2 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Confident gene activity prediction based on single histone modification H2BK5ac in human cell lines

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    shows five localities that together are expected to encompass 24 gene regions. Figure S2. Flow chart of analyses performed with CART. Figure S3. Occurrence frequencies of individual histone modifications at TSS and TTS of genes with different transcription levels plotted separately. Figure S4. Interpretation of a CART tree. Table S1. Sources of gene expression and histone modifications data of MSC, hESC-h1, and IMR-90 cell lines. Table S2. Correspondence between Active/Inactive classification of genes in CD4+ T-cells based on empirical data and CART-based bioinformatics approach of present study (five node tree of Fig. 4c). Table S3. Gene activity prediction frequencies for IMR90, hESC-h1, and MSC cells based on five node CART trees for each of the histone modifications on the 24 nucleosome sized regions. (DOC 1328 kb

    MER 10-0368R1

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    Figures and tables; include taxonomical data, divergence values and NJ trees of Nayband fish samples as well as a number of comparisons with similar species from other sea