6 research outputs found

    Accelerating Markov chain Monte Carlo via parallel predictive prefetching

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    We present a general framework for accelerating a large class of widely used Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms. This dissertation demonstrates that MCMC inference can be accelerated in a model of parallel computation that uses speculation to predict and complete computational work ahead of when it is known to be useful. By exploiting fast, iterative approximations to the target density, we can speculatively evaluate many potential future steps of the chain in parallel. In Bayesian inference problems, this approach can accelerate sampling from the target distribution, without compromising exactness, by exploiting subsets of data. It takes advantage of whatever parallel resources are available, but produces results exactly equivalent to standard serial execution. In the initial burn-in phase of chain evaluation, it achieves speedup over serial evaluation that is close to linear in the number of available cores.Engineering and Applied Science

    Flash Caching on the Storage Client

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    Flash memory has recently become popular as a caching medium. Most uses to date are on the storage server side. We investigate a different structure: flash as a cache on the client side of a networked storage environment. We use trace-driven simulation to explore the design space. We consider a wide range of configurations and policies to determine the potential client-side caches might offer and how best to arrange them. Our results show that the flash cache writeback policy does not significantly affect performance. Write-through is sufficient; this greatly simplifies cache consistency handling. We also find that the chief benefit of the flash cache is its size, not its persistence. Cache persistence offers additional performance benefits at system restart at essentially no runtime cost. Finally, for some workloads a large flash cache allows using miniscule amounts of RAM for file caching (e.g., 256 KB) leaving more memory available for application use.Engineering and Applied Science