59 research outputs found

    Impedimetric detection and lumped element modelling of a hemagglutination assay in microdroplets

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    Droplet-based microfluidic systems offer tremendous benefits for high throughput biochemical assays. Despite the wide use of electrical detection for microfluidic systems, application of impedimetric sensing for droplet systems is very limited. This is mainly due to the insulating oil-based continuous phase used for most aqueous samples of interest. We present modelling and experimental verification of impedimetric detection of hemagglutination in microdroplets. We have detected agglutinated red blood cells in microdroplets and screened whole blood samples for multiple antibody sera using conventional microelectrodes. We were able to form antibody and whole blood microdroplets in PDMS microchannels without any tedious chemical surface treatment. Following the injection of a blood sample into antibody droplets, we have detected the agglutination-positive and negative droplets in an automated manner. In order to understand the characteristics of impedimetric detection inside microdroplets, we have developed the lumped electrical circuit equivalent of an impedimetric droplet content detection system. The empirical lumped element values are in accordance with similar models developed for single phase electrical impedance spectroscopy systems. The presented approach is of interest for label-free, quantitative analysis of droplets. In addition, the standard electronic equipment used for detection allows miniaturized detection circuitries that can be integrated with a fluidic system for a quantitative microdroplet-based hemagglutination assay that is conventionally performed in well plates. © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    A versatile plug microvalve for microfluidic applications

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    Most of the available microvalves include complicated fabrication steps and multiple materials. We present a microvalve which is inspired from macroplug valves. The plug microvalve is fabricated by boring a hole through a rigid cylindrical rod and inserting it through a microfluidic chip. It simply functions by rotating the rod which aligns or misaligns the valve port with the microchannel. The rod is made up of a rigid material for applying the valve to an elastic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microchannel. The valve can also be used for a rigid channel by inserting the rod into an elastic tubing. Therefore, the presented microvalve can be used for both elastomeric and thermoplastic channels. The plug microvalve can be applied to a prefabricated microchannel and does not require modification of the mold design. We have verified the repeatability and robustness of the valve by repetitive operation cycles using a servo motor. The plug microvalve is adaptable to numerous microfluidic applications. We have shown three modes of operation for the microvalve including fluid flow control across multiple intersecting channels. Integrating the microvalve to some commonly used microfluidic designs, we demonstrated the versatility and the practicality of the microvalve for controlling flow focusing, microdroplet sorting and rapid chemical agent detection. This low-cost microvalve significantly minimizes the prototyping time for microfluidic systems. © 2017 Elsevier B.V

    A portable microfluidic system for rapid measurement of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate

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    The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a frequently used 30 min or 60 min clinical test for screening of several inflammatory conditions, infections, trauma, and malignant diseases, as well as non-inflammatory conditions including prostate cancer and stroke. Erythrocyte aggregation (EA) is a physiological process where erythrocytes form face-to-face linear structures, called rouleaux, at stasis or low shear rates. In this work, we proposed a method for ESR measurement from EA. We developed a microfluidic opto-electro-mechanical system, using which we experimentally showed a significant correlation (R2 = 0.86) between ESR and EA. The microfluidic system was shown to measure ESR from EA using fingerprick blood in 2 min. 40 μl of whole blood is filled in a disposable polycarbonate cartridge which is illuminated with a near infrared emitting diode. Erythrocytes were disaggregated under the effect of a mechanical shear force using a solenoid pinch valve. Following complete disaggregation, transmitted light through the cartridge was measured using a photodetector for 1.5 min. The intensity level is at its lowest at complete disaggregation and highest at complete aggregation. We calculated ESR from the transmitted signal profile. We also developed another microfluidic cartridge specifically for monitoring the EA process in real-time during ESR measurement. The presented system is suitable for ultrafast, low-cost, and low-sample volume measurement of ESR at the point-of-care. © The Royal Society of Chemistry

    A microfluidic erythrocyte sedimentation rate analyzer using rouleaux formation kinetics

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    Red blood cell aggregation is an intrinsic property of red blood cells that form reversible stacked structures, also called rouleaux, under low shear rates. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), commonly performed in clinics, is an indirect inflammation screener and a prognostic test for diseases. We have recently developed a microfluidic system for rapid measurement of ESR from 40 µl whole blood employing the aggregation dynamics. In this work, we propose the use of an aggregation inducer, dextran polyglucose, for the preparation of multiple blood samples with differing aggregation dynamics. Using these samples, we characterized the performance of the system with three aggregation indices and under varying experimental conditions. Additionally, using the same underlying principle, we improved the system for ESR measurement using both venipuncture and fingerprick whole blood samples depending on the user needs. The results demonstrate that the system performs equally well with both samples, which validates the compatibility of the system for both laboratory and point-of-care applications where venous and capillary blood are the primary samples, respectively. The detailed characterization presented in this study legitimates the feasibility of the system for ultrafast and facile measurement of ESR in clinics and diverse off-laboratory settings. © 2017, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Femtosecond laser fabrication of fiber based optofluidic platform for flow cytometry applications

