515 research outputs found

    Fish farm management and microcontroller based aeration control system

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    Fisheries are required to grant convenient environmental conditions for fish growth with minimum cost afford.  Providing these environmental conditions should essentially correlate fish type, pond dimensions, water properties, and weather conditions to the fish growth rate, feeding and metabolism.  The large uncertainty margin of such parameters relations and effects drives the farmers to have economically inefficient practices in their farms.  The present work was divided into two parts.  The first part introduced an interactive Microsoft Excel spreadsheets as a decision support system (DSS) for the purposes of fish farm area planning according to the different required purposes of ponds, water evaluation to insure the most suitable environment of fish growth, and mechanical aeration management.  The design of this DSS took the simplicity of required input data and data output into consideration.  The second part was a microcontroller based open loop control system for mechanical aeration process based on the calculations of the DSS.  The aeration management part input and output data fed to the control system with a specially developed program using µC-language.  This program performs the calculations of aeration requirements and energy demands based on the DSS calculations.  Furthermore, the controller had the feature of working from isolated power supply or in collaboration with renewable energy system.  These utilities have been created to be suitable for three fish types, which are Mullet, Tilapia, and Carp fish.  These types have a wide acceptance in the aquaculture activities under warm water conditions.  The data obtained from the calculations of the spreadsheet under simulated and real field conditions were compared to a reference data. The spreadsheet showed an agreement with the reference values.  The control systems succeed to operate 1hp-3phase induction motor for a time that was identical to the required aeration time calculated through the DSS.  It was recommended to rely on the created DSS and the control system for farm area planning, water environment evaluation, and mechanical aeration management and operation.  In addition, improvements for the control system should be carried out to be a real-time system especially with water quality parameters considering system power requirements and operating costs.   Keywords: control system, fish farm, management, microcontroller, aeration

    Optimal Design of Switched Reluctance Motor Using Genetic Algorithm

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    Switched reluctance motor (SRM) is gaining more interest in both research and industry. Its simple structure without windings or permanent magnets on the rotor makes the motor robust and reliable with reduced manufacturing cost. The SRM also provides high starting torque and high efficiency over a wide range of speeds, which is strongly desired for electric vehicles’ applications. However, these advantages of switched reluctance motors come with some challenges. Torque ripples, low power density, and temperature rise are common questions about SRM. This paper utilizes multi-objective optimization of SRM design to get most of the SRM desired characteristics with minimization of the machine’s common drawbacks. The optimization process has considered twelve variables and five objective functions. These functions include average torque, efficiency, iron weight, torque-ripples, and maximum temperature rise. The electromagnetic analysis of each candidate is performed by the finite elements method (FEA). The performance indices of SRM are calculated based on FEA analysis results via calculations that compensate for accuracy and computation time. The multi-objective genetic algorithm technique (MOGA) combines the objective functions into a single objective function. Verifying the optimal design comprises generating the efficiency map, torque profile, and dynamic simulation of the motor. This paper mainly focuses on the design and optimization of SRM to fulfill the general requirements of electric vehicle applications

    Optimal Design of Switched Reluctance Motor Using Genetic Algorithm

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    Switched reluctance motor (SRM) is gaining more interest in both research and industry. Its simple structure without windings or permanent magnets on the rotor makes the motor robust and reliable with reduced manufacturing cost. The SRM also provides high starting torque and high efficiency over a wide range of speeds, which is strongly desired for electric vehicles’ applications. However, these advantages of switched reluctance motors come with some challenges. Torque ripples, low power density, and temperature rise are common questions about SRM. This paper utilizes multi-objective optimization of SRM design to get most of the SRM desired characteristics with minimization of the machine’s common drawbacks. The optimization process has considered twelve variables and five objective functions. These functions include average torque, efficiency, iron weight, torque-ripples, and maximum temperature rise. The electromagnetic analysis of each candidate is performed by the finite elements method (FEA). The performance indices of SRM are calculated based on FEA analysis results via calculations that compensate for accuracy and computation time. The multi-objective genetic algorithm technique (MOGA) combines the objective functions into a single objective function. Verifying the optimal design comprises generating the efficiency map, torque profile, and dynamic simulation of the motor. This paper mainly focuses on the design and optimization of SRM to fulfill the general requirements of electric vehicle applications

