4 research outputs found

    Energy and water saving by using modified closed circuits of drip irrigation system

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    The aim of this research was determine the energy and water use efficiencies under the modification of closed circuit drip irrigation systems designs. Field experiments carried out on transgenic maize (GDH, LL3), (Zea Mays crop) under two types of closed circuits: a) One manifold for lateral lines or Closed circuits with One Manifold of Drip Irrigation System (CM1DIS); b) Closed circuits with Two Manifolds of Drip Irrigation System (CM2DIS), and c) Traditional Drip Irrigation System (TDIS) as a control. Three lengths of lateral lines were used, 40, 60, and 80 meters. PE tubes lateral lines: 16 mm diameter; 30 cm emitters distance, and GR built-in emitters 4 lph when operating pressure 1 bar under Two levels slope conditions 0% and 2%. Experiments were conducted at the Agric. Res. Fields., Soil and Plant & Agric. System Dept., Agric. Faculty, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (SIUC), Illinois, USA. Under 0% level slope when using CM2DIS the increase percent of Energy Use Efficiency (EUE) were 32.27, 33.21, and 34.37% whereas with CM1DIS were 30.84, 28.96, and 27.45% On the other hand when level slope 2% were with CM2DIS 31.57, 33.14, and 34.25 while CM1DIS were 30.15, 28.98, and 27.53 under lateral lengths 40, 60 and 80 m respectively relative to TDIS. Water Use Efficiency (WUE) when level slope 0% under CM2DIS were 1.67, 1.18, and 0.87 kg/m3 compared to 1.65, 1.16, and 0.86 kg/m3 with CM1DIS and 1.35, 1.04, and 0.75 kg/m3 with TDIS whereas with level slope 2% when using CM2DIS were 1.76, 1.29, and 0.84 kg/m3 compared to 1.77, 1.30, and 0.87 kg/m3 with CM1DIS and 1.41, 1.12, and 0.76 kg/m3 (for lateral lengths 40, 60, and 80 meters respectively). Water saving percent varied widely within individual lateral lengths and between circuit types relative to TDIS. Under slope 0% level CM2DIS water saving percent values were 19.26, 12.48, and 14.03%; with CM1DIS they were 18.51, 10.50, and 12.78%; and under slope level 2% with CM2DIS they were 19.93, 13.26, and 10.38% and CM1DIS were 20.49, 13.96, and 13.23% (for lateral lengths 40, 60, 80 meters respectively). The energy use efficiency and water saving were observed under CM2DIS and CM1DIS when using the shortest lateral length 40 meters, then lateral length 60 meters, while the lowest value was observed when using lateral length 80 meters this result depends on the physical and hydraulic characteristics of the emitters, lateral line uniformity, and friction losses. CM2DIS was more energy use efficiency, EUE, water saving, and WUE than either CM1DIS or TDIS

    Modification of water application uniformity among closed circuit trickle irrigation systems

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    The aim of this research was determine the ma- ximum application uniformity of closed circuit trickle irrigation systems designs. Laboratory tests carried out for Two types of closed circuits: a) One manifold for lateral lines or Closed cir-cuits with One Manifold of Trikle Irrigation Sys-tem (COMTIS); b) Closed circuits with Two Manifolds of Trikle Irrigation System (CTMTIS), and c) Traditional Trikle Irrigation System (TTIS) as a control. Three lengths of lateral lines were used, 40, 60, and 80 meters. PE tubes lateral lines: 16 mm diameter; 30 cm emitters distance, and GR built-in emitters 4 lph when operating pressure 1 bar. Experiments were conducted at the Agric. Eng. Res. Inst., ARC, MALR, Egypt. With COMTIS the emitter flow rate was 4.07, 3.51, and 3.59 lph compared to 4.18, 3.72, and 3.71 lph with CTMTIS and 3.21, 2.6, and 2.16 lph with TTIS (lateral lengths 40, 60, and 80 meters respec-tively). Uniformity varied widely within individual lateral lengths and between circuit types. Under CTMTIS uniformity values were 97.74, 95.14, and 92.03 %; with COMTIS they were 95.73, 89.45, and 83.25 %; and with TTIS they were 88.27, 84.73, and 80.53 % (for lateral lengths 40, 60, 80 meters respectively). The greatest uniformity was observed under CTMTIS and COMTIS when using the shortest lateral length 40 meters, then lateral length 60 meters, while the lowest value was observed when using lateral length 80 me-ters this result depends on the physical and hy-draulic characteristics of the emitter and lateral line. CTMTIS was more uniform than either COMTIS or TTIS. Friction losses were decreased with CTMTIS in the emitter laterals at lengths 40 meters compared to TTIS and COMTIS. There-fore, differences may be related to increased friction losses when using TDIS and COMDIS

