245 research outputs found

    Methods for the de-identification of electronic health records for genomic research

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    Electronic health records are increasingly being linked to DNA repositories and used as a source of clinical information for genomic research. Privacy legislation in many jurisdictions, and most research ethics boards, require that either personal health information is de-identified or that patient consent or authorization is sought before the data are disclosed for secondary purposes. Here, I discuss how de-identification has been applied in current genomic research projects. Recent metrics and methods that can be used to ensure that the risk of re-identification is low and that disclosures are compliant with privacy legislation and regulations (such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule) are reviewed. Although these methods can protect against the known approaches for re-identification, residual risks and specific challenges for genomic research are also discussed

    Algorithms to anonymize structured medical and healthcare data:A systematic review

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    Introduction: With many anonymization algorithms developed for structured medical health data (SMHD) in the last decade, our systematic review provides a comprehensive bird’s eye view of algorithms for SMHD anonymization. Methods: This systematic review was conducted according to the recommendations in the Cochrane Handbook for Reviews of Interventions and reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Eligible articles from the PubMed, ACM digital library, Medline, IEEE, Embase, Web of Science Collection, Scopus, ProQuest Dissertation, and Theses Global databases were identified through systematic searches. The following parameters were extracted from the eligible studies: author, year of publication, sample size, and relevant algorithms and/or software applied to anonymize SMHD, along with the summary of outcomes. Results: Among 1,804 initial hits, the present study considered 63 records including research articles, reviews, and books. Seventy five evaluated the anonymization of demographic data, 18 assessed diagnosis codes, and 3 assessed genomic data. One of the most common approaches was k-anonymity, which was utilized mainly for demographic data, often in combination with another algorithm; e.g., l-diversity. No approaches have yet been developed for protection against membership disclosure attacks on diagnosis codes. Conclusion: This study reviewed and categorized different anonymization approaches for MHD according to the anonymized data types (demographics, diagnosis codes, and genomic data). Further research is needed to develop more efficient algorithms for the anonymization of diagnosis codes and genomic data. The risk of reidentification can be minimized with adequate application of the addressed anonymization approaches. Systematic Review Registration: [http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero], identifier [CRD42021228200].</p

    A Survey of Systems Engineering Effectiveness - Initial Results

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    This survey quantifies the relationship between the application of Systems Engineering (SE) best practices to projects and programs, and the performance of those projects and programs. The survey population consisted of projects and programs executed by defense contractors who are members of the Systems Engineering Division (SED) of the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA). The deployment of SE practices on a project or program was measured through the availability and characteristics of specific SE-related work products. Project Performance was measured through typically available project measures of cost performance, schedule performance, and scope performance. Additional project and program information such as project size, project domain, and other data was also collected to aid in characterizing the respondent's project. Analysis of the survey responses revealed moderately strong statistical relationships between Project Performance and several categorizations of specific of SE best practices. Notably stronger relationships are apparent by combining the effects of more than one the best practices categories. Of course, Systems Engineering Capability alone does not ensure outstanding Project Performance. The survey results show notable differences in the relationship between SE best practices and performance between more challenging as compared to less challenging projects. The statistical relationship between Project Performance and the combination of SE Capability and Project Challenge is quite strong for survey data of this type

    Adrenomedullin in patients with type 2 diabetes and kidney disease

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    Secreting vasoactive factors such asadrenomedullin (AM) has been intensivelyinvestigated due to its vascular protective propertiesand promising potential as a therapeutic target. Therelationship between adrenomedullin and type (2)diabetes needs to be elucidated as it is associatedwith significant elevation in plasma adrenomedullinlevels.The aim of this study was to evaluate therole of adrenomedullin in the development ofvasculopathy and its significance as a markerdenoting renal affection in type 2 diabetic patients.Materials and Methods: This study was conductedon 60 diabetic patients, 20 without nephropathy, 20with nephropathy &amp; 20 with diabetic nephropathy(DN) on haemodialysis as well as 20 age- and sex matchedhealthy controls. All were subjected to fullhistory, Echocardiography, lipid profile analysisand plasma adrenomedullin using ELISA method.Results: plasma AM concentration was elevated inall groups of diabetic patients and increment wasdependent on the severity of DN (P&lt;0.0001,P&lt;0.0001, P&lt;0.0001 respectively). There werepositive correlation between adrenomedullin andleft ventricular internal dimensions both in diastole&amp; systole (P&lt;0.001, P&lt;0.005) and negativecorrelation between AM and ejection fraction (EF)P&lt;0.0001. There was positive correlation betweenadrenomedullin and cholesterol, triglycerides andLDL (p&lt;0.002, p&lt;0.001and p&lt;0.003 respectively)and a negative correlation with HDL (P&lt;0.004).Conclusion: Adrenomedullin is supposed to play arole in the pathogenesis of diabeticmicrovasculopathy in renal patients. So it can beused to identify high-risk subjects and modulatingits action would have therapeutic potential in theprevention of diabetic nephropathy

    A Protocol for the Secure Linking of Registries for HPV Surveillance

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    In order to monitor the effectiveness of HPV vaccination in Canada the linkage of multiple data registries may be required. These registries may not always be managed by the same organization and, furthermore, privacy legislation or practices may restrict any data linkages of records that can actually be done among registries. The objective of this study was to develop a secure protocol for linking data from different registries and to allow on-going monitoring of HPV vaccine effectiveness.A secure linking protocol, using commutative hash functions and secure multi-party computation techniques was developed. This protocol allows for the exact matching of records among registries and the computation of statistics on the linked data while meeting five practical requirements to ensure patient confidentiality and privacy. The statistics considered were: odds ratio and its confidence interval, chi-square test, and relative risk and its confidence interval. Additional statistics on contingency tables, such as other measures of association, can be added using the same principles presented. The computation time performance of this protocol was evaluated.The protocol has acceptable computation time and scales linearly with the size of the data set and the size of the contingency table. The worse case computation time for up to 100,000 patients returned by each query and a 16 cell contingency table is less than 4 hours for basic statistics, and the best case is under 3 hours.A computationally practical protocol for the secure linking of data from multiple registries has been demonstrated in the context of HPV vaccine initiative impact assessment. The basic protocol can be generalized to the surveillance of other conditions, diseases, or vaccination programs

