7 research outputs found

    A liquid metal encapsulation for analyzing porous nanomaterials by atom probe tomography

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    Analyzing porous (nano)materials by the atom probe tomography has been notoriously difficult. The electrostatic pressure intensifies stress at voids which results in premature failure of the specimen, and the electrostatic field distribution near voids lead to aberrations that are difficult to predict. Here we propose a new encapsulating method for a porous sample using a low-melting-point Bi-In-Sn alloy, known as Fields metal. As a model porous sample, we used single-crystalline wustite following direct hydrogen-reduced into iron. The complete encapsulation is performed using in-situ heating on the stage of the scanning-electron microscope up to approx. 70 Celsius. No visible corrosion nor dissolution of the sample occurred. Subsequently specimens are shaped by focused ion beam milling under cryogenic conditions at -190 Celsius. The proposed approach is versatile, can be applied to provide good quality atom probe datasets from microporous materials

    Scalable Substrate Development for Aqueous Biological Samples for Atom Probe Tomography

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    Reliable and consistent preparation of atom probe tomography (APT) specimens from aqueous and hydrated biological specimens remains a significant challenge. One particularly difficult process step is the use of a focused ion beam (FIB) instrument for preparing the required needle-shaped specimen, typically involving a "lift-out" procedure of a small sample of material. Here, two alternative substrate designs are introduced that enable using FIB only for sharpening, along with example APT datasets. The first design is a laser-cut FIB-style half-grid close to those used for transmission-electron microscopy, that can be used in a grid holder compatible with APT pucks. The second design is a larger, standalone self-supporting substrate called a "crown", with several specimen positions that self-aligns in APT pucks, prepared by electrical discharge machining (EDM). Both designs are made nanoporous, to provide strength to the liquid-substrate interface, using chemical and vacuum dealloying. We select alpha brass a simple, widely available, lower-cost alternative to previously proposed substrates. We present the resulting designs, APT data, and provide suggestions to help drive wider community adoption

    Enabling near-atomic-scale analysis of frozen water

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    Transmission electron microscopy has undergone a revolution in recent years with the possibility to perform routine cryo-imaging of biological materials and (bio)chemical systems, as well as the possibility to image liquids via dedicated reaction cells or graphene-sandwiching. These approaches however typically require imaging a large number of specimens and reconstructing an average representation and often lack analytical capabilities. Here, using atom probe tomography we provide atom-by-atom analyses of frozen liquids and analytical sub-nanometre three dimensional reconstructions. The analyzed ice is in contact with, and embedded within, nanoporous gold (NPG). We report the first such data on 2-3 microns thick layers of ice formed from both high purity deuterated water and a solution of 50mM NaCl in high purity deuterated water. We present a specimen preparation strategy that uses a NPG film and, additionally, we report on an analysis of the interface between nanoporous gold and frozen salt water solution with an apparent trend in the Na and Cl concentrations across the interface. We explore a range of experimental parameters to show that the atom probe analyses of bulk aqueous specimens come with their own special challenges and discuss physical processes that may produce the observed phenomena. Our study demonstrates the viability of using frozen water as a carrier for near-atomic scale analysis of objects in solution by atom probe tomography

    Near-Atomic Scale Perspective on the Oxidation of Ti3_3C2_2Tx_x MXenes: Insights from Atom Probe Tomography

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    MXenes are a family of 2D transition metal carbides and nitrides with remarkable properties and great potential for energy storage and catalysis applications. However, their oxidation behavior is not yet fully understood, and there are still open questions regarding the spatial distribution and precise quantification of surface terminations, intercalated ions, and possible uncontrolled impurities incorporated during synthesis and processing. Here, atom probe tomography analysis of as-synthesized Ti3_3C2_2Tx_x MXenes reveals the presence of alkali (Li, Na) and halogen (Cl, F) elements as well as unetched Al. Following oxidation of the colloidal solution of MXenes, it is observed that the alkalies enriched in TiO2_2 nanowires. Although these elements are tolerated through the incorporation by wet chemical synthesis, they are often overlooked when the activity of these materials is considered, particularly during catalytic testing. This work demonstrates how the capability of atom probe tomography to image these elements in 3D at the near-atomic scale can help to better understand the activity and degradation of MXenes, in order to guide their synthesis for superior functional properties

    Analysis of water ice in nanoporous copper needles using cryo atom probe tomography

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    The application of atom probe tomography (APT) to frozen liquids is limited by difficulties in specimen preparation. Here, we report on the use of nanoporous Cu needles as a physical framework to hold water ice for investigation using APT. Nanoporous Cu needles are prepared by the electropolishing and dealloying of Cu-Mn matchstick precursors. Cryogenic scanning electron microscopy and focused-ion beam milling reveal a hierarchical, dendritic, highly-wettable microstructure. The atom probe mass spectrum is dominated by peaks of Cu+ and H(H2O)n+ up to n <= 3, and the reconstructed volume shows the protrusion of a Cu ligament into an ice-filled pore. The continuous Cu ligament network electrically connects the apex to the cryostage, leading to enhanced electric field at the apex and increased cooling, both of which simplify the mass spectrum compared to previous reports

    Effect of Pore Formation on Redox-Driven Phase Transformation

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    Solid-state redox-driven phase transformation is associated with mass loss, accommodated by vacancies that develop into pores. These influence the kinetics of the redox reactions and phase transformation. We have investigated the underlying structural and chemical mechanisms in and at pores in a combined experimental-theoretical study, using the reduction of iron oxide by hydrogen as a model system. The redox product (water vapor) accumulates in the pores and shifts the local equilibrium at the pore back towards the parent material - cubic-Fe1-xO (where x refers to Fe deficiency, space group Fm3-m). Our insights explain the sluggish reduction of cubic-Fe1-xO and improve our understanding of the kinetics of redox-driven phase transformations

    Understanding alkali contamination in colloidal nanomaterials to unlock grain boundary impurity engineering

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    Metal nano-aerogels combine a large surface area, a high structural stability, and a high catalytic activity towards a variety of chemical reactions. The performance of such nanostructures is underpinned by the atomic-level distribution of their constituents. Yet monitoring their sub-nanoscale structure and composition to guide property optimization remains extremely challenging. Here, we synthesized Pd nano-aerogels from a K2PdCl4 precursor and two different NaBH4 reductant concentrations in distilled water. Atom probe tomography reveals that the aerogel is poly-crystalline and that impurities (Na, K) are integrated from the solution into grain boundaries. Ab initio calculations indicate that these impurities preferentially bound to the Pd-metal surface and are ultimately found in grain boundaries forming as the particles coalesce during synthesis, with Na atoms thermodynamically equilibrating with the surrounding solution and K atoms remaining between growing grains. If controlled, impurity integration, i.e. grain boundary decoration, may offer opportunities for designing new nano-aerogels