    Management of change order claims in the Egyptian industrial construction sector: analysis and means of improvement

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    The term claim has become a word of paramount significance on construction projects worldwide. Throughout .the past decade, several research works in Europe and North America have been dedicated to exploring the causes of claims and solutions that would help minimize their occurrence and possibly prevent them. This research is the first of its kind in Egypt, as it attempts to help gain a deeper insight of the status of claims management from the contractors perspective with respect to the Egyptian industrial construction sector. Special attention is given to change order claims, as this research demonstrates them as a major cause of claims in this sector. By the end of the research, strategies for improvement of change order claims management, and hence claims management in general, would be furnished. Claims management in the Egyptian industrial construction sector has been proven to suffer from a variety of pitfalls, including lack of proper notification procedures in public contracts and poor documentation management. This lack of proper documentation management has led over 50% of the sample projects to not obtain change orders, to which they assumed they were entitled. Nearly 30% of the sample projects within this research stated that site personnel must be fully aware of all contractual requirements in order for documentation in the Egyptian industrial sector to be improved. Moreover, the basic cause of change order claims has been documented by nearly 70% of the sample projects to be additional scope of work, which can be attributed to the simultaneous progress of the design and construction works in such a fast track sector. This simultaneous progress results in the owner awarding the contractor additional work during project execution that was not conceived at the beginning of the project prior to contract award. One ofthe most important conclusions of this research is that it was reported that many Egyptian owners and designers were offended from prompt claim notification and documentation procedures on part ofthe contractor. Suggested means for improvement include addressing the issue ofthe owners\u27 offense from prompt claim notifications by the formation of a unified form of conditions for the Egyptian industrial sector. It is suggested that this form of conditions would be enforced by a professional engineering organization of significant authority and jurisdiction within Egypt. Another suggested means of improvement addresses owner-caused delays and suggests that the owner and contractor both share the float associated with the delayed activity through a float-sharing provision in the contract. Finally, the use of information technology systems instead of traditional filing procedures has been suggested as means to improving documentation practices within the sector

    Karanneiden hevosten etsintäohje

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää karanneen hevosen etsinnöissä käytettävien menetelmien nykytila ja laatia ohjeistus siihen, kuinka etsintäoperaatio tulisi organisoida ja johtaa. Ohjeistus laadittiin helposti ymmärrettäväksi ja noudatettavaksi, ja tavoitteena on, että tallinpitäjät kokoavat valmiuskansion. Työ on tehty yhteistyössä Suomen Hippoksen kanssa. Työ toteutettiin toiminnallisena opinnäytetyönä. Viitekehyksenä käytimme voimassa olevia hevostenpitoa koskevia lakeja ja asetuksia, hevosia käsittelevää tietokirjallisuutta sekä henkilöetsinnän teoriaa. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin kahta sähköistä kyselytutkimusta, joista toinen suunnattiin karanneiden hevosen omistajille ja toinen etsintöihin osallistuneille. Kyselytutkimusten avulla selvitettiin etsinnöissä tällä hetkellä käytettäviä menetelmiä. Lisäksi aineistoa kerättiin suorittamalla teemahaastatteluja eri alojen asiantuntijoille. Haastattelut on litteroitu asianmukaisesti. Kyselyjen ja haastattelujen perusteella työn painopisteeksi nousi tarve etsintäoperaation järjestelmällisestä toteuttamisesta, ja tätä painotetaan laatimassamme ohjeessa vahvasti. Työmme pyrkimyksenä on lisätä turvallisuustietoisuutta ja parantaa samalla turvallisuusasennetta hevostalleilla. Etsintäohjeistuksen avulla pyrimme tuomaan uusia näkökantoja ja keinoja etsinnän avuksi. Opinnäytetyötä kirjoittaessamme näkemyksemme työmme tarpeellisuudesta vahvistui, sillä kyselyjen perusteella voitiin todeta, että ihmisten varautuminen on paikoin puutteellisella tasolla. Toivomme, että opinnäytetyömme tulokset vaikuttavat hevosihmisiin siten, että he kartoittaisivat ennalta turvallisuuden parantamismahdollisuuksia omassa ympäristössään ja ottaisivat laatimamme etsintäohjeen käyttöön. Turvallisuus on ennen kaikkea oikeaa asennetta.The purpose of the thesis was to discover the present state of the procedures used to find runaway horses and to issue guidance material on how to organise and manage the search operations. The guidance material has been developed in such a way that it is easy to understand and follow. The desired outcome is that stable owners will prepare a guidance file. This thesis was commissioned by Suomen Hippos. This is a functional study. The theoretical framework covers applicable laws and regulations on keeping horses, factual literature regarding horses, and theory on search and rescue methods was exploited. The material was collected through two electronic surveys. One survey was sent to horse owners and the other one to people, who had been involved in a search. The objective of each survey was to identify the procedures, which are currently used by persons, who have been involved in a horse search. In addition to the surveys, interviews were conducted with search experts and appropriate authorities in order to gain a comprehensive view of the search operation. The interviews have been transcribed appropriately. By analysing the conducted surveys and interviews, it became apparent that the main need for search operations was to organise them systematically. This need is emphasised in the produced guidance material. This thesis ultimately intends to increase safety knowledge and to enhance attitudes towards safety at stables. New perspectives and methods that positively contribute to the search are introduced in the search guide. The results of the survey corroborated the importance of this study as they indicated that there is currently inadequate preparedness for when a horse escapes. The objective is that the results will influence horse owners and hobbyists, so that they will map out in advance possibilities to improve safety in their own environment and execute the prepared guidance. Above all, the thesis concludes that safety is about having the correct attitude

    Concentrations and sources of pesticides and PCBs in surficial sediments of the Red Sea coast, Egypt

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    AbstractSixteen surface sediments from the Egyptian coast of the Red Sea were collected and studied for organochlorine contamination. This research was endeavored to study sources, concentrations and risk factors of pesticides and PCBs in the surficial sediments collected from the studied locations. The sediments in the studied areas are predominantly sand. The most abundant PCB congeners detected in the investigated sediment samples of the Red Sea proper were a total of PCB 52 and a total of PCB 138 (225 and 465ngkg−1drywt., respectively). Meanwhile, in the Aqaba Gulf the most abundant PCB congener was a total of PCB 138 (226ngkg−1drywt.). At the Suez Gulf, the most abundant PCB congeners were a total of PCB 180 and 153 (127 and 103ngkg−1drywt., respectively). The input of direct industrial and domestic discharge in most of the contaminated zones of the studied area resulted in a larger concentration of total PCB 52, 138, 153 and 180. The results obtained showed fairly low levels of pesticide residues. The most dominant pollutants were the HCHs and DDTs, high proportions of α-HCH over γ-HCH isomer indicated less recent input of lindane. The α-HCH/γ-HCH ratios in most of the studied locations are slightly less than those in technical-grade HCH mixture (66.5% α isomer, 11.4% β isomer, 15.2% γ isomer (lindane), 6.4% δ isomer, and 0.5% other isomers) indicating that there was less input of lindane in the past several years. This study clearly indicates that PCB concentrations, DDTs, cyclodienes, HCHs were much lower than those recorded by the international organization

    Examining the Adoption of Prefabricated Construction Methods for Building Housing in Egypt

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    Prefabricated construction methods have become a key strategy to achieve sustainable development in building housing around the world. However, these methods are still used in a narrow context in building Egyptian housing. This research aims to examine the adoption of prefabricated construction methods for building Egyptian housing. To achieve the aim of the research, 28 performance criteria under economic, social, environmental, and technical categories were used to evaluate the performance of prefabricated and traditional on-site frame construction methods in building Egyptian housing. Multi-criteria decision-making techniques (MCDM): the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution technique (TOPSIS) and the Importance Performance analysis technique (IPA) were used to contextualize the final findings. The results revealed that prefabrication can achieve a good level of performance in building Egyptian housing with some recommendations. Most causes that weaken the performance of prefabrication in Egypt are back to the strategic criteria including; the lack of construction practitioners\u27 knowledge, standardization availability, and customer perception. This research provides a notion about the prefabrication performance in building Egyptian housing by using the multi-criteria decision-making analysis


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    linear generators have been proposed as a proper power takeoff system for direct-drive wave energy conversion. Coupled directly to a reciprocating wave energy device, it was declared that linear generators could be a valuable replacement for hydraulic and pneumatic systems. In this paper, the design and performance evaluation of permanent magnet linear generator that implements Halbach array arrangement is established. The designed generator is suitable for direct energy extraction from sea waves at small wave amplitude. The electromagnetic design is performed using finite element method and space harmonic analysis. A comparative study is performed between Halbach array and conventional air-cored linear generators to show the effectiveness of the proposed design. The equivalent circuit based model is utilized to investigate the dynamic performance of the Halbach array generator. The simulated dynamic performance of the designed generator clarifies that the implementation of Halbach array arrangement would improve energy extraction and voltage waveform

    The Effect of Mineral Pigments on Mechanical Properties of Concrete

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     Pigmented concrete exhibits artesian properties in addition to ordinary concrete properties, explicitly high strength, excellent durability, and weather resistance. However, the influence of several parameters that affect the characteristics of colored concrete should be studied; extensively. In this paper, the impact of the w/b (water/binder) ratio using color pigments on the mechanical properties such as compressive and flexural strengths of colored cement mortar prisms and cubes experimentally investigated. The experimental program included 21 mixes with six cubes and three flexural prisms specimens for assessing compressive and flexural strength, respectively. The blends included different water/binder ratios with values of 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6, in addition to several color pigments as a partial replacement of cement. The percentage of replacements altered between 0, 2.5%, 5% and 7.5% with two different shades of pigments consisting of red iron and green chromium oxide. Based on the experimental results, empirical expressions were generated based on Abram’s law to assess the relationship between the compressive strength of colored concrete and w/b ratio. The results revealed that the compressive and flexural strength of colored concrete is influenced by w/b ratio and partially replacement percentage of cement by color pigment not proportionally direct. Furthermore, the shade of pigments also has a different impact as well

    Survivin and Programmed Death Ligand-1 as Possible Players in the Pathogenesis of Ulcerative Colitis: An Immunohistochemical Study

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    BACKGROUND: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a relapsing chronic inflammatory disorder, with many catastrophic complications. The pathogenesis of UC is not yet well understood. Exploring the exact immunologic pathogenesis of UC may eventually offer new therapeutic options. AIM OF THE WORK: In this study, we proposed that survivin and programmed death ligand (PDL1) may have roles in the pathogenesis of UC. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study examined the immunohistochemical expression of both markers in the colonic epithelial cells and lamina propria in 43 cases of UC and 43 cases of non-specific chronic colitis (non-inflammatory bowel disease colitis). RESULTS: The results uncovered that both survivin and PDL1 expression were significantly expressed in the colonic lamina propria cells in UC cases in comparison to colitis cases (p < 0.001). On the other hand, the expression of PDL1 was shown to be lost in the colonic mucosal cells in UC cases when compared to cases of the control group (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The study, therefore, concluded that both survivin and PDL1 may play an important role in the UC pathogenesis and hence may be a novel interest in new therapeutic trends