199 research outputs found


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    In discussing the water quality evaluation for use in different purposes, the author will briefly examine some of the major important water quality standards. These standards serve as a basis for appraisal of the results of chemical water analysis in terms of suitability of the water for various intended uses. According to total dissolved salts (TDS),  major  ions as cations ( Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+), anions (CO₃2â», HCO₃â»Â  ,SOâ‚„2â», Clâ»), with some heavy metals such as Al3+, B3+ , Cd2+, Co2+, Cr3+, Cu2+, Fe3+, Mn2+,  Mo2+, Ni2+,  Pb2+, Sr2+, V2+   and Zn2+  The results  indicate  that  the samples of Nubian sandstone aquifer is suitable for drinking of human and livestock , suitable for laundry purposes and for irrigation. While the samples of Fractured dolomite limestone aquifer are unsuitable for drinking and irrigation.Â

    Simulation as a Tool to Develop Guidelines of Envelope Design of a Typical Office Building in Egypt

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    This paper describes the use of building performance simulation software in order to develop guidelines for designing energy-efficient office building. In Egypt energy codes for all building types are being under development. On the other hand market trends have driven office buildings architecture towards neglecting not only environmental considerations but also local context and vernacular architecture. The case study presented in this paper is an attempt to use simulation tools to evaluate variants of envelope thermal characteristics at early stage of design in order to assist creating an energy efficient structure, providing best comfortable conditions for inhabitants and at the same time maintaining the vernacular character of the building. In order to achieve these aims Ecotect is used to conduct a series of thermal and lighting analyses which have good prospects of influencing building performance. Subsequently sensitivity analysis calculations were performed to define the parameters that contribute significantly to energy efficiency and thermal comfor

    Partial dietary fish meal replacement with cotton seed meal and supplementation with exogenous protease alters growth, feed performance, hematological indices and associated gene expression markers (GH, IGF-I) for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus

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    A 12-week feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of different ratios of fish meal (FM): cotton seed meal (CSM) without or with inclusion of exogenous protease in diets on growth performance, hematology, digestibility and selected gene expression markers (GH and I (IGF-I) of juvenile Nile tilapia. The experimental diets were categorized into three groups; the first group CSM1 which contained fish meal protein: cotton seed meal protein (FM: CSM = 2:1), the second group CSM2 which contained FM: CSM = 1:1 and the third one CSM3 contained FM: CSM = 1:2 on protein content based. All groups were supplemented with exogenous protease at 0 and 2500 U kg−1 diet, respectively. All diets were fed to fish (initial body weight 11.62 ± 0.03 g fish−1) in triplicate aquaria twice daily. The higher weight gain (WG), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and best feed conversion ratio (FCR) were recorded by fish fed CSM1 and CSM2 and supplemented with 2500 U protease/kg diet. The highest apparent digestibility coefficient of crude protein, crude lipid and digestible energy, and apparent availability coefficient of essential amino acids were obtained by fish receiving CSM1 and CSM2 supplemented with protease (2500 U protease kg−1 diet). The highest mean values of Hb, Htc and RBCs were recorded in fish fed CSM1 and CSM2 supplemented with protease enzyme (2500 U protease kg−1 diet). Serum of alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activities were improved due to dietary protease (2500 U protease kg−1 diet) supplementation, also, fish received the diets supplemented with protease 2500 U kg−1 diet generally had higher total protein, albumin, calcium and phosphorus than those fed diets without supplement. The highest growth hormone (GH) gene expression in brain and liver of tilapia were obtained in the group fed CSM3 and un-supplemented with protease enzyme followed by CSM2 (un-supplemented). On the other hand, tilapia fed CSM1 and CSM2 supplemented with protease enzyme showed the highest values of gene expression of insulin like growth factor I (IGF-I) in brain and liver of tilapia compared to other groups. Results above showed that supplementation of protease can improve growth, nutrient assimilation, and hematology and alter gene expression of GH and IGF-I of Nile tilapia

    The sample of choice for detecting Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in asymptomatic dromedary camels using real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction

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    The newly identified Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), which causes severe respiratory disease, particularly in people with comorbidities, requires further investigation. Studies in Qatar and elsewhere have provided evidence that dromedary camels are a reservoir for the virus, but the exact modes of transmission of MERS-CoV to humans remain unclear. In February 2014, an assessment was made of the suitability and sensitivity of different types of sample for the detection of MERS-CoV by real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for three gene targets: UpE (upstream of the E gene), the N (nucleocapsid) gene and open reading frame (ORF) 1a. Fifty-three animals presented for slaughter were sampled. A high percentage of the sampled camels (79% [95% confidence interval 66.9-91.5%, standard error 0.0625]; 42 out of 53) were shown to be shedding MERS-CoV at the time of slaughter, yet all the animals were apparently healthy. Among the virus-positive animals, nasal swabs were most often positive (97.6%). Oral swabs were the second most frequently positive (35.7%), followed by rectal swabs (28.5%). In addition, the highest viral load, expressed as a cycle threshold (Ct) value of 11.27, was obtained from a nasal swab. These findings lead to the conclusion that nasal swabs are the candidate sample of choice for detecting MERS-CoV using RT-PCR technology in apparently healthy camels

    Isolation of MERS coronavirus from dromedary camel, Qatar, 2014

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    We obtained the full genome of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) from a camel in Qatar. This virus is highly similar to the human England/ Qatar 1 virus isolated in 2012. The MERS-CoV from the camel efficiently replicated in human cells, providing further evidence for the zoonotic potential of MERS-CoV from camels
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