104 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting the Decision-Making Styles Adoption

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    Decision making is a significant and rational process in any business organization that deploys so many resources to work on selecting the optimal alternative and build a heuristic framework. In the last decade, Tire sector in Egypt witnessed many changes due to market dynamics and economic challenges, that require being adaptive in the decision-making process. The purpose of this study first is to define the different decision-making styles adopted by the decision makers in our case. The population of the study focuses on decision makers of a local family business. Secondly, is to measure the correlation between the dominant decision-making styles and the age groups, Job stress and Leadership styles. The selected model is based on Simon's concept of "bounded rationality" which has provided the conceptual foundation for much behavioral decision research, (Einhorn & Hogarth, 1981). Using certain tools such as GDMS, Job stress and Multi-factor Leadership Questionnaires. Study applied quantitative online survey then analyzed using scale reliability, test-re-test reliability, Cronbach’s alpha, descriptive, chi-square, and normality tests using SPSS. Results revealed that Rational-dependent, and intuitive decision-making styles are affected by different levels of perceived job stress also, the three leadership styles Transformational, Transactional, and Laissez-faire

    The Consequences of Ukraine-Russia Crisis: The Case of International Trade and Prices’ Behavior in Egypt

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    This research aims to measure the impact of the Ukraine-Russia conflicts on the international trade and thus on the prices’ behavior in Egypt. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and observe prices’ behavior during the ongoing crisis. The literature review defined the real determinant of prices and what are the factors affecting prices in the market. This research is quantitative research with a descriptive then correlational research design and the type of investigation is non-contrived research. Observational method and questionnaire are used in data collection gathering a number of quantitative data. The questionnaires are to be directed to expert respondents whether consumers or wholesale merchants via emails or online questionnaire. The questionnaire focuses on the defining the prices’ behavior and level before, after and during the war crisis. The measuring scale used is ratio scale. The IBM SPSS Statistics 26 software was used to analyze the questionnaire responses collected from respondents. Descriptive analysis section of all questionnaire responses, followed by hypothesis testing performed to answer the research questions.This paper shows that the anticipated shortage of supply in strategic goods and Ukraine-Russia War significantly affect prices behavior. In addition, the Ukraine-Russia war has a moderating effect on the prices’ behavior in Egypt in relation to the fear of supply shortage.Future researches are recommended to analyze the macro and micro effects of the Russia-Ukraine war over longer time horizons; the increase in pricing in the Egyptian market is thought to be caused by a wide range of factors that are not all covered in this study. It is also advised that future researchers employ a large sample size for sake of generalization

    Factors Influencing Precision Agriculture Tools or Technologies Adoption in Egypt

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    Precision Agriculture Technologies (PATs) are advocated as inevitable agricultural practices to achieve the highest economic value and mitigate the environmental impact of the agriculture.Water scarcity and rapid population growth in Egypt endanger the economic nourishment. Since agriculture consume more than 80% of total water consumption in Egypt; it is important to adopt efficient practices without sacrificing high productivity and minimize environmental degradation. This thesis studies the factors influencing PATs adoption in Egypt. Based on the literature review; there are 5 constructs with 15 independent variables are tested in this study. The constructs are as follows; (1) Socio Demographic Factors; studying effect of farmer age, level of education, years of experience. (2) Agro Ecological Factors; including farm size, land tenure, farm crops. (3) Financial Factors; encompasses farm income, investment cost, perceived economic benefits and perceived environmental benefits. (4) Technological Factors; testing impact computer and smart phone usage, PATs and PI Usage and perceived ease of use. (5) Institutional Factors: investigating effect of farm region and development pressure. Non-probability sampling was used in this study with convenience and snowball techniques to collect data. The data was collected from 32 farms distributed in Lower and Upper Egypt via an online survey published through Social Media Channels. Respondents were the farm owners and farm operators as each one represents one farm only. The analysis was performed using SPSS to discover factors impacting PATs adoption. Results show that perceived environmental benefits and development pressure are statistically significant factors affecting PATs adoption in Egypt.To conclude, this study provides insightful results regarding what influences the Egyptian farmers in PATs adoption and this may provide better understanding for policy makers to better formulate incentive programs and regulation to motivate farmers to adopt more PATs. Moreover, these results can be used by service providers to enhance marketing

