165 research outputs found

    Software process control without calibration

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    Software process control is important for large enterprise since it is essential for software project management. Boehm [10, 12--15, 20] argues that the best way to do software process control is reusing old proven models (e.g. COCOMO for effort, COQUALMO for defects, etc) while tuning them to local data in order to obtain accurate estimates. This however suggests that historic data is available related to the use of these models in previous software projects. This is not the case, as the availability of relevant historic data related to the use of the above models in a specific software environment is scarce, whether due to the lack of documentation or the unwillingness of companies to disclose such data [63].;To bypass this problem, we implemented a system called STAR. This system uses a combination of an AI search algorithm and a back-select algorithm to determine recommended work that needs to be done on a software project. STAR also has the ability to use multiple models in the evaluation of recommended practice; a feature that is not available in any previous work to the best of our knowledge. The models used are part of the USC family of software engineering models [15] and include: COCOMO II for effort, COQUALMO for defects, a schedule model for development time, and the Madachy [55] threat model for risk assessment.;Upon implementing STAR, we observed stable results that were comparable to those generated by tools currently used, while bypassing the local tuning problem that those tools face. In addition, we were able to tackle several issues related to software process control using STAR. So, in the future we recommend that, in situations where local tuning data isn\u27t available, we exploit the uncertainty of not having local tuning data by searching for stable conclusions withing the space of possible recommendations using AI search engines similar to STAR

    Social interaction reward decreases p38 activation in the nucleus accumbens shell of rats

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    AbstractWe have previously shown that animals acquired robust conditioned place preference (CPP) to either social interaction alone or cocaine alone. Recently it has been reported that drugs of abuse abnormally activated p38, a member of mitogen-activated protein kinase family, in the nucleus accumbens. In this study, we aimed to investigate the expression of the activated form of p38 (pp38) in the nucleus accumbens shell and core of rats expressing either cocaine CPP or social interaction CPP 1 h, 2 h and 24 h after the CPP test. We hypothesized that cocaine CPP will increase pp38 in the nucleus accumbens shell/core as compared to social interaction CPP. Surprisingly, we found that 24 h after social interaction CPP, pp38 neuronal levels were decreased in the nucleus accumbens shell to the level of naïve rats. Control saline rats that received saline in both compartments of the CPP apparatus and cocaine CPP rats showed similar enhanced p38 activation as compared to naïve and social interaction CPP rats. We also found that the percentage of neurons expressing dopaminergic receptor D2R and pp38 was also decreased in the shell of the nucleus accumbens of social interaction CPP rats as compared to controls. Given the emerging role of p38 in stress/anxiety behaviors, these results suggest that (1) social interaction reward has anti-stress effects; (2) cocaine conditioning per se does not affect p38 activation and that (3) marginal stress is sufficient to induce p38 activation in the shell of the nucleus accumbens

    Preventive role of social interaction for cocaine conditioned place preference: correlation with FosB/DeltaFosB and pCREB expression in rat mesocorticolimbic areas

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    The worsening of drug abuse by drug-associated social interaction is a well-studied phenomenon. In contrast, the molecular mechanisms of the beneficial effect of social interaction, if offered as a mutually exclusive choice to drugs of abuse, are under-investigated. In a rat place preference conditioning (CPP) paradigm, four 15 min episodes of social interaction with a gender- and weight-matched male early-adult conspecific inhibited cocaine-induced reinstatement of cocaine CPP, a model of relapse. These protective effects of social interaction were paralleled by a reduced activation, as assessed by Zif268 expression, in brain areas known to play pivotal roles in drug-seeking behavior. Here we show that social interaction during extinction of cocaine CPP also reduced cocaine-CPP-stimulated FosB expression in the nucleus accumbens shell and core. In addition, social interaction during cocaine CPP extinction increased pCREB (cAMP response element binding protein) expression in the nucleus accumbens shell and the cingulate cortex area 1 (Cg1). Our results show that FosB and pCREB may be implicated in the protective effect of social interaction against cocaine-induced reinstatement of CPP. Thus, social interaction, if offered in a context that is clearly distinct from the previously drug-associated one, may profoundly inhibit relapse to cocaine addiction


