4 research outputs found

    Magnolia oblongifolia Palmarola 2016

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    3. Magnolia oblongifolia (León) Palmarola in Palmarola et al. (2016: 3). Type:— CUBA. Holguín: Monte de la Breña, Sierra de Moa, Moa, Oriente, 1 Jul 1945, León, Alain, Clemente & Crisógono LS-22588 (holotype: HAC ex-LS SV-10692!). Homotypic synonyms: Talauma minor var. oblongifolia León (1950: 5). Talauma minor subsp. oblongifolia (León) Borhidi (1971: 6). Talauma oblongifolia (León) Bisse (1974: 589). Heterotypic synonym: Talauma ophiticola Bisse (1974: 589). Type:— CUBA. Holguín: Baracoa, Mina Iberia, en las orillas del arroyo Iberia, April 1968, Bisse & Köhler HFC-6519 (lectotype: HAJB 634!, designated here; isolectotypes: JE 1224!, 1225!, HAJB 635!). Trees or shrubs up to 14 m tall, 0.23 m in diameter. Leaves with petiole 0.8–3.4 cm, leaf blade 7.9–19.7 × 2.5–6.4 cm, oblong-elliptic to oblanceolate, length-width ratio (2.21–) 2.5–4.66, apex round, retuse-emarginate or acute, base cuneate, adaxial surface dark green, abaxial light green, glabrous, reticulate-veined on both sides, midrib flat above, prominent beneath. Flowers terminal, sepals 3, ovate-linear, obovate or rounded, initially greenish white, up to 3.0 × 2.0 cm, petals 6, cream, in two cycles, the 3 outer petals elliptic up to 2.5 × 1.1 cm, the inner petals narrowly ovate and apiculate, up to 2.3 × 0.7 cm, stamens up to 30, linear, cream to white, from base to connective about 0.5 cm, gynoecium 5–8 carpels, pubescent, brown to ferruginous hairs. Polyfollicle irregular elliptic-rhombic, 3.0–4.5 × 3.0– 4.5 cm. Phenology:— Flowering all year, fruiting February–September. Notes:— In the protologue of T. ophiticola, the type is indicated to be at HAJB, but which of the two specimens is the holotype is not indicated (HAJB 634, 635; Bisse 1974). Palmarola et al. (2016) recognised HAJB 634 as the holotype, but this cannot be considered effective lectotypification (termed “inadvertent lectotypification”) since (as of 1 January 2001) the phrase “designated here” or an equivalent is required (Turland et al. 2018: Art. 7.11). For this reason, T. ophiticola is lectotypified here with the material of Palmarola et al. (2016). As presented here, Magnolia oblongifolia has the same limits as proposed by Bisse (1974, 1988) for T. ophiticola. Therefore, it has a reduced circumscription from that proposed by Palmarola et al. (2016; Fig. 1) because it does not include gatherings considered by Bisse (1974, 1988) as T. oblongifolia (except the type), in which the leaves are on average twice as long as wide. Confusion over M. oblongifolia and T. ophiticola was caused because the latter was based on Bisse & Köhler HFC-6519 (HAJB 634; Fig. 2A), which is similar to the type of T. minor var. oblongifolia (León et al. LS-22588, HAC; Fig. 2B). The types of these two names reflect the morphological variability of this species (Fig. 2). Therefore, the correct name for gatherings considered T. ophiticola by Bisse (1974, 1988) is M. oblongifolia. This confusion was not clarified by Palmarola et al. (2016). Distribution:— Endemic to north-eastern Cuba, Holguín, Guantánamo and Santiago de Cuba Privinces, in rain and pine forest, 0–1,000 m a.s.l., in serpentine soils. Specimens examined: — CUBA. Guantánamo: Baracoa, a 1 km del margen occidental del Toa, entre Tabajó y Bernando, bosque pluvial montano, 18 Apr 1986, Arias et al. HFC-58971 (HAJB); Camino al sur de las Delicias después de la toma de agua del río del Duaba, 21 Jul 2017, Bécquer et al. HFC-89538, HFC 89556 (HAJB); Camino entre arroyo Claro y Vega de la Palma, alrededores del río Arroyo Blanco, 19 Feb 1979, Bisse et al. HFC-39615 (HAJB, JE); Cuchillas del Toa, Sierra del Maguey, pluvisilva y charrascales, 24 Mar 1972, Bisse et al. HFC-22687 (HAJB, JE); Loma Los Guineos, bosque pluvial montano, 14 Apr 1986, Arías et al. HFC-58693 (HAJB); Mirador del Iberia, 5 Jul 2016, Palmarola et al. HFC-89261 (HAJB); Mirador del Iberia, 5 Jul 2016, Palmarola et al. HFC-89262 (HAJB); Mirador del Iberia, 5 Jul 2016, Palmarola et al. HFC-89263 (HAJB); Orillas del Río Báez, cerca de los Naranjos, 21 Jan 1977, Bisse et al. HFC-33839 (HAJB, JE); Palenque: Cuchillas del Toa, Cayo Fortuna pluvisilva cerca del arroyo Manajú, 30 Mar 1972, Bisse & Berazaín HFC-22701 (HAJB, JE); Pluvisilva al sur del Yunque de Baracoa, camino desde el charrascal de la Ermita, 19 Jul 2017, Bécquer et al. HFC-89528-89529 (HAJB); Valle al noreste del Yunque de Baracoa, Feb 1968, Bisse & Köhler HFC-5169 (HAJB); Valle del río Duaba La Ermita, 2 Mar 2012, Greuter et al. 27639 (HAJB); Vega de la Palma, alrededores del río