orders of magnitude while the Ehrenfest theorem suggests that it should actually be zero. Here we challenge, both experimentally and theoretically, the widely held belief that any inversion asymmetry of the macroscopic potential, not only electric field, will produce a significant spin-orbit field for electrons. This conclusion has far-reaching consequences for the design of spintronic devices while illuminating important fundamental physics.Comment: 7 pages, 5 fig

    New constraints on the Bray conservation-of-momentum natal kick model from multiple distinct observations

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    Natal supernova kicks, the linear momentum compact remnants receive during their formation, are an essential part of binary population synthesis (BPS) models. Although these kicks are well-supported by evidence, their underlying distributions and incorporation into BPS models is uncertain. In this work, we investigate the nature of natal kicks using a previously proposed analytical prescription where the strength of the kick is linearly proportional to the ejecta-remnant mass ratio. We vary the free parameters over large ranges of possible values, comparing these synthetic populations simultaneously against four constraints: the merger rate of compact binary neutron star (BNS) systems, the period-eccentricity distribution of galactic BNSs, the velocity distribution of single-star pulsars, and the likelihood for low-ejecta mass supernovae to produce low-velocity kicks. We find that different samples of the parameter space satisfy each tests, and only 1 per cent of the models satisfy all four constraints simultaneously. Although we cannot identify a single best kick model, we report α=80±30\alpha = 80 \pm 30 km s1^{-1}, β=0±20\beta = 0 \pm 20 km s1^{-1} as the center of the region of the parameter space that fulfils all of our constraints, and expect β0\beta \geq 0 km s1^{-1} as a further constraint. We also suggest further observations that will enable future refinement of the kick model. A sensitive test for the kick model will be the redshift evolution of the BNS merger rate since this is effectively a direct measure of the delay-time distribution for mergers. For our best fitting values, we find that the peak of the BNS merger rate is the present-day.Comment: Submitted to MNRA