110 research outputs found

    The decoration of the rock-cut chapel of Khety II at Asyut

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    The shrine of the rock-cut chapel of Djefaihapi I at Asyut

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    The Northern Soldiers-Tomb at Asyut

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    Fishing, fowling and animal-handling in the tomb of Djefaihapi I at Asyut

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    New discoveries in the tomb of Khety II at Asyut

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    Some significant features in the decoration of the chapel of Iti-ibi-iqer at Asyut

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    "Dornröschen" Assiut: Erste Ergebnisse einer Deutsch-Ägyptischen Grabungskooperation

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    The Asyut project: third season of fieldwork (2005)

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    The Asyut project: fieldwork season 2004

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    The First Intermediate Period tombs at Asyut revisited

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