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    Shisha smoking is a common method of tobacco smoking in the Mediterranean Region with prevalence ranging between 20% and 70%. Actually, shisha smoking is becoming increasingly popular method of tobacco smoking worldwide. Pain is a subjective experience influenced by genetic, developmental, familial, psychological, social and cultural variables. An increase in pain tolerance threshold (Ptt) ,which is defined as the highest intensity of painful stimulation that a tested subject is able to tolerate, was noticed with cigarette smoking. However, the relation between shisha smoking and pain detection threshold (Pdt), defined as the lowest intensity of a painful stimulus at which the subject perceives pain and pain tolerance threshold (Ptt) has not been studied. The purpose of this study was to determine the association between Pdt and Ptt in shisha smokers in Lebanon. A total of 400 participants from different areas in Lebanon were recruited of which 216 were non-smokers and 184 were shisha-smokers. The sphygmomanometer cuff technique was used to detect Pdt and Ptt. As a result, the mean age of these participants was 27.46 years (standard deviation=11.79). Shisha-smoker male participants represented 53.7% while female shisha-smokers presented 40.8%. Pdt and Ptt were significantly greater in shisha smokers than in non-smokers with P = 0.001 and P \u3c 0.001 respectively. The mean number of heads of shisha smoked was 2.64 heads (standard deviation = 4.70). Both Pdt and Ptt are significantly increased in shisha smokers who smokes more heads of shisha per day with a p value of 0.031 and 0.002 respectively. However, in shisha smokers, the mean number of shisha smoking years was 2.68years (standard deviation = 5.22). Only Ptt significantly increased (P = 0.007) with more smoking years Moreover, Pdt and Ptt were both significantly higher (P \u3c 0.001) in males than in females. One may conclude that shisha smokers have higher tolerance thresholds for pain than non-smokers

    Single Breath-Hold Physiotherapy Technique : Effective tool for T2* magnetic resonance imaging in young patients with thalassaemia major

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    Magnetic resonance imaging using T2* (MRI T2*) is a highly sensitive and non-invasive technique for the detection of tissue iron load. Although the single breath-hold multi-echo T2* technique has been available at the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital (SQUH), Muscat, Oman, since 2006, it could not be performed on younger patients due to their inability to hold their breath after expiration. This study was carried out between May 2007 and May 2015 and assessed 50 SQUH thalassaemic patients aged 7‒17 years old. Seven of these patients underwent baseline and one-year follow-up MRI T2* scans before receiving physiotherapy training. Subsequently, all patients were trained by a physiotherapist to hold their breath for approximately 15‒20 seconds at the end of expiration before undergoing baseline and one-year follow-up MRI T2* scans. Failure rates for the pre- and post-training groups were 6.0% and 42.8%, respectively. These results indicate that the training of thalassaemic patients in breath-hold techniques is beneficial and increases rates of compliance for MRI T2* scans

    Differential Effects of Accumbens Core vs. Shell Lesions in a Rat Concurrent Conditioned Place Preference Paradigm for Cocaine vs. Social Interaction

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    A main challenge in the therapy of drug dependent individuals is to help them reactivate interest in non-drug-associated activities. Among these activities, social interaction is doubly important because treatment adherence itself depends on it. We previously developed a rat experimental model based on the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm in which only four 15-min episodes of social interaction with a gender- and weight-matched male conspecific (i) reversed CPP from cocaine to social interaction despite continuing cocaine training and (ii) prevented the reinstatement of cocaine CPP. In the present study, we investigated if the two subregions of the nucleus accumbens (Acb), i.e., the core (AcbC) and the shell (AcbSh), would differentially affect CPP for cocaine vs social interaction.Animals were concurrently trained for CPP pairing cocaine with one compartment and social interaction with the other (i.e., mutually exclusive stimulus presentation during training). Excitotoxic lesioning of the AcbC or the BLA shifted CPP toward social interaction, whereas AcbSh inactivation shifted CPP toward cocaine.Overall, our findings suggest that inactivation of the AcbC or the BLA is sufficient to shift CPP away from a drug of abuse toward social interaction. Lesioning the AcbSh produced the opposite effect