    Factors Affecting the Decision-Making Styles Adoption

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    Decision making is a significant and rational process in any business organization that deploys so many resources to work on selecting the optimal alternative and build a heuristic framework. In the last decade, Tire sector in Egypt witnessed many changes due to market dynamics and economic challenges, that require being adaptive in the decision-making process. The purpose of this study first is to define the different decision-making styles adopted by the decision makers in our case. The population of the study focuses on decision makers of a local family business. Secondly, is to measure the correlation between the dominant decision-making styles and the age groups, Job stress and Leadership styles. The selected model is based on Simon's concept of "bounded rationality" which has provided the conceptual foundation for much behavioral decision research, (Einhorn & Hogarth, 1981). Using certain tools such as GDMS, Job stress and Multi-factor Leadership Questionnaires. Study applied quantitative online survey then analyzed using scale reliability, test-re-test reliability, Cronbach’s alpha, descriptive, chi-square, and normality tests using SPSS. Results revealed that Rational-dependent, and intuitive decision-making styles are affected by different levels of perceived job stress also, the three leadership styles Transformational, Transactional, and Laissez-faire

    Digital Transformation Challenges for Government Sector

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    Digital transformation in Egypt became government trend supporting by political leader starting in services places like civil registry, real estate center, traffic department and many ministries do their best to apply digital transformation. In the public sector, digital transformation refers to the digitization of government activities, such as delivering a better and easier customer experience, enacting regulations that allow for a distributed workforce, and upgrading and optimizing processes to save money and resources. Employee behavior is a basic element that can affect positively or negatively, positive effect will lead to fasting transformation and increasing services so the upper management can achieve their plans. At the opposite direction if negative impact where employee become obstacle and problem for this transformation the plans will take more time, and this will harm all the systems and prevent integrity between them. Some factors will affect employee behavior education, skills, work culture, leadership, job responsibility and effective communication. Also, we cannot ignore training, and finance. No one denies the impact of digital transformation on the economy of countries, and that is why the obstacles that face digital transformation need to more explored and manipulated in different techniques according to the material and moral needs to achieve complete digital transformation.The study utilized a quantitative approach by administering a self-administered questionnaire to government officials in the public sector of Egypt. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS. The results of the analysis confirmed the relationship between various factors and the implementation of digital transformation in the Egyptian public sector. These factors include financial capabilities, availability of infrastructure and communication systems, organizational culture, cooperation between government, business, higher education, and civil society, employee experience and skillset, selection of senior leaders, employee-centered organization, and diversity management.

    Role of Co-Working Spaces’ Services in Entrepreneurs Growth in Upper Egypt: The Case of Step Co-Working Space

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    Co-working spaces are a new concept in Upper Egypt; Step co-working space is the first co-working space in Assiut governorate. Through co-working spaces services and facilities, this paper developed a new operationalization of the entrepreneurs’ growth. This research design resulting conceptual framework proposes that certain combinations of cost-sharing concepts, entrepreneurial awareness, NGO support, Mentoring, and Networking activities would increase the expectation of challenging entrepreneurial growth in Upper Egypt.A survey of unstructured interview and questionnaire used two data collection methods as a research instrument and was applied to the owner managers of Egyptian enterprises. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurs’ growth expectations and cost sharing, awareness, NGOs support, Mentoring, Networking, gender, facilities, and unemployment in Upper Egypt

    Factors Affecting Employee Turnover in a Small Business in Egypt

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    Employee turnover has become a common phenomenon in all organizations. It will cost a lot of money and time because organizations need to hire new employees and train them to fill field open positions. There are many different reasons why they choose to leave the organization. So, organizations need to find out the most important reasons to treat and improve it. There are four categories of factors that affect employee turnover: demographic, work, financial-economic and organizational. The demographic category consists of three factors Age, Tenure and Job designation level. The second category which is personal consists of Job Satisfaction and Organizational commitment. While the third category is the organization which consists of payments and benefits, location of workplace, working environment (i.e., flexible working hours), perceive alternative employment opportunities, career promotion and recognition, supervision and relationship, training and improved skills and the last category consists of work stress, work/life balance and field of study. The research design is descriptive with a correlation type of instrumentation to get the effect of variables positively or negatively with the amount. The data will collect via a structured questionnaire. This study has identified several key factors that contribute to employee turnover, including perceived organizational support, job stress, work-life balance, and available job alternatives. The results suggest that organizations can reduce employee turnover by improving perceived organizational support and work-life balance while also minimizing job stress. These findings have important implications for HR management in developing effective retention strategies to retain valuable employees and improve organizational performance