    Designing and Implementing a Privacy Preserving Record Linkage Protocol

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    Introduction The Ontario Brain Institute has developed Brain-CODE, an informatics platform, to support the acquisition, storage, management and analysis of multi-modal data. The standardized research data within Brain-CODE spans several brain disorders, allowing for integrative analyses, while also providing the opportunity to leverage existing clinical administrative data holdings through external linkages. Objectives and Approach Within Ontario, the majority of individuals who access the healthcare system have a unique identifier, the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) number. The OHIP number can facilitate linkages with administrative data holdings, such as those at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences (ICES). Given that OBI is not permitted under Ontario’s privacy legislation to hold OHIP numbers, identifiers for consented participants are encrypted using a public key mechanism upon entry into Brain-CODE, where the private key is inaccessible. To facilitate linkages involving OHIP numbers between Brain-CODE and ICES, Brain-CODE Link software was co-developed by members of the Indoc Consortium. Results Brain-CODE Link allows a deterministic linkage between encrypted identifiers (OHIP numbers), without revealing participant identity. The same homomorphic encryption algorithm applied to identifiers upon entry to Brain-CODE, is applied to relevant identifiers within ICES data holdings. Encrypted identifiers from Brain-CODE are securely transferred to ICES, where a comparison computation calculates differences between the encrypted sets. These differences are sent to a semi-trusted third party, who has no access to the original data, to decrypt the differences using the private key. A zero difference indicates a set of matching identifiers. One of the main challenges during testing and development of Brain-CODE Link was ensuring the software was capable of scaling to a population level, performing a large number of comparisons, in a computationally efficient manner. Conclusion/Implications Ongoing pilot projects within the areas of epilepsy, neurodevelopment disorders, and neurodegeneration will be the first examples of linkages between Brain-CODE and ICES. Brain-CODE Link has successfully performed several billion test comparisons, indicating its suitability to function as a scalable privacy preserving record linkage to support comprehensive analyses

    De-identifying a public use microdata file from the Canadian national discharge abstract database

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) collects hospital discharge abstract data (DAD) from Canadian provinces and territories. There are many demands for the disclosure of this data for research and analysis to inform policy making. To expedite the disclosure of data for some of these purposes, the construction of a DAD public use microdata file (PUMF) was considered. Such purposes include: confirming some published results, providing broader feedback to CIHI to improve data quality, training students and fellows, providing an easily accessible data set for researchers to prepare for analyses on the full DAD data set, and serve as a large health data set for computer scientists and statisticians to evaluate analysis and data mining techniques. The objective of this study was to measure the probability of re-identification for records in a PUMF, and to de-identify a national DAD PUMF consisting of 10% of records.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Plausible attacks on a PUMF were evaluated. Based on these attacks, the 2008-2009 national DAD was de-identified. A new algorithm was developed to minimize the amount of suppression while maximizing the precision of the data. The acceptable threshold for the probability of correct re-identification of a record was set at between 0.04 and 0.05. Information loss was measured in terms of the extent of suppression and entropy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two different PUMF files were produced, one with geographic information, and one with no geographic information but more clinical information. At a threshold of 0.05, the maximum proportion of records with the diagnosis code suppressed was 20%, but these suppressions represented only 8-9% of all values in the DAD. Our suppression algorithm has less information loss than a more traditional approach to suppression. Smaller regions, patients with longer stays, and age groups that are infrequently admitted to hospitals tend to be the ones with the highest rates of suppression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The strategies we used to maximize data utility and minimize information loss can result in a PUMF that would be useful for the specific purposes noted earlier. However, to create a more detailed file with less information loss suitable for more complex health services research, the risk would need to be mitigated by requiring the data recipient to commit to a data sharing agreement.</p

    A Systematic Review of Re-Identification Attacks on Health Data

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    Privacy legislation in most jurisdictions allows the disclosure of health data for secondary purposes without patient consent if it is de-identified. Some recent articles in the medical, legal, and computer science literature have argued that de-identification methods do not provide sufficient protection because they are easy to reverse. Should this be the case, it would have significant and important implications on how health information is disclosed, including: (a) potentially limiting its availability for secondary purposes such as research, and (b) resulting in more identifiable health information being disclosed. Our objectives in this systematic review were to: (a) characterize known re-identification attacks on health data and contrast that to re-identification attacks on other kinds of data, (b) compute the overall proportion of records that have been correctly re-identified in these attacks, and (c) assess whether these demonstrate weaknesses in current de-identification methods.Searches were conducted in IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital Library, and PubMed. After screening, fourteen eligible articles representing distinct attacks were identified. On average, approximately a quarter of the records were re-identified across all studies (0.26 with 95% CI 0.046-0.478) and 0.34 for attacks on health data (95% CI 0-0.744). There was considerable uncertainty around the proportions as evidenced by the wide confidence intervals, and the mean proportion of records re-identified was sensitive to unpublished studies. Two of fourteen attacks were performed with data that was de-identified using existing standards. Only one of these attacks was on health data, which resulted in a success rate of 0.00013.The current evidence shows a high re-identification rate but is dominated by small-scale studies on data that was not de-identified according to existing standards. This evidence is insufficient to draw conclusions about the efficacy of de-identification methods