37 research outputs found

    Optimasi Impian Captain Tsubasa Bagi Persepakbolaan Jepang Spektrum Pendidikan Islam

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    The purpose of this article is to reveal the optimization of Captain Tsubasa's dream for Japanese football on the spectrum of Islamic education, by unraveling how far the influence of the animated film Captain Tsubasa in whipping up the fighting spirit of the young generation of Japan, then contextualizing it in Islamic education, where problems have not been encountered before. This research is a qualitative descriptive, with the data collection technique using the polegulation, and analyzed inductively. Problems are analyzed with Max Weber's work ethic theory. The results of the study concluded: that Captain Tsubasa's dream in his animated film is able to be a motivator, especially for the young generation in Japan in terms of football so that in the future the National Team is able to win the Asian Cup and consistently participate in the World Cup. In the context of Islamic education, a Muslim must have a work ethic, namely a personality attitude that gives birth to a very deep belief that work is not only to glorify oneself, to show humanity, but as a form of manifestation of good deeds. This work ethic is well practiced in people's lives so that Muslims become strong as a community, so this research recommends that this work ethic be a way of life within the framework of nation and religion. &nbsp

    Dunia Anomali Dominasi Wanita: Pesan Moral dalam Iklan Djarum 76 versi Jin Takut Istri

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    This study aims to reveal the anomaly of female domination: the moral message in Djarum 76 advertisement version of the genie is afraid of the wife, by representing something that is not visible on the surface. This article is a qualitative descriptive research type with Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis based on Stuart Hall's representation theory. Primary data through observation of text and audio-visual images from advertisements, and secondary data from relevant literature, then analyzed based on the concept of The Codes of Television. The results of the study show: in the Djarum 76 advertisement, the version of the genie is afraid of his wife, builds the image that men are afraid of their wives, which can be seen from the activities, sounds, expressions, camera techniques, and existing ideology. This anomaly is a reality that occurs a lot in the reality of society where a household is dominated by the wife. The research implication, narrative experience brings the consumer's mood to the narrative which is carried as a moral message. More specific research is needed to reveal the atmosphere of the relationship built on the research focus. &nbsp

    Prophetic Leadership: The Leadership Model of Prophet Muhammad in Political Relation of Social – Ummah

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    The leadership practiced by the Prophet Muhammad in the early days of Islam's birth in Madinah was a prototype of the next Muslim leadership. Therefore, it is not excessive to say that leadership in Muhammad as the bearer of Islamic mission is the masterpiece of Muhammad the founder of the foundations of Islamic leadership, which can make Madinah labeled al-Qur'an as, "Baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafūr" a good country in the pleasure of Allah. The order of the Medina state is described as "the best, just and civilized society," later termed, "civil society." The Madani community-building proved ahīh unravels the political and social problems-the the current state of affairs. Thus, it is necessary to reflect on the prophetic leadership, in order to become a role model for Islamic leadership in the present context, to solve the problems of disintegration national and disintegration

    Optimasi Nilai Dakwah Yang Menyejukan Dalam Tardisi Budaya Lokal Sedekah Bumi Masyarakat Deroduwur Kabupaten Wonosobo

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    The research seeks to reveal the optimization of the soothing value of da'wah in the local cultural tradition of almsgiving for the people of Deroduwur, Wonosobo Regency. The results of the study show that the procession of the Alms Earth ceremony contains soothing da'wah values ​​consisting of four values; divine values, the values ​​of social or community education, the values ​​of moral education, as well as the values ​​of respect and obedience to leaders. These values ​​are instilled by religious leaders so that people understand almsgiving as part of the essence of Islam which has positive values ​​and is important to preserve. The implications of this research are the importance of comprehensive understanding of religion so that it can be dialogued with local culture. Understanding the essence of religion in culture requires further research. Research contributes to Islamic building that is rahmatan lil 'alamin. &nbsp