    Identification and Quantification of Actual Evapotranspiration Using Integrated Satellite Data for Sustainable Water Management in Dry Areas

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) is a significant consumer of irrigation water and precipitation on cropland. Global and regional interest in the sustainable management of limited freshwater supplies to meet the rapidly increasing population and food demands has resulted in advanced scientific research on ET measurement, rapid water accounting, and irrigation schedules in the NENA region. The primary goal of this paper is to compare actual daily evapotranspiration (ET) collected by a remote sensing model and validated by Energy Balance (EB) flux tower field measurements. The flux tower was installed in a wheat field in Sids Agricultural Research Station in Beni Suef Governorate. Through the integration of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Terra and Sentinel-2 data, a new remote sensing-based ET model is built on two parties: Thermal condition factor (TCF) and vegetation condition fraction (VCF). The remote sensing-based ET estimation model was evaluated using ET field measurements from the Energy Balance flux tower. The land use and land cover maps were created to assist the interpretation of remotely sensed ET data. Field data for five categories were collected to test the accuracy of the land use and cover maps: Water bodies (93 points), urban areas (252 points), trees (104 points), other field crops (227 points), and wheat (249 points), for a total of 925 ground points. The Google Earth Engine (GEE) imported sentinel-2 datasets and filtered the necessary dates and regions. From 1 October 2020 to 30 May 2021, sentinel-2 data were processed and transformed into the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), and Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), which were then combined. The composite layer data were classified using the Random Forest (RF) method on the GEE platform, and the results showed an overall accuracy of 91 percent. The validation factors revealed good indices when RS-based ET results were compared to ground-measured ET. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was 0.84 mm/day. The ‘r’ and ‘d’ values indicated satisfactory results, where ‘r’ yielded a value of 0.785, which indicates that the correlation between predicted and reference results is robust. The analysis of d values revealed a high degree of correlation between predicted (RS-based ET) and reference results (measured ET). The d value was found to be 0.872. Between 21 November 2020 and 30 April 2021, RS-based accumulated ET was 418 mm/season, while ground-measured ET was 376 mm/season. The new RS-based ET model produced acceptable daily and seasonal results

    Identification and Quantification of Actual Evapotranspiration Using Integrated Satellite Data for Sustainable Water Management in Dry Areas

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    Evapotranspiration (ET) is a significant consumer of irrigation water and precipitation on cropland. Global and regional interest in the sustainable management of limited freshwater supplies to meet the rapidly increasing population and food demands has resulted in advanced scientific research on ET measurement, rapid water accounting, and irrigation schedules in the NENA region. The primary goal of this paper is to compare actual daily evapotranspiration (ET) collected by a remote sensing model and validated by Energy Balance (EB) flux tower field measurements. The flux tower was installed in a wheat field in Sids Agricultural Research Station in Beni Suef Governorate. Through the integration of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Terra and Sentinel-2 data, a new remote sensing-based ET model is built on two parties: Thermal condition factor (TCF) and vegetation condition fraction (VCF). The remote sensing-based ET estimation model was evaluated using ET field measurements from the Energy Balance flux tower. The land use and land cover maps were created to assist the interpretation of remotely sensed ET data. Field data for five categories were collected to test the accuracy of the land use and cover maps: Water bodies (93 points), urban areas (252 points), trees (104 points), other field crops (227 points), and wheat (249 points), for a total of 925 ground points. The Google Earth Engine (GEE) imported sentinel-2 datasets and filtered the necessary dates and regions. From 1 October 2020 to 30 May 2021, sentinel-2 data were processed and transformed into the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), and Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), which were then combined. The composite layer data were classified using the Random Forest (RF) method on the GEE platform, and the results showed an overall accuracy of 91 percent. The validation factors revealed good indices when RS-based ET results were compared to ground-measured ET. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was 0.84 mm/day. The ‘r’ and ‘d’ values indicated satisfactory results, where ‘r’ yielded a value of 0.785, which indicates that the correlation between predicted and reference results is robust. The analysis of d values revealed a high degree of correlation between predicted (RS-based ET) and reference results (measured ET). The d value was found to be 0.872. Between 21 November 2020 and 30 April 2021, RS-based accumulated ET was 418 mm/season, while ground-measured ET was 376 mm/season. The new RS-based ET model produced acceptable daily and seasonal results