Duaba, 27 Feb 1979, Bisse et al. HFC-40068 (HAJB, JE); Imías, Falda oeste de la loma de Majagua Hueca, 16 Apr 1984, Meyer et al. HFC-53146 (HAJB); Monte Oscuro, 3 Apr 1998, Arías et al. HFC-76464 (HAJB); Palenque, Cuchillas del Toa, charrascos de la Loma de Yarey, 26 Mar 1972, Bisse et al. HFC-22169 (HAJB); Sierra de Imías Palmarito de Yamagua, 17 Apr 1984, Bisse et al. HFC-53300 (HAJB, JE). Holguín: Frank País, Falda norte de la Sierra Cristal subida a Palenque en la zona de Brazo Grande, 7 Apr 1987, Bassler et al. HFC-60533 (HAJB); Falda norte de la Sierra Cristal, al sureste de El Culebro, en la subida al Alto del Cuncuní, 10 Oct 1987, Bassler et al. HFC-60851 (HAJB); Falda norte de la Sierra Cristal, al sureste de El Culebro, subida al Pico el Cielo, 13 Apr 1987, Bassler et al. HFC-61180 (HAJB); Mayarí, Meseta el Toldo, al oeste del primer campamento de los americanos en los alrededores de las cabezadas del río Piloto, 28 Jul 2015, Falcón et al. HFC-88424 (HAJB); Moa: Alto de La Melba, 10 Aug 2017, Palmarola et al. HFC-89586-89589 (HAJB); Camino de Mina Iberia a La Melba, 30 Dec 1968, Bisse & Lippold HFC-16527 (HAJB, JE); Camino entre las Comadres y La Melba, 12 Aug 2017, Palmarola et al. HFC-89582, HFC-89583 (HAJB); Cayo Guam, 15 Feb 2016, Palmarola et al. HFC-89228 (HAJB); Cayo Guam, margen izquierdo del río a 2 km del campismo en dirección al campamento de pioneros, 16 Jul 2017, Bécquer & Testé HFC-89438-89440, (HAJB); Cayo Guam: detrás del campamento de los pioneros, 27 Jun 2016, Palmarola et al. HFC-89239, HFC-89248 (HAJB); Cayo Guam: entre el campismo y la poza del Ché, 27 Jun 2016, Palmarola et al. HFC-89250 (HAJB); En el sendero de El Alto de La Melba, 19 Jun 2017, Falcón et al. HFC-89377 (HAJB); En las orillas del río Jiguaní, cerca del segundo aserrío de la Melba, Apr 1968, Bisse & Köhler HFC-6715 (JE), HFC 6802 (HAJB, JE); Falda norte del Pico El Toldo, 21 Jan 1988, Berazaín et al. HFC-63401 (HAJB); La Melba: falda oeste de la Sierra de Moa, 800-1000 m alto, pluvisilva, 23 Dec 1968, Bisse & Lippold HFC-11612 (JE); Mina Delta, Jul 1949, Hnos. León & Clemente LS-910 (US); Monte de la Breña, 300-500 m alto, pluviosilva, Mar 1968, Bisse & Köhler HFC-6390 (JE); Monte La Breña, alrededores del campamento Los Carboneros, camino al nacimiento del río Yagrumaje, 17 Apr 1981, Bisse et al. HFC-44378 (HAJB, JE); Orillas del río Yagrumaje, cerca del puente en el camino a Moa, Feb 1968, Bisse & Köhler HFC-6002 (HAJB, JE); Playa Moa, 15 Apr 1945, Acuña SV-12417 (US); Pluvisilva 8-10 km camino de la Melba, 1 May 1980, Álvarez et al. HFC-42531 (HAJB); Sierra de Moa, al oeste del Toldo 800-900 m, monte nublado, 14 Aug 1970, Bisse & Lippold HFC-17897 (JE); Sagua de Tánamo, Cupeyal del Norte, Hoyo de Mola, 29 Jul 2016, Falcón et al. HFC-88947 (HAJB); Cupeyal del Norte, Hoyo de Mola, 29 Jul 2016, Falcón et al. HFC-88948, HFC 88950, HFC-88952 HFC-88954 (HAJB). Santiago de Cuba: Segundo Frente, Sierra Cristal, Cabezadas Río San Miguel, Apr 1968, Bisse HFC-8367 (HAJB, JE).Published as part of Testé, Ernesto, García-Beltrán, José Angel, Palmarola, Alejandro, Robert, Thierry & Bécquer, Eldis R., 2023, Taxonomic update of Magnolia subsect. Talauma (Magnoliaceae) from Cuba, pp. 124-132 in Phytotaxa 598 (2) on pages 128-130, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.598.2.2, http://zenodo.org/record/796104

    Nomenclatural novelties in Miconia (Melastomataceae: Miconieae)

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    The Miconieae (Melastomaceae) are a strictly Neotropical group comprising over 1900 species. The tribe is characterized by inflorescences that are terminal or axillary, but not cauliflorous (except a few species of Charianthus, Clidemia, and Mecranium), flowers subtended by only one pair of bracteoles (or none at all), with anthers that lack a pedoconnective, leaves without long acicular raphides, and berry fruits. Generic delimitations within the Miconieae have been notoriously complex, and phylogenetic analyses have shown that Miconia is paraphyletic with many other genera embedded within it. These nested genera include Anaectocalyx, Calycogonium, Catocoryne, Charianthus, Clidemia, Conostegia, Killipia, Leandra, Maieta, Mecranium, Necramium, Ossaea, Pachyanthus, Pleiochiton, Sagraea, Tetrazygia, and Tococa. In the absence of a workable solution that allows the subdivision of the tribe into smaller, morphologically recognizable and monophyletic genera, it has been previously proposed that only one genus be recognized in the tribe. Here we present the necessary taxonomic and nomenclatural changes necessary to recognize Miconia as the sole genus within Miconieae