    Edukasi Islam Melalui Manajemen Strategik Entititas Setan Dalam Merusak Mahligai Rumah Tangga

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    Keluarga merupakan pondasi pendidikan bagi anak. Rusaknya bangunan rumah tangga berakibat buruk bagi pendidikannya. Tujuan penelitian mengungkap manajemen strategik entititas setan dalam merusak mahligai rumah tangga, untuk kemudian dicari langkah antisipasinya dalam konteks pendidikan Islam. Dengan pendekatan teoritik, disimpulkan, bahwa setan mempunyai entitas yang bertugas merusak keutuhan rumah tangga yang disebut divisi Dasim. Manajemen mereka terstruktur rapih dengan melibatkan agen konspirasi global dari unsur manusia, yakni tukang sihir, pelakor dan pebinor. Capain tertinggi dari progam ini adalah perceraian. Kejahatan terstuktur mereka dilancarkan melalui tiga segmen: pra nikah, rumah tangga dan pasca cerai. Solusi untuk mengatasi gangguan ini, dengan memahami hakikat pernikahan dan menjalani bahtera rumah tangga dengan semangat ibadah untuk memperoleh ridha Allah. Penelitian merekomendasikan agar manajemen ini menjadi solusi mempertahankan rumah tangga yang bahagia.   &nbsp

    Hikmah Pendidikan Islam pada Silsilah Keluarga Upin dan Ipin

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    Memahami silsilah keluarga menjadikan mawas diri dalam kehidupan, namun ada sebagian orang justru sombong dengan ketinggian nasabnya. Penelitian merupakan kajian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kajian fenomenologi. Pengumpulan data dengan trianggulasi, analisis data bersifat kualitatif, dan hasil penelitian lebih menekankan makna atau temuan dari fenomena tersebut. Penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa silsilah keluarga Upin dan Ipin dipetakan sebagai berikut: Silsilah merupakan bagan keturunan yang menampilkan semua keturunan dari satu individu memiliki bagian yang paling sempit di bagian atas. Dari jalur ayah, Upin dan Ipin putra Abdul Salam merupakan tentara yang gugur di medan perang. Abdul Salam adalah anak tunggal dari Yusuf dan ibunya berdarah Perancis. Ibu angkat Abdul Salam bernama Marie Antoinette seorang bangsawan Prancis kaya-raya di zaman Dinasti Carolinga, keturunan bangsawan ke 36 sebagai pewaris harta. Ibu Upin dan Ipin suka menolong, lembut dan penyayang. Dia juga memiliki tahi lalat seperti neneknya bernama Sarimah Johari, putri semata wayang Opah yang memiliki nama Ainon Ariff dengan Abdul Ghani. Walau hanya hidup pas-pasan keluarga kecil Upin dan Ipin dihidupkan dengan nuansa agamis. Hikmah pendidikan yang bisa diambil, bahwa silsilah keluarga memang penting demi menjaga marwah kebaikan, tetapi bukan untuk disombongkan. Anak yang lahir dalam keluarga dalam silsilah tidak lengkap atau yatim piatu seperti halnya Upin dan Ipin, janganlah berkecil hati apalagi minder, seperti halnya Rasulullah Saw dibesarkan dalam keadaan yatim piatu, tetapi terus berusaha mengasah diri menjadi manusia mulia

    Rekognisi Moderasi Beragama Melalui Deklarasi Tiga Dosa Besar Pendidikan di SMP Pelita Al-Qur’an Wonosobo

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      All forms of violence and crime, including intolerance, bullying and sexual violence, are not appropriate in an educational setting. So it is necessary to take concrete steps from the school to eradicate these three behaviors from the educational environment. Through a phenomenological approach to the declaration of the three grave sins of education, the results of the study reveal: that religious moderation can be a solution to overcoming the three great sins of education: intolerance, bullying, and sexual violence. By making religious moderation an educational strategy in schools, these three grave sins can be prevented and removed from the educational environment. This research contributes to the development of the school curriculum, especially the cognitive development of adolescents as well as the prevention and treatment that must be carried out