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    Miniaturized optofluidic platforms play an important role in bio-analysis, detection and diagnostic applications. The advantages of such miniaturized devices are extremely low sample requirement, low cost development and rapid analysis capabilities. Fused silica is advantageous for optofluidic systems due to properties such as being chemically inert, mechanically stable, and optically transparent to a wide spectrum of light. As a three dimensional manufacturing method, femtosecond laser scanning followed by chemical etching shows great potential to fabricate glass based optofluidic chips. In this study, we demonstrate fabrication of all-fiber based, optofluidic flow cytometer in fused silica glass by femtosecond laser machining. 3D particle focusing was achieved through a straightforward planar chip design with two separately fabricated fused silica glass slides thermally bonded together. Bioparticles in a fluid stream encounter with optical interrogation region specifically designed to allocate 405nm single mode fiber laser source and two multi-mode collection fibers for forward scattering (FSC) and side scattering (SSC) signals detection. Detected signal data collected with oscilloscope and post processed with MATLAB script file. We were able to count number of events over 4000events/sec, and achieve size distribution for 5.95μm monodisperse polystyrene beads using FSC and SSC signals. Our platform shows promise for optical and fluidic miniaturization of flow cytometry systems. © 2017 SPIE

    A simple approach for the fabrication of 3D microelectrodes for impedimetric sensing

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    In this paper, we present a very simple method to fabricate three-dimensional (3D) microelectrodes integrated with microfluidic devices. We form the electrodes by etching a microwire placed across a microchannel. For precise control of the electrode spacing, we employ a hydrodynamic focusing microfluidic device and control the width of the etching solution stream. The focused widths of the etchant solution and the etching time determine the gap formed between the electrodes. Using the same microfluidic device, we can fabricate integrated 3D electrodes with different electrode gaps. We have demonstrated the functionality of these electrodes using an impedimetric particle counting setup. Using 3D microelectrodes with a diameter of 25 μm, we have detected 6 μm-diameter polystyrene beads in a buffer solution as well as erythrocytes in a PBS solution. We study the effect of electrode spacing on the signal-to-noise ratio of the impedance signal and we demonstrate that the smaller the electrode spacing the higher the signal obtained from a single microparticle. The sample stream is introduced to the system using the same hydrodynamic focusing device, which ensures the alignment of the sample in between the electrodes. Utilising a 3D hydrodynamic focusing approach, we force all the particles to go through the sensing region of the electrodes. This fabrication scheme not only provides a very low-cost and easy method for rapid prototyping, but which can also be used for applications requiring 3D electric field focused through a narrow section of the microchannel. © 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Sheathless microflow cytometry using viscoelastic fluids

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    Microflow cytometry is a powerful technique for characterization of particles suspended in a solution. In this work, we present a microflow cytometer based on viscoelastic focusing. 3D single-line focusing of microparticles was achieved in a straight capillary using viscoelastic focusing which alleviated the need for sheath flow or any other actuation mechanism. Optical detection was performed by fiber coupled light source and photodetectors. Using this system, we present the detection of microparticles suspended in three different viscoelastic solutions. The rheological properties of the solutions were measured and used to assess the focusing performance both analytically and numerically. The results were verified experimentally, and it has been shown that polyethlyene oxide (PEO) and hyaluronic acid (HA) based sheathless microflow cytometer demonstrates similar performance to state-of-the art flow cytometers. The sheathless microflow cytometer was shown to present 780 particles/s throughput and 5.8% CV for the forward scatter signal for HA-based focusing. The presented system is composed of a single capillary to accommodate the fluid and optical fibers to couple the light to the fluid of interest. Thanks to its simplicity, the system has the potential to widen the applicability of microflow cytometers. © 2017 The Author(s)

    CO2 polishing of femtosecond laser micromachined microfluidic channels

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    The CO2 polishing of femtosecond laser micromachined channels is studied. The surface quality before and after polishing is observed with naked eye and optical microscope. The method improves imaging of microspheres. © 2016 OSA

    CO2 laser polishing of microfluidic channels fabricated by femtosecond laser assisted carving

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    In this study, we investigate the effects of CO2 laser polishing on microscopic structures fabricated by femtosecond laser assisted carving (FLAC). FLAC is the peripheral laser irradiation of 2.5D structures suitable for low repetition rate lasers and is first used to define the microwell structures in fused silica followed by chemical etching. Subsequently, the bottom surface of patterned microwells is irradiated with a pulsed CO2 laser. The surfaces were characterized using an atomic force microscope (AFM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) in terms of roughness and high quality optical imaging before and after the CO2 laser treatment. The AFM measurements show that the surface roughness improves more than threefold after CO2 laser polishing, which promises good channel quality for applications that require optical imaging. In order to demonstrate the ability of this method to produce low surface roughness systems, we have fabricated a microfluidic channel. The channel is filled with polystyrene bead-laden fluid and imaged with transmission mode microscopy. The high quality optical images prove CO2 laser processing as a practical method to reduce the surface roughness of microfluidic channels fabricated by femtosecond laser irradiation. We further compared the traditional and laser-based glass micromachining approaches, which includes FLAC followed by the CO2 polishing technique. � 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd