35 research outputs found

    Electrochemical and Spectrastudies of Some Sulfa Drug Azodyes and Their Metal Complexes in Aqueous Solution

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    The electrochemical behavior of some azo compounds derived from sulfa drugs derivatives in B.R. buffer solutions of different pH containing 20 (v/v) ethanol was investigated at the mercury  electrode using different techniques (DC,DPP,CV and Coulometry) to investigate the effect of medium on the electro reduction process and suggestion the electrode reaction mechanism. The obtained results denoted that these compounds were reduced undergo a single irreversible 4- electron polarographic wave in acid and neutral solutions which represent the cleavage of the N=N center to the amine stage, whereas in alkaline solution, two wave are obtained the second is 2-electron irreversible wave corresponding to the reduction ofCHO group to CH2OH. The DPP and CV data showed a single peak in solutions of pH< 8, whereas three peaks are in alkaline solutions. The dissociation constants of the investigated compounds were determined by using spectrophotometric and potentiometric methods. Also the metal – ligand formation constants were determined potentiometrically and found in the order Cu˃ Co˃ Ni ˃Zn

    Impact of Block Length and Temperature over Self-Assembling Behavior of Block Copolymers

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    Self-assembling behavior of block copolymers having water-soluble portion as one of the blocks plays key role in the properties and applications of the copolymers. Therefore, we have synthesized block copolymers of different block length and investigated their self-assembling behavior with reference to concentration and temperature using surface tension and conductance measurement techniques. The results obtained through both techniques concluded that critical micelles concentration (CMC) was decreased from 0.100 to 0.078 g/dL with the increase in length of water insoluble block and 0.100 to 0.068 g/dL for the increased temperature. ΔGmic was also decreased with the increase in temperature of the system, concluding that the micellization process was encouraged with the increase in temperature and block length. However, ΔHmic values were highest for short block length copolymer. The surface excess concentration obtained from surface tension data concluded that it was highest for short block length and vice versa and was increased with the increase in temperature of the system. However, the minimum area per molecule was largest for highest molecular weight copolymers or having longest water insoluble block and decreases with the increase in temperature

    2,6-Diamino­pyridinium 2-carb­oxy­benzoate

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    In the crystal of the title mol­ecular salt, C5H8N3 +·C8H5O4 −, the diamino­pyridine cation and the phthalate anion are linked by a pair of N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds. Within the phthalate anion, an almost symmetrical O—H⋯O hydrogen bond is observed. The ion pairs are linked by further N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, generating a two-dimensional network lying parallel to (10)

    Voltammetric examination of hydroquinone at ordinary and nano-architecture platinum electrodes

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    The electrochemical behavior of hydroquinone was examined experimentally using cyclic voltammetry, convolution transform, and deconvolution transform at clean ordinary and nanostructured mesoporous platinum electrodes in 1 mol/l HClO4. The cyclic voltammogram of hydroquinone (HQ) at an ordinary Pt electrode displays an anodic peak at 0.610 V and a cathodic peak at 0.117 V, with a scan rate of 50 mV·s–1. Excellent linearity was recorded between the anodic or cathodic peak currents of hydroquinone and the square root of the scan rate (υ1/2). The anodic and cathodic peak potential separation (∆Ep) was found to be 463 ± 3 mV vs. the saturated calomel electrode (SCE). It was noted that the value of peak potential separation increased with increasing the scan rate. The type of electrode reaction at both platinum electrodes in 1 mol/l HClO4 was examined and discussed. The electrochemical parameters and the nature of the mechanistic pathway of the investigated HQ were determined experimentally and ascertained via a numerical simulation method.


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    Adsorption of Polyvinylpyrrolidone over the Silica Surface: As Affected by Pretreatment of Adsorbent and Molar Mass of Polymer Adsorbate

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    The adsorption of polyvinylpyrrolidone over the surface of silica has been investigated. The impact of molar mass of the polymer, pH, and pretreatment temperature of silica particles have been evaluated by means of FTIR spectroscopy and electrophoretic measurements. The silica particles used have narrow particle size distribution. The zeta potential of the aqueous silica suspension was decreased with the increase in pH. The amount of polymer adsorbed was increased with the increase in pretreatment temperature, time, concentration, pH, zeta potential, and molar mass of the polymer. The addition of polymer to the system increased the zeta potential due to adsorption of polymer on the surface of the particles. However, the impact increased with the increase in molecular mass of the polymer. The IR spectra obtained before and after adsorption of polymer concluded that, mostly, hydrogen bonding is responsible for the adsorption phenomena; however, hydrophobic interactions also play a significant role. The mechanism has been investigated and established through FTIR spectroscopy

    Tenability on schiff base Hydrazone derivatives and Frontier molecular orbital

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    Context hydrazine compounds based on 1,3,5-triazine were synthesised and their molecular structures were characterised by elemental analysis, Electronic, IR and 1H NMR spectra. The spectral behaviour of the newly prepared compounds in organic solvents of different polarities was extensively studied and correlated to the molecular structure. In this study, 1,3,5-Triazine derivatives (L1, L6, L7, L8) have been subjected to theoretical studies using the Semi-empirical PM3 quantum chemical method. The physical-chemical properties of some Hydrazone derivatives are determined theoretically. The molecular geometry, the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) - Lowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital (LUMO) energy gap, molecular hardness (η), ionisation energy (IE), Electron affinity and total energy were analysed, and applications as biological effects were done