    Seismic microzonation for Muscat region, Sultanate of Oman

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    Site characterization was carried out for Muscat region using the ambient noise measurements applying the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) technique and using active seismic survey utilizing the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) of survey data. Microtremors measurements were carried out at 459 sites using short-period sensors. This extensive survey allowed the fundamental resonance frequency of the soft soil to be mapped and areas prone to site amplification to be identified. The results indicate a progressive decrease in the fundamental resonance frequencies from the southern and eastern parts, where the bedrock outcrops, toward the northern coast where a thickness of sedimentary cover is present. Shear wave velocity (Vs) was evaluated using the 2-D MASW at carefully selected 99 representative sites in Muscat. These 99 sites were investigated with survey lines of 52 m length. 1-D and interpolated 2-D profiles were generated up to a depth range 20–40 m. The vertical Vs soundings were used in the SHAKE91 software in combination with suitable seismic input strong motion records to obtain the soil effect. Most of the study area has amplification values less than 2.0 for all the considered spectral periods. The estimated fundamental frequencies obtained using the H/V spectral ratio method and using SHAKE91 are found to be in a relatively good agreement. Maps of spectral amplification, earthquake characteristics on the ground surface for peak ground and spectral accelerations at 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0, and 2.0 s, for 475 years return period are produced. The surface ground motion maps show that the hazard level is moderate with expected PGA in the range 0.059–0.145 g for 475 years return period.Oman Ministerial Cabinet (project # 22409017

    Cocaine Paired Environment Increases SATB2 Levels in the Rat Paraventricular Thalamus

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    SATB2 is a DNA binding protein that specifically binds the nuclear matrix attachment region and functions as a regulator of the transcription of large chromatin domains. Unlike its well addressed role during brain development, the role of SATB2 in adult brain is under-investigated. It has been shown that deletion of SATB2 from the forebrain of adult mice significantly impaired long-term memory for contextual fear and object recognition memory. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of appetitive stimuli such as cocaine and social interaction (SI) on SATB2 expression in the adult rat brain. For that, we performed conditioned place preference (CPP) to cocaine (15 mg/kg) and to SI, then assessed SATB2 expression in the brain 1 h (24 h after the last conditioning) and 24 h (48 h after the last conditioning) after the CPP test. We found that SATB2 expression in the paraventricular thalamus of rats was increased 1 h after the cocaine CPP test. This increase was selective for the cocaine-paired environment since the SI-paired environment did not increase SATB2 expression in the paraventricular thalamus. Also, the cocaine paired environment-induced increase of SATB2 levels in the paraventricular thalamus was due to cocaine conditioning as the unpaired cocaine group did not show an increase of SATB2 in the paraventricular thalamus. These results suggest that SATB2 in the paraventricular thalamus appears to be involved in the association between cocaine effects and environmental context. Further studies are needed to address the functional role of SATB2 in cocaine conditioning

    Application of face centred central composite design to optimise compression force and tablet diameter for the formulation of mechanically strong and fast disintegrating orodispersible tablets

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    A two factor, three level (3(2)) face centred, central composite design (CCD) was applied to investigate the main and interaction effects of tablet diameter and compression force (CF) on hardness, disintegration time (DT) and porosity of mannitol based orodispersible tablets (ODTs). Tablet diameters of 10, 13 and 15 mm, and CF of 10, 15 and 20 kN were studied. Results of multiple linear regression analysis show that both the tablet diameter and CF influence tablet characteristics. A negative value of regression coefficient for tablet diameter showed an inverse relationship with hardness and DT. A positive value of regression coefficient for CF indicated an increase in hardness and DT with increasing CF as a result of the decrease in tablet porosity. Interestingly, at the larger tablet diameter of 15 mm, while hardness increased and porosity decreased with an increase in CF, the DT was resistant to change. The optimised combination was a tablet of 15 mm diameter compressed at 15 kN showing a rapid DT of 37.7s and high hardness of 71.4N. Using these parameters, ODTs containing ibuprofen showed no significant change in DT (ANOVA; p>0.05) irrespective of the hydrophobicity of the ibuprofen.</p

    Cation Distribution in Natural Chromites from Oman

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    Two specimens or natural chromite from the Oman ophiolite were studied using Mossbauer Spectroscopy (MS), X-ray Diffraction (XRD). and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The diffraction patterns obtained at room temperature showed that the two specimens have a face-centered cubic spinal structure. Their Mossbauer spectra at 295 K. 160 K and 78 K have been fitted to three doublets. assigned to two Fe 2+ at the tetrahedral (A1+,A2) sites and one Fe1+ at the octahedral (B) site. The ferrous-ferric ratio obtained from the Mossbauer analysis together with the atomic concentration derived from the microprobe data are used to derive the chemical formulae for the two specimens. The data also supports also supports  a model of ordered caution distribution in the specimens examined