    The Relationship between Perpendicular Management and Mastery of Memorizing Al-Qur'an in Haflah Khatmil Qur'an Activities

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    This paper explores the relationship between perpendicular management and completeness in memorizing the Qur'an, specifically how well perpendicular can motivate, move and evaluate the achievement of learning the Qur'an. With this management, many students remember one year, so studying is enjoyable. A qualitative study with case studies was conducted at PPTQ Al-Asy'ariyyah Wonosobo. Interviews were conducted with the tahfidz teacher and the khaflah khatmil Qur'an activity committee, to ensure the connection between perpendicular management in memorizing the Qur'an and the completeness of memorization. Data analysis techniques apply data collection, presentation, reduction and verification. This study shows that PPTQ Al-Asyariyyah emphasizes vertical management for santri so they quickly complete the memorization of the Qur'an. The steps of perpendicular management include consistency, persistence, focus, regularity, straightness, routine, and commitment. Santri who can apply these steps will complete their memorization more quickly, because perpendicular management has a reciprocal relationship with the completeness of memorizing the Qur'an. The implication of the research is to implement vertical management for tahfidz Qur'an institutions to achieve better results. Research contributes to the development of the tahfidz Qur'an program, particularly in Islamic boarding schools. This study develops its setting and orientation by linking perpendicular management to the completeness of memorizing the Qur'an. This shows the prominent role of vertical management because some instances show that intelligence only guarantees complete memorization of the Qur'an

    Interrelationship Penunaian Ibadah Haji Dengan Kedaulatan dan Keutuhan NKRI

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    Menjaga kedaulatan dan keutuhan NKRI merupakan kewajiban setiap warga negara. Tindakan menipu calon jemaah haji Furoda dengan visa palsu berarti menciderai negara di mata dunia Internasional. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan eksplanatif untuk menjelaskan kedudukan dan hubungan antara ibadah haji dengan kedaulatan dan keutuhan NKRI, memakai data lietatur untuk diolah dan dianalisis komparatif. Penelitian menghasilkan: bahwa ibadah haji merupakan ritual yang memberi kesan mendalam terhadap umat sehingga bisa menumbuhkan militansi ilmu yang mumpuni dan semangat juang tinggi. Semangat ini mampu menggerakkan orang bertindak berani mengorbankan jiwa raga atas nama negara demi agama. Di sini terdapat aksi dan reaksi timbal balik antara keduanya, di satu sisi ibadah haji bisa ditunaikan bagi warga negera yang berdaulat, dan negara membutuhkan warganya untuk mewujudkan dan menjaga kedaulatannya. Relasi timbal balik ini saling mengikat satu sama lain sehingga menjadi keutuhan NKRI, maka segala tindakan yang menimbulkan persepsi buruk bagi Indonesia termasuk kategori menciderai kedaulatan dan keutuhan NKRI. Kata kunci: Interrelationship, Haji, Kedaulatan, Keutuhan, NKR

    Brand Storytelling Melalui Pendekatan Morfo-Semantik Pada Tradisi Syawalan Kupat Jembut di Pedurungan Semarang

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    This research is to uncover brand storytelling through a morpho-semantic approach to the tradition of kupat jembut syawalan in Pedurungan Semarang. This article is the finding of a descriptive study using Ogden & Richard's semantic approach, using Crespo's storytelling theory of the Syawalan kupat-jembut tradition in Semarang, then analyzing its morphology to see its essence. The results of the study show: that the kupat jembut is used as a medium to attract the community so that the Syawalan tradition of the Pedurungan Semarang community can be preserved for the next generation. The naming does not reduce the essence of syawalan which is an expression of gratitude and hospitality. The research implication, narrative experience brings understanding to the essence of Islamic tradition to be preserved. Research is expected to contribute to Islamic cultural scholarship.   Keyword: , ,