    The New Era of Digital Transformation and COVID-19 Effect on The Employment in Mobile Operators in Egypt

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    A fear from Technological Advances mainly automation and artificial intelligence (AI) has been raised since the beginning of the 21st century, that machines will eliminate human beings performing certain tasks. Several models were developed to measure the effect of the Automation & AI on the employment and was applied on several countries. The first model was developed by Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne was called An Occupation-Based Approach, 2013. In which they define several tasks and call it “Engineering-Bottlenecks”. Katharina Dengler, Britta Matthes and Wiebke Paulus, 2014 made The Occupational Tasks model in which they use the assignment of activities explained by Alexandra Spitz-Oener and categorize the non-automatable tasks as: analytical non-routine tasks, interactive non-routine tasks. The last model was A-Task Based Approach by Melanie Arntz, Terry Gregory, 2016 in which they argue that FO Model Ignore that, the occupations consist of many tasks, part of them can be automated and another part cannot be. These models were applied on the level of the countries but not on corporate levels.The purpose of this paper is to combine the above three models and applying them on the Mobile operators in Egypt to determine the effect of Automation and AI on the Employment there, taking into consideration the incremental risk from COVID-19 which influenced the humanity.The conclusion of this research is that 41% of the staff working in the Technology field on the mobile operators, their jobs are subject to automation and COVID-19 will make an incremental Risk of 8%, due to creation of efficiency on performing the un-automatable tasks from home through digital platforms

    Exploring Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Organizational Performance, the Case of Turkish Islamic Banks

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    This paper attempts to explore the impact of corporate social responsibility activities on organizational performance through focusing on Turkish Islamic banks as a dynamic organization and growing at high rate over past two decades. The paper focused also on Turkish Islamic banks stakeholders’ area which reflect the bank performance and CSR activities and how to monitor the impact through many tools, to explore this relationship, CSR activates used as the independent variable and organizational performance as the dependent variable within the theoretical framework and hypotheses addressed by the paper investigation. then depending on narrative approach of data collection through interviews, with different segments of stakeholders and discussions based on direct questions according to each segment type. Paper explained CSR definitions and theories, discussed its relationship with modern global trends and focused on stakeholder approach for explaining the real meaning of CSR. As this approach concerned about stakeholders needs and reflects the corporation interest from them. The paper used the stakeholders’ approach in measuring social responsibility, where the impact of social responsibility was known through the direct approach towards the stakeholders. While for organizational performance focused on tools and models that measure performance, using the balanced score cards to apply it on the study through its four major sides (financial, operations, customers and research & development). Major recommendations focused on critical need of CSR deployment, with clear function/department in chars, CRS impact reputation directly, and the high demand on Islamic banking services may decline by time, but it can be maintained through CSR activities

    The Role of Human Resource Management Towards Employees Retention During Covid-19 Pandemic in Medical Supplies Sector - Egypt

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    The introduction of the report has mentioned the aim of this research. As per the introductory part, the aim of this research paper is to examine the role of Human Resources Management (HRM) towards the employees as far as curbing the adverse impact of Covid-19 is concerned. The Literature Review has mentioned the theories of motivation that impacts on the retention level of the employees, along with the studies conducted in the same domain. Some of the studies have been included in which strategies of the companies have mentioned to curb the negative impacts of Covid-19. The quantitative method has been utilized for the same research in which a total of 140 respondents have been selected on the scale of non-probability sampling. Descriptive Statistics and Correlation are the statistical metrics used for the same purpose. From the analysis, it is found that HR managers should play their role in maximizing the satisfaction level of their employees, and the major elements are mentioned in the analysis part. Workplace Guidelines & Support and Access to Information and Financial benefits are some of the main elements that should have been considered by the entities for maximizing their income potential and values accordingly
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