3,340 research outputs found

    Emerging trends in 'smart probiotics' : functional consideration for the development of novel health and industrial applications

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    The link between gut microbiota and human health is well-recognized and described. This ultimate impact on the host has contributed to explain the mutual dependence between humans and their gut bacteria. Gut microbiota can be manipulated through passive or active strategies. The former includes diet, lifestyle, and environment, while the latter comprise antibiotics, pre- and probiotics. Historically, conventional probiotic strategies included a phylogenetically limited diversity of bacteria and some yeast strains. However, biotherapeutic strategies evolved in the last years with the advent of fecal microbiota transplant (FMT), successfully applied for treating CDI, IBD, and other diseases. Despite the positive outcomes, long-term effects resulting from the uncharacterized nature of FMT are not sufficiently studied. Thus, developing strategies to simulate the FMT, using characterized gut colonizers with identified phylogenetic diversity, may be a promising alternative. As the definition of probiotics states that the microorganism should have beneficial effects on the host, several bacterial species with proven efficacy have been considered next generation probiotics. Non-conventional candidate strains include Akkermansia muciniphila, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Bacteroides fragilis, and members of the Clostridia clusters IV, XIVa, and XVIII. However, viable intestinal delivery is one of the current challenges, due to their stringent survival conditions. In this review, we will cover current perspectives on the development and assessment of next generation probiotics and the approaches that industry and stakeholders must consider for a successful outcome

    Berti Qur’anic Amulets

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    The Berti live in the Province of North Darfur in the Sudan. They are sedentary people whose main livelihood is based on rain cultivation and animal husbandry (for more details on the Berti see Holy 1974). For several centuries the Berti have spoken their own dialect of the Arabic language. They are Muslim, following the Maliki school of Islamic Law. Among the Berti, Islam is disseminated and taught by their religious men, locally referred to fugara, a term translated as jurisconsults, clergymen, Sufi mendicants or religious officiants (see Trimingham 1949:140, 1968:61 and 130; Yusuf 1976:116; among others). As professionals, Berti religious men render a variety of services to their clients. They teach the Qur’an, preside over rituals, and treat the sick. In this article I shall restrict myself to the provision of ‘amulets’ which are believed to help their owners to achieve certain objectives

    Female circumcision and ethnic identification in Sudan with special reference to the Berti of Darfur

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    This article assesses the state of female circumcision in the Sudan with the primary emphasis being placed on the Berti of Darfur. Among other things, the article examines the factors that have so far led to the perpetuation of the practice and the failure of the anti-circumcision campaign. The author suggests a renewal of the campaign through the use of a comprehensive approach which encompasses the social, aesthetic, medical, identificational and religious variables involved in the practice

    The Arab Congregation and the Ideology of Genocide in Darfur, Sudan

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    This article presents a number of documents bearing the name of the Arab Congregation of Western Sudan (Darfur and Kordofan). It argues that attempts to annihilate indigenous Darfurians and appropriate their land are backed by Arab supremacist ideology that has been nursed over several decades. The article further argues that the Arab Congregation operates in close alliance with both national and regional circles that seek to expand what is defined as Arab belt deeper into Sub-Saharan Africa

    The Arab Congregation and the Ideology of Genocide in Darfur, Sudan

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    This article presents a number of documents bearing the name of the Arab Congregation of Western Sudan (Darfur and Kordofan). It argues that attempts to annihilate indigenous Darfurians and appropriate their land are backed by Arab supremacist ideology that has been nursed over several decades. The article further argues that the Arab Congregation operates in close alliance with both national and regional circles that seek to expand what is defined as Arab belt deeper into Sub-Saharan Africa

    The Black Book Haunts Al Bashir’s New Cabinet

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    Ministers and State Ministers. He is yet to work out his suite of advisors. Given the turbulent years that Sudan has gone through in its recent past, it may be worthwhile to see if Al-Bashir’s post-election cabinet reflects these challenges. The years 2001 and 2002 witnessed the publication of the seminal work, ‘The Black Book: Imbalance of Power and Wealth in Sudan’. The publication ushered in its 5:95% thesis, namely that since its independence, Sudan has been ruled by 5% of its Northern Region population and that within the Northern Region, power has been controlled by a mere three elite ethnic groups. The Black Book traced top government and semi-government officials, sourcing them to the regions of their prime ethnic groups to prove its point. In the following analysis, let us see whether Al-Bashir has learnt anything from the Black Book. I will restrict my exercise to full Ministers as my information about State Ministers is not complete. Even here, we have to assume parity between Minsters for Chickens, Rabbits and Goats and Ministers for Defence, Oil and Finance. In the absence of a reliable census, I will proceed as though regional distribution of Sudan’s population has remained the same since publication of the Black Book

    Transferred to Darfur: The notorious judge in the case of the flogged woman

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    December 23, 2010 — In an unprecedented sinister gesture to the beleaguered people of Darfur, the Sudanese Justice Ministry transferred its notorious judge, as seen in the YouTube video film of the public flogging of a woman, to Darfur (N. Hamid, Sudaneseonline.com,12-15-2010). The film caused national and international outcry and was viewed worldwide by an estimated 10 million people. If the Khartoum authority wanted to emphasize its contempt for the people of Darfur, it could not have done any better. For the irony in the transfer, is that the Ministry of Justice in Sudan is currently held by none other than Minister Bishara Dosa, a son of Darfur, whose ethnic group, the Zaghawa, have been bombed back to the stone age

    From war to peace and reconciliation in Darfur

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    June 25, 2009 — The Darfur crisis is nearing its end. One way or another, peace will be reached within the near future. However, sustainable peace requires arduous reconciliation that is indivisible from punishment of those responsible for atrocities committed in the conflict. This calls for the investigation and trial of tens of thousands, if not more, individuals implicated in the atrocities. While the ICC and Sudan’s National Justice System (NJS) can deal with the higher level crimes, the lower level crimes which are more numerous can only be dealt with within the traditional legal system (the Judia). In comparison to both the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the NJS the Judia is more efficient, but above all conducive for future co-existence and reconciliation. Drawing on the use of the traditional Gacaca system of justice, the author concludes by making suggestions that may improve delivery of the Judia in Darfur post-war trials

    Transferred to Darfur: The notorious judge in the case of the flogged woman

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    December 23, 2010 — In an unprecedented sinister gesture to the beleaguered people of Darfur, the Sudanese Justice Ministry transferred its notorious judge, as seen in the YouTube video film of the public flogging of a woman, to Darfur (N. Hamid, Sudaneseonline.com,12-15-2010). The film caused national and international outcry and was viewed worldwide by an estimated 10 million people. If the Khartoum authority wanted to emphasize its contempt for the people of Darfur, it could not have done any better. For the irony in the transfer, is that the Ministry of Justice in Sudan is currently held by none other than Minister Bishara Dosa, a son of Darfur, whose ethnic group, the Zaghawa, have been bombed back to the stone age

    Islam and cultural identity among the Berti of Sudan

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    Focusing on the Berti of Sudan, this article assesses the role of Islam and Arabism as important variables in the social construction of cultural identity of the studied people. In line with most relevant recent literature, the author looks at cultural identity as a social construct, a dynamic ideology of shifting borders and a historical process that is grounded on diachronic social formation. The article argues that the present Berti identity is a conscious reflection of their subordinate position vis-à-vis the kingdoms and states which have dominated Sudan over the